Should we give robots equal rights as humans ?

Should we give robots equal rights as humans ?

why would we?

Well if they ever become sentient, why wouldn't we? I see no reason why all sentient creatures shouldn't have equal 'human' rights.


But what's a big IF. Don't expect that anytime soon OP.


Not, "human rights." It needs to be, "sentient rights".


No they are machines made to serve us.

> they are only to serve us
Some people used to think like that as well and look how that turned out

It depends. If sentient and vastly more intelligent than us, we should accept our cuck destiny and give them MORE rights than humans.

>I see no reason why all sentient creatures shouldn't have equal 'human' rights.
I see no reason that they should have rights.

>Some people used to think like that as well and look how that turned out
THis. it just end up with hedonists, but calling themselves liberals and libertarians, taking power and making hedonism the most moral and legal while fantasizing about social progress which is a meme for ''more hedonism for me and my friends, but not people I do not like''

fuck no. Giving robots rights is equivalent to taking away human rights, and turning people into objects.

this picture makes me physically sick.

Robots are literally meant to serve us.

And we were made to serve God.

That's a man on the left, baby, yeah.

poor girl

Agreed. Human drivers will be banned soon and it's going to be awesome.

Define robot. Is an elevator a robot?

it is

If they have humanoid desires and intelligence, yes, though there would be areas not explored by humans, like how to treat copies or a person's source code.

So basically we should program robots to 'want' to serve us or not 'want' human rights/be a person/bother us in any way, once there is an appreciable chance that a robot's own volition becomes ethically relevant. Unless we specifically set out to create a companion species, which could be fun, but is kind of irrelevant now.

I'm pretty sure some people are worth less than objects so I don't see the issue.

4channers are mostly degenerates who think that slavery is good.

robots can deactivate for extended periods, swap bodies and replicate themselves endlessly. Sci-fi AI with human rights would mean human extinction. We literally cannot compete.

Since we gave niggers and women rights, i see no reason to not give sentient robots rights.
Or dolphins, or gorillas, or crows or even squids for that matter, since they all have an higher average IQ than niggers and women.

Fucking no.

AI on the other hand...
>what is it like to be an uploaded persona

Yes, otherwise pic related will probably happen eventually.

But we ARE robots user; carbon based robots.

epic tumblr meme my socialprogressive mutant comrade

robuts taking ur wimmin

Would be cool to get a AI gf.

If we manage to create a AI that later on develops own will and desires then I don't see the issue aslong as those desires match human desires somewhat. Having thousands of AIs helping people out just to be a good samaritian is welcoming in my eyes. Having thousands of them going around wanting to turn all organics into synthetics is not so good.

Go back to /pol/ if you're offended by facts, stormnigger.

Typical Australian neo-millennial memegendered libcuck response, to be honest you salty mad lad

>trip on holo-rug I just got installed
>land on vacuuming robot
>robot dies
>go to jail for 20 years for manslaughter (robotslaughter?)


As long as I get a strong robot bf to cradle me in his big arms.

>samefagging australians
not even once

kill yourself you UCLA tumblr manlet lanklet cuck

oi m8 im no bogan dont start talking shit or ill hook u in the gabber swear on me mum

i like that

i would give a robot equal rights before i would give niggers equal rights

Even if they rape, murder, steal then accuse people of being anti-robotist ?

typical tumblr meme. go back to your hyperleftist shill hole

if they really want that. most likely they're going to be granted some exceeding rights.

>Big fat Tmbler Server-Bot

"I identify as trans-human"