Dill weed

>dill weed

shut up, bunghole

And what a delicious weed it is


>not posting the picture

smooth move, fartknocker


Delicious. Been cooking with it a lot lately. My latest batch of pickled boiler onions has dill and rosemary in it.

Dill is great stuff, but the fresh is much better than the dried. It's also very easy to grow.


420 blaze it



I love Dill

I love my dildo.





what are you trying to do, make fucking tartar sauce or something, bitch?


>It's also very easy to grow.
It's literal weed

better with speed

>dry dill weed

mmm, like dried oregano and dried basil. a flavor sensation

This is the best thread I've seen on Veeky Forums in months.

Just because it's an invasive plant that doesn't mean it's any different from any other number of herbs. Stop being a fucking pleb.


You are allowed to use dill on things other than pickles. Seriously, it's okay.

I use dill with fish and potatoes.

Dried oregano is actually far stronger than fresh, you're right about basil and dill though

Fresh dill is amazing. Dry dill is lawn clippings.

>Stabler will never come back

I dont believe you

Now I have to go watch that movie again.

You can add dill in anything. Trust me, i'm russian.

you faggots really do love your dill

I almost got the cops called on me in senior year because an art teacher saw me carving this onto someone's pottery project

Sick weed, brah.

Yah krokadill





Why would you do that to someone else's project? I don't blame the teacher you little shit.

I used to love dill but once my mccormick dill weed shaker got infested with bugs and I haven't been able to bring myself to buy a new one since. It was like that protein bar machine in Snowpiercer and every time remember it my stomach turns.


Fuck. You were first

i hate dill, but i like dill pickles.

i think the pickling process takes that weird edge off the dill. the vinegar/sourness balances it out.

dill in any other application is awful.