i have the new cryptos magazine but they make no mention of link, guys is this a meme or not, and no mention of it in pbc either
I have the new cryptos magazine but they make no mention of link, guys is this a meme or not...
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yes good pick hundred percennt gurantee
boys wtf should i sell or not
If you’re asking you should sell
It’s a meme. Sell
Why is there so much FUD going on?
Are people really organising a group and drop the price
pleass i have like 40k and bought in at 80 cents
Dont. Think about the future of where coins are going not where they have been which is often what mags are focused on.
I worked in a major print factory ages ago. We printed stuff for a wresting co (WCW or WWE cant remember which). It really sucked knowing who was going to win the next PPV before it even aired.
there's only about 12 people who read /biz - fudding on here wont affect the price either way
I have accepted that link is basically fudproof. There is too much literal retardation in it now. The price was too low for too long.
It could drop to 15 cent tomorrow and there would still be buyers.
Linkies are more beast than man.
so what other up and coming things concerning smart contracts should i be buying
It's not a meme and the marketing director of ChainLink already started producing ads to market it to the normies. We're all gonna make it.
for starters, this month you have things coming like the SXSW which isnt for another week or so. At the last confrence it pumped up fast and hard. If you are conviced you want to dump, wait til then so you dont FOMO if it rockets then.
Remember that over all you see the price rise through the year and it corrects heavy in the early part. you are in the accumulate stage of any coin. If you dont think LINK is the way, maybe hold some and chase a few others to round yourself but I would recomend agasint it personally. KEK at my ID. like whut?
i meant other tokens except link, ive got amb but anything else particularly for smart contracts to watch out for?
What is with this sudden trend in fat autistic cunts FUDing the shit out of link?
i think someone pays for them to say it
Honestly i have followed crypto for a while. I only recently started acquiring. LINK right now is the leader. It has some competion and i think some of it will siphon off of LINK in the future but for now, i would say with it.
This is not FUD sir, this is official chainlink advertisement.
Go fuck yourself. You think this is funny but its not. Sad!
>what is fiverr
Go to fiverr and type fatyboomboom