Was Shkreli right or wrong?
>raise the price for the big pharma
>give it away for people without insurance
What's Veeky Forums opinion on the way he made his fortune?
Was Shkreli right or wrong?
>raise the price for the big pharma
>give it away for people without insurance
What's Veeky Forums opinion on the way he made his fortune?
Shkreli did nothing wrong
he's /our guy/
Is he our guy or reddit's guy? Those wallstreetbet guys think he is theirs.
This is not at all what he's charged for.
what he was charged for?
People in the west don't die from curable rare diseases, because it would be bad press for a pharma company that had the pill to not give it to the patient that needs it just cus they can't afford it. It would be all over the news if such a case existed.
The deraprim price raise was what insurance companies had to pay. Pharma companies also factors in the amount of rare disease drugs they will end giving away for free to ppl without insurance when they price the drug for insurance. This is why drug companies rarely research rare diseases cus the ROI is trash even if you charge $6,000 a pill. If they do research an RD it's almost always a publicity stunt that's meant to improve their public image but bleeds money.
reddit always culturally appropriates this place
I'm pretty sure the deep state target was put on his back because of what he did with the prices
Literally no one got the drug for free
Does anyone remember when he posted on Twitter that he wanted to buy Veeky Forums? Why didn’t Hiroshimoot sell this place??
Did nothing wrong. Every leftist judge needs to be arrested for war crimes against America. Their families deported.
Shkreli talked about this in a video. Said price wasn't good enough. He only wanted to buy if he stood to make a lot.
fuck he would have been something else
Shkreli raised the prices on the insurance companies but he is retarded to think that won't increase people's premium. only said he was retarded though and not wrong. He is a good guy though, he WAS trying to find cures for diseases only a small percentage of the population have yet have no cure for.
he is deep state
Quick rundown?
Local man commits investment fraud, goes to jail.
Wouldn't the increase in the premiums be minuscule since the drug was only needed by a few thousand people at most? I don't believe he ever denied that it would increase premiums, just that it would be negligible compared to the impact of, say, hospitals
that was my understanding
> Only a few thousand ppl need it
> Acts as a cure that does not need long term prescription
> Not even close to being expensive as other drugs in the same category
>Will effect premiums
The only retarded here is you senpai.