Best ways to fuck with math presenters

1. If they mention the cross product, ask what to do if considering a 4-dimensional system? (Cross product only works in a limited number of dimensions)

2. If they say a function is continuous ask with respect to what topologies?

3. If they say a sequence converges ask with respect to what topology?

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>how to be an autistic shitbag that everyone hopes will die while feeling superior for being capable of using the internet

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Every time they try to skip a trivial step in a proof, raise your hand and insist they explain it because you don't understand

>If they mention the cross product, ask what to do if considering a 4-dimensional system? (Cross product only works in a limited number of dimensions)
Actually you can define a unique cross product in all dimensions.
For more on this you can read Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds chapter 4.

>2. If they say a function is continuous ask with respect to what topologies?

More on this?

kid watched the first lecture in this meme physics series and now he thinks he's hot shit

>2. If they say a function is continuous ask with respect to what topologies?
>3. If they say a sequence converges ask with respect to what topology?

And they will answer 'the usual' always because when it's otherwise, they say it beforehand.

>How to be that annoying twat that holds up lectures: the post

jesus, fuck off.

this, kys OP

>with respect to which topology?
Your professor will just think you're a moron who can't keep two things in his head at once.

Number 1 is stupid. They'll just answer "you have to use the wedge product".

Is the lecture series not considered any good?

>being that kid who tries to impress the professor and everyone in his class by asking about some advanced topic that's only loosely connected to the subject matter
I hope you guys don't do this.

So what is all of this actually good for? What do the students end up doing with this? General curiosity...

>kiss your sister

back to /b/ with your incest fantasies.

There is a guy in my math class that does this.
he has been on my school's putnam team for a couple of years, now, I have no idea why he needs to act like this

lack of social skill and empathy


nah I mostly do it for the lulz

It's actually incredibly good, OP is just being an obnoxious autistic fuck.

It is actually decent for getting to know some concepts if you're not trying to actually work, but there isn't enough detail to do any nontrivial proofs or computations, at least from the mathematical perspective. Also, I've noticed him more than once make some nontrivial errors in his "aside" remarks, but that's not important.

kill yourself OP