Are you guys sure LINK is going to make it...

are you guys sure LINK is going to make it? I feel like this has been a huge meme to create a mass-panic among poorfags losing their life's savings when it goes defunct

Other urls found in this thread:

No hope for even $10 eoy

philosophy degree having autistic retard won't deliver.

There is no doubt.

We are gonna make it.





You should find a tall building to jump off of. The only degrees worth anything are STEM.

Intel SGX problems will prevent institutional money from accumulating LINK and holding it. Too much rish.

lmfao he's on to us

A lot of things have happened and I'm not so sure anymore. I am not selling but I'm not so certain this was a project that had a lot going on behind the scenes and it's just kind of like every other coin company that will struggle to get any traction. Rn far the only evidence of anyone caring about it is a bunch of no-name fintechs which will hardly cause the price singularity.

pretty weak, spectre has been completely mitigatd.

>Intel SGX problems
baseless FUD

>A lot of things have happened
name one thing that has happened.

1000 eoy would require it to beat ETH, XMR, and NEO. Idk man.

Req Network provided confirmation they are working with Chainlink. Origami has stated the same.

>would require it to beat *THE --->CURRENT

Let me aware you on a secret: Link is a huge meme that nobody savvy actually invests in. Everyone promotes it here because the people here are vicious sadists who enjoy seeing other people fail.

Notice how it's only discussed on Veeky Forums despite being half a year removed from the ICO? That's because this is the only place on the internet where you can meme a "practical joke investment" without being banned by the mods.

Notice how most link posts are low-content shitposts about sergey or copypasta that reminds you of a self-help book? That's because this is the only place where you can spam a coin 24/7 without actually having to defend it

Link is meme vaporware, the devs took 30 million and did nothing with it.

Oh yeah, it won't go to $1000, it won't go to $100 and it won't even go to $10.

$1 EOY if you're lucky

>t. poorfag with no money who didn't predict BTC, ETH, or NEO's rise.

Nope. Nothing is guaranteed. Bitcoin will remain the safest best.

If you had a realistic goal of $5 then sure you'll make it.

I was in Bitcoin since 2012, Eth since late 2016 and Antshares since March.

How is Link the next Eth btw? It's 60 lines of solidity boilerplate.

no you weren't lol

Yes, I was.

Shit if Link hits 5 I'll get a free sports car out of this meme.

sure you were

>the next ETH is an Ethereum token

no you weren't, you're not that smart cuz if you were, you wouldn't be posting here on a sat afternoon [FACT]

Yep, I was.

What's it like being super rich?

>no you weren't
Yes, I was. Do you really think there aren't any people browsing Veeky Forums here from 2014? Naive faggot.

do you see how many link posts there are here every single day?
Link bag hodlers are getting desperate.
You can literally smell the desperation in the air.

Feels good knowing you don't have to bet on garbage like chain link just for a chance at making it (kek)

if you actually were please just do a favor and kys right now, wtf are you doing shitposting on biz on a sat afternoon, how much of a sad pathetic loser can you be

you sound way too buttmad to not be lying

I earned a shitload of cash with btc eth and neo and then got out of crypto. Came back to biz in januari and didnt even read the chainlink whitepaper untill februari. Thought it just was some shilling but after i read the whitepaper i unironically bought 60k Link in the februari dip. if it would go to 0 im still fine but im 100% sure it will go up. Will it reach $1000? Probably not this year if they dont annonce something huge but it will be impossible to not make profit.

i was browsing Veeky Forums in 2014, but i was part of the group shitting on coiners and shilling the stock market... big mistake that was, but at least i can admit it when you're just a bitter nobody

kek, so you spend your valuable time shitting up threads on Veeky Forums. I'm sure you '"""made it""""

Haha, cool. Are you on a yacht right now or something using satellite to post here? What does a biz user do after making it?

why so salty, ffs iv got 800k out of crypto and i shitpost daily and i even wagecuck, i dont give a fuck man, also bought eth at 50 bucks, but im 50% in chainlinkwith my whole portfolio, this is gonna be huge, just be patient bizbros, eth took 2 years, give this a couple of years, 2020 will be our year.

Don't say you weren't warned about Link.

Will I make it with my 30k linkies?

by a larping poorfag

you'd be surprised what will happen later this year

Nobody knows man, but if link delivers my geuss will be 10$ maybe even 20$ but that would be huge, i never seen a project like link i dont know what companies are gonna pay for using link so no one knows really, all depends on howmany companies are gonna need the nodes, sorry english is not my native language, not a pajeet tho.

depends on what you think "making it" is.
I really think you will atleast earn a million. Probably more but no one can be sure.

tell me more, i mean after the mainnet launch its all about the partnerships, i like the fact that they team up with request aswell, i see request going places this year, not invested in req tho.

Even $10 would be amazing. All I've invested in all my life is boring ass index funds. I've made solid returns over the years but I don't want to lay on my death bed without ever having taken some risks in life, and link seems like a good one to take a flyer on to me.

>empty recycled FUD
thanks for the warning
there's a difference between shitposting, and actively spending time spreading misinformation and baseless FUD. It doesn't suppress the price; it's sociopathic, mentally ill behavior that stems from a superiority complex.
No one in a healthy mindset actually tries to FUD anything unironically, which I don't think is doing, because he could've used much more effective FUD pastas if he wanted
>english is not my native language
haha that makes sense, was just being cheeky, not salty.
It really comes down to how many node-operators and how many users the network will gather. It needs to establish a strong network effect before competition catches up.

The reason chainlink was such a great buy or it seemed like was the implementations sergey allegedly had lined up. Anyone can do oracles; the idea wasn't the main reason why people were interested in this, or it was but it wasn't enough, there is no reason to think a random guy could start a company and have any realistic implementation it would be implemented by important institutions.

But so far there's no evidence there's anything going on behind the scenes. The github revealed its largely small fintechs interested and so far every single financial institution is either going with corda and/or is saying implementing blockchain is so far off as to make chainlinks future highly uncertain by the time smartcontracts really start getting used.

It really may be over before it began. Occams razor says no there isn't secret partnerships and NDAs; it's just sergey being quiet because he thinks he's a stoic and there's really nothing huge lined up. Assblaster's story fell apart, all the riddle anons leads went nowhere or became clear they were obviously just speculation, like project ubin, and Jacob disappeared and all the people who he said were interested have demonstrated no interest. I think we all got memed.

Aka your average shitcoin.
This is what happens when you fell for the memes.

>Let me aware you

Just make sure you sell all your LINK ASAP, then.

>Aka your average shitcoin.
That's what's becoming the concern.

I haven't lost all hope yet but I'm not holding out any hope for the network going live making any difference.

Yeh right - that is why it is up by about 60% sense the market decline in January. Not to mention the info released by Req Network this past week. Give it a rest fudder.

Oh boy
>he thinks it's all up

I recently discovered Chancoin ($CHAN/$4CHN), an off-the-radar coin that I think is seriously undervalued and I see no reason why it can't do a 500x or even 1000x (I'm serious) based on competitor coin market caps.

I realize this post so far has sounded very scammy but below I lay out fundamental reasons for my valuation.

Use Case
In simplest terms, Chancoin wants to allow meme creators to be credited each time their original content get's shared. This means that when you, the memelord, create a dank ass meme on Veeky Forums and it makes its way to Instagram, you're getting credited for each share that it took to get from Veeky Forums to Instagram. Chancoin does this now by posting your Chancoin public key for tipping but ultimately will implement steganographic technology.

In this way Chancoin is like Dogecoin, Reddcoin and Monacoin, coins that are used to incentivize, reward and promote content creation, each geared toward a specific type of audience.

Chancoin was a fork of Litecoin and has four active developers led by Gossamer Socks. The developers recently implemented an upgrade to the protocol called Cloverhash that allows for CPU mining and will allow for GPU mining in the near future. Progress is happening extremely quickly.

Chancoin is active on Bitcointalk, Discord, Trello and Twitter. There are two Discords, both with hundreds (yes) of contributors. The developer Discord tracks Chancoin's progress. The other Discord, called Chancoin City, has an endless supply of Chancoin-inspired memes. The community around Chancoin is tangible

Chancoin's market cap is $450K has 7.5m coins ($0.06/coin). Based on Chancoin's Veeky Forums origin alone I think this means it is insanely undervalued. And based on the market caps of competitor coins like Dogecoin ($637B), Monacoin ($314B) and Reddcoin ($246B), I am of the firm belief than Chancoin can do a 500x to 1000x.

And that's my case for Chancoin.


he means negative things

AB might be a larp, who knows. But he’s still holding the 100k link he promised not to sell for a year

I unironically think fudders are keeping it down to accumulate

Bad bot

There's no way to know that because he never posted a wallet. There's real reasons not to want to do that but for the sake of credibility it'd be easy enough to show it off then wash the coins through an exchange and send them to a new wallet. It should be a major red flag that he kept saying he would then never did.

We're all going to make it, the first LINK ads are starting to roll out thanks to the director of marketing

>The only degrees worth anything are STEM.
Philosophy major here and I'm a mayor of a small town. If I play my cards right I will be running for senate in the near future.
Watch me as I rule and regulate your STEM ass.

Everything's up since the bottom of the crash, some back to the december highs. Req may be good but their still a small fintech that has yet to even launch a product and could very well be a failure.


>Thinks hes not here forever

He did.

Then there's stuff like this that could very well sink it and makes everyone holding it feel retarded. The constant stream of zero-value threads has made chainlink into a joke and I'm sure the endless counting the chickens before they hatch doesn't help on a cosmic/spiritual level.

I think it's always good to be sceptical, and open to better investments and solutions out there, but:
>every single financial institution is either going with corda and/or is saying implementing blockchain is so far off as to make chainlinks future highly uncertain by the time smartcontracts really start getting used.
I really think people are underrating the broad implications of a decentralized oracle network, if LINK or anyone else can pull it off and grow it. It will basically augment inhouse blockchain projects, so I don't see it as inherently competing against corda, rather it will expand the capabilities of off-chain data exchange, and smart-contract platforms, UNLESS someone can build a better decentralized oracle network, which seems to be unlikely considering how high-demand smart-contracts are becoming
I didn't invest in 2016, but I was in touch with banking and fintech execs, and there has been strong interest in smart contract solutions, and these suits are a lot more forward-thinking than the general public thinks. If LINK has a working PoC with someone like SWIFT, and get some small-scale usecases off the ground from the get-go, we might see crazy shit.
That being said, I agree with being conservative and holding a decent stack until at least 2020 and beyond

Please tell me you're trolling. This is a binance wallet.

I love you, visualizechan, even if you are a bot

>I'm not so certain this was a project that had a lot going on behind the scenes
Do you idiots just choose not to stay informed about things you invest in just so you can worry and complain? In the last month we have found out that there are six people working around the clock. The github is being updated constantly. Sergey keeps making public appearances and networking. What in the absolute fuck more could you ask for? They have accomplished more in a few months than some shitcoins that have been around for years.

>Only crypto project working directly with SWIFT
> directly endorsed by Founder & CEO of the world economic forum.
>Just a meme.

Still drops like a rock. Will always drop like a rock. No one needs this shitcoin. People need hype coins they can make money with.

It's hardly six people. In any case it's not that that worries me; everyone should know that not having a large team isn't inherently better. Like I said it's not the technology or development that is the hard part, it's getting it implemented and used by companies.


>no one needs the internet. People need hype IPOs they can make money with.

Curious what you think of this? Pretty odd coincidence wouldn't you say?

Except all those references to the company in various publications are one line throwaways that aren't specific to the company at all. is literally just the lowest hanging fruit when you start researching smart contracts. If you actually think klaus schwab read anything relating to chainlink and didn't just have an underpaid ghost writer write that book I have a bridge in arizona to sell you.

No one will ever use open source shitcoins made by literally who. This is what you can't understand. The tech is interesting, but the whole market has no real world purpose. All crypto has given to the world is cryptokitties and PnD. So if a shitcoin can't even pump is has no purpose whatsoever.

Obvious shitpost. Don't respond to me.

>some small-scale usecases off the ground from the get-go
I like that OpenZeppelin, who manage $4.5 billion in digital assets, and are making what could be THE toolkit for EVM dApp/SC development, are "small scale". Although, in ChainLink's case, this is fairly accurate.

>it's getting it implemented and used by companies
Which is why Sergey is networking at these conferences and not sitting posting empty promises on twitter all day.

Best part is, that you don't need the token. It's not needed for the project. They could just use ETH. You can't stake it and you don't need it for chain-links idea.

nice larp

Reminder that we have a Tesla developer contributing to the ChainLink source code.

It's real, but if you really think 1k is possible end of the year, you're kidding yourself. It will be more than $5 when the contracts are used by companies. If they don't use LINK, it's over.

But the more you read about ethereum the more you realize it's inherent limitations and solidity's problems means it's never going to be put into production by big companies, beyond the fact that they're all largely only interested in permissioned distributed ledgers. The hyperledger people seemed to think chainlink was completely inappropriate for permissioned blockchains as late as December.

It would be absolutely hilarious, and would unironically give up $1m of my networth to be in that timeline and see the reaction on Veeky Forums.

But the simplest answer is that Sergey has openly stated he's been interested in blockchain tech since 2011, maybe earlier, and started actively working in the space, and specifically on before ETH; which is around when he figured the regulatory environment would dictate the general landscape of how smart contract adoption would realistically happen. Hence why he started focusing on a project that would make it more likely for regulated capital and legacy system devs to get on board in the blockchain world (by focusing on end-to-end secure smart contracts, external data, and legacy payment methods).
But that's why I laugh at shitposters like who pretend to not understand (I hope they're not pretending, because that would be sad) that the only reason we're still stuck with limited use cases is precisely because getting off-chain data on a blockchain, and securing payment messages to legacy systems, is still a problem; which is holding back a lot of regulated capital and developers from getting more involved, which is when we'd see an dotcom-esque boom, or possibly even greater.

It's just sad that there are definitely people right now who cannot see further than their noses. It's just like the fools that were laughing at, while not understanding the implications of the new economy that internet was going to bring

This is basically what we'll be seeing regarding ethereum
>Due to unpredictable nature of the language used primarily in smart contracts development it is advisable to consider this solution as a proof of concept only until more reliable tools are created or adopted from other industry tested ones. Smart contracts that are a feature making Ethereum solution so attractive should be predictable if any production environment application is concerned. Otherwise risks in terms of business continuity seem to be too high.

How is 2 straight years of being invited to present at SIBOs, and developing a PoC to automate bond payments a just a throwaway? And Klaus Schwab's book was published early 2017, so chances are the name Chainlink was not even conceived at the time of writing. Even if your ghostwriter statement is accurate, itd be foolish for him to have his name endorsing something that he himself didnt agree with or know anything about. Chances are his is aware of what the technology is and what it will bring; ghostwriter or not.

Clearly there is no future for Chainlink, that is why Sergey continues to speak at conferences and is exchanging tweets with the likes of Marc Benioff.

>nobody will ever use open source shitcoins created by literally who
There are some who would laugh at that Incredible blindness

Wow, if you really were in BTC since 2012 and caught ETH and NEO early, I’m really surprised you aren’t smart enough to see Link’s potential...

>Too much rish.

I have an easier solution and a better one than sgx pondering joining the link stack
t.kernel driver developer for a long tim

Send 0.009 ETH from a wallet that received ETH in 2016. Go ahead I'll wait. :)

>Being able to send a limitless amount of money instantly, anonymously across territorial boundaries all without the need of a third party escrow is useless
>programs that trigger transactions automatically once certain conditions have been met is useless
Wew. Really starting to feel sorry for boomers at this point

>Wew. Really starting to feel sorry for boomers at this point

I'm 47 and fully understand smartcontracts. I also have written a lot of code and am retired, with adult kids in stem. Aside from hitting lucky with change from buying pot what have you done?

The public blockchain and chainlink have no future. It's wishful thinking to think it will usher in some revolution that will make all of you rich.

The code is shit, golang is a fisher price technology

Im not feeling sorry for boomers at all; theyve had a whole lifetime of hogging opportunities.

>The public blockchain and chainlink have no future. It's wishful thinking to think it will usher in some revolution that will make all of you rich.

I think you are mistaking distributed with public and the possibility of a system that can hold both private and public blockchains for contracts yet use the same distributed oracle infrastructure