REQ Request Network

>Ahead of schedule (again)
>Best fucking update i've ever seen in the history of crypto
>Literally saying they have a couple of partnerships lined up with big firms that they will announce in Q1 (within a month)
>Hired marketing people that marketed for Disney/Marvel/Starwars
>42(FOURTY TWO!) apps are being build for Request Network all by different companies
>Price still dumps

I want to KILL every third worlder,child and general retard that is in crypto. You guys are fucking up the market long-term with your irrational behavior.


I hold REQ and i dont know why
link me to some of this juicy news so i can learn about my investment

Relax nigga. ETH dumped hard too, but look at it now.

>announcement of an announcement

Holding heavy bags, it was shilled to hard before the crash

$1 eom...
right guys

>An ERC20 token is the next Ethereum

Still comfy on 108k.
Once the partnerships hit this thing is gonna go.

>Moons +$1 when there was no fucking announcement nothing.
>Shilled more than Raicucks in Reddit.

I don't know bros. I'm so tired of everything.

Does Reddit really like this coin? I might be out if so. Sorry guys but I can't be on board with RedditCoins.

I know this is just a meme but a coin being popular on reddit, a more mainstream site than this place, should be a positive

I’d say $3 is conservative

>No more fiat to put into REQ
>Chances of this coin staying at this price are becoming less and less each week

I'm missing out on free money god damnit

Req is really popular on Reddit, over 32000 people subscribe to their subreddit

why not?

Every second Friday they release updates telling us their progress. Can find on their reddit or website

thx boss i wuv u

chart is looking juicier and juicier every day, I think this'll go stratospheric during the next alt season

this is a great meme keep it up


Yw fellow REQ marine

No reason. It can be and probably will

i know
we will make it

I own a lot of REQ, but decided to put some new wagecuck money in, to capitalize on the broader crypto dip.

I started doing research and the plan was to buy a whole basket of alts and some established coins. Well, after 2 days of research I'm back with more REQ.

The value proposition is unique. This project has so much in the way of deliverables, team, prestige and use case. Makes most other ICOs look downright fraudulent.

"Blockchain solution to fruits and vegetable logistics"..

What the fuck.

It's usually a meme FUD, but some people unironically don't understand that the token is there only to represent the value of the network. It's fundamentally no different than shares of a public company, except REQ is decentralized, therefore better. There is no fundamental reason why REQ couldn't overtake ETH in market cap.

Juicy how?

Stop posting my wife's mother.

(3.00$/0.30) x 100 = 1,000%

are you retarded?

>Bitcoin is quake now

Its a good coin bro. Just fucking wait.

I think Req is the new iconomi

Fuck you tick tock I hope you died

Thats not what i was saying
I was merely trying to point out that this is how software works usually
Its built on another software thats built on another software thats built on another software etc. pp.
Just because request is built on ethereum doesnt mean it cant get as big

How do you think i go ass to mouth to girls? I check they are into that and then i wait, build a relationship and make them feel comfortable. Good things come from waiting.

You dont just ram a girls ass unless you are fucking a skank. Same with req.


75K REQlet here,

looking forward to Q4.
