hi i'm a noob how do i study effectively and consistently for university with 5 course load like university of toronto? i'm dying here
Failure needs help
Reminder: Veeky Forums is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics.
If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.
ok my bad ill take my shit elsewhere senpai
Order it immediately. Don't procrastinate. Immediately open up the link, and have the book delivered to wherever you are. It fucking works and it will make everything far less stressful.
/adv/ is a shithole though, 99% of the threads are about fee fees and relationship advices.
attatch a needle to your head.
if you fall asleep it will jam into your skull at your desk.
Alternatively drink caffeine
>tfw add and caffeine doesn't work like that for me
Can recommend this. Got straight A+s in my first year of engineering, and As my second year of mechanical engineering
I don't do exactly what the book says, but the philosophies in that book are top notch and have propelled me to being a top student.
Needle it is :D
Get enough sleep. Organize when you do your homework. Recapitulate the lectures worth 1-2 Books on each subject.
Write down every word and every thing you don't understand immediately in classes. Look those things up when you come home.
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i read this book it was garbage. every word in this book can be found on this thread.
Why would you post a jpg of a gif
Who does that
how to acquire a girlfriend if im a min wage cuck and how to say hello to grill i like??
Fuck off, Cal
if you think of learning as obsessively reciting trivia answers rather than understanding something on a visual and practical level, then you're in the right place
keep up those studies, your future as a desk-jockey awaits
same fell asleep after adderall cuz i didnt up the dose after the 2nd time of 15 mg LOL
what works for me is smoking weed all year and don't attend any lectures. skim read all the slides an hour before the exam and deduce anything wasn't in them.
though unless you wanna be a 60-70% passing grade pleb like me maybe read the slides a few more times the night before as well.
>tfw did this one semester and it plunged me into a 4 year continuous depression with 50/50 unemployment. :^)
I failed, obviously.
>ritalin LA makes me calm
>can actually sleep while under the effects of the medication
Do those meds actually make normal people more active?
Weird huh.
Well, is one way of finding out you have ADD tendencies, I guess.
Add or adhd, either way that's exactly how the disorder was discovered.
>what works for me is being a fucking loser
>if you want to be a loser too, do what I do
Good advice or bad advice I can't tell
every person is different OP, you should try different techniques and see which one works best for you.
for me, I just re-write all my notes and re-do exercises that I've already done about a week before an exam.
I haven't had a single exam under 90% in the past 6 semesters doing this.
How many hours would you say you spend per day, doing personal studies? (not counting lectures)
Honest advice fits best, I think
I just started reading this book and it seems amazingly interesting. It's an extremely good idea to give it a read.