Is IQ a valid indicator of gender and ethnicity?
Is IQ a valid indicator of gender and ethnicity?
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Yes. Waiting for liberal commies trying hard to negate.
No. I wish to be contrarian.
Everyone has their place in society, be it high or low.
And the ones that couldn't climb that tree was drowned in the flood...
I'm curious what the error rate of a naive bayes classifier would be with this. I know men and women roughly have the same mean but the variance differs. I don't think it'll be good though.
nope, the sjws who call themselves liberal aren't liberal. Liberalism is an individualist ideology.
It's too late to isolate youself from the sjw cancer now that your ideologies have a 90% overlap
>Is IQ a valid indicator of gender and ethnicity?
Opie, are you implying that all blacks are dumber than all whites?
Even if that were true, how would you detect a second trait, like gender?
But they don't. SJWism has more in common with stormfaggotry than anything.
Liberalism is individualist, capitalist, pro-free speech, meritocratic, etc. All things SJWeenies are against.
Yes, the fucking monkey and the fish don't have the same iq so the fish need to find some shit where swiming is required.
>too late to isolate youself from the sjw cancer your eyes, senpai.
No, he is not. It's just like, the lower the iq the higher probability of blackiness. Naturally the deviation from 50%/50% would be rather small.
>political factions don't change over time, you idiots
lol you guys are right. my bad. ill open up a history book.
go jerk off to gun control, you fucking faggots. your group has changed and there is no way it is going back
> Liberalism is individualist, capitalist, pro-free speech, meritocratic, etc. All things SJWeenies are ag
First of all liberals are NOT capitalist, they have opposed capitalism from the beginning as in capitalism favors the wealth distribution inequalilty. Rest of those things are just as same as the sjw ideology where have their own "free speech" for the people they see deserving and all the other ideologies of liberalism.
No, liberalism is singlehandedly murdered by sjw, there is only sjw now. Even if there are any liberals left, they have no voice.
Neither, IQ tests machine intelligence.
When someone changes to the point where they no longer qualify as something they cease being what they previously were. They do not meet the criteria of liberal. And they probably never even were liberal to begin with.
Liberalism != Marxism.
Wrong, liberalism is a capitalist ideology. Liberals do not favor equal distribution of wealth, they favor meritocracy. And no none of those things are things SJWs like at all. Also liberalism is a centrist ideology, neither left nor right.
Equal opportunity != equal outcome.
>No, he is not.
Yes he is.
"valid indicator of gender and ethnicity" is hardly what you're describing.
If you're a centrist, you would be a democrat, liberalism is purely left wing. And no SJW ideology almost entirely overlaps the leftist liberal ideology. Capitalism is incompatible with liberalism by nature because its only a few steps below totalitarianism. SJW would crucify you for being a capitalist and claiming liberalism.
Look at what you're saying and tell me these labels aren't worthless for anything other than social engineering and crowd psychology. They say little of value about that which is labeled, or labels itself.
They're the comfort of thinking you've got neat little boxes while you wander around in the same haze as anyone else. Utterly worthless. "Progressive" is among the worst.
Only predicive in large groups.
Democracy deals with power distribution. All liberals are democrats. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
>SJW ideology almost entirely overlaps the leftist liberal ideology
No it does not. SJWs are Marxists ffs. They do not value individual freedom, they are obssesed with equality of outcomes, they look at people as the color of their skin or what dangles between their legs. They are incredibly illiberal.
>Capitalism is incompatible with liberalism by nature because its only a few steps below totalitarianism.
LOL wut? Crony capitalism but that's a step below Marxism which is authoritarian in nature. Bakunism is more libertarian. But liberalism favors more laissez-faire which means less regulation thus less authority.
>SJW would crucify you for being a capitalist and claiming liberalism.
They're not liberals anyway.
>People responding seriously to a common /pol/ bait thread
Is Veeky Forums irredeemable?
Well nobody is entirely libertarian or conservative. Everyone has ideas that some lean left and some right. But the very basic definitions you're using are wrong and it just makes no sense.
Wow, Opie.
I though this was really shitty bait, and that the thread would die a slow, lonely death.
Was I wrong. :^)
And the resta y'all.
Don't forget, an American Democrat is fairly conservative compared the rest of the word.
And American right-wing folk are only comparable to sand-niggers.
>Is IQ a valid indicator of gender and ethnicity?
A better question is would you be willing to stake your own life on such a method?
As in if I gave you a list of 100 people with varying IQs would you be willing to kill yourself if you incorrectly identified them as the wrong gender and/or ethnicity?
This is the question you should be asking yourself since scientists throughout history in the absence of test subjects had to put their own lives on the line to prove their theories valid.
Are you willing to put your faith in such a metric op? I know I wouldn't due to the high degree of nuisances.
> SJWs are Marxists ffs
Just like Lenin, Stalin, Polpot, Mao and many other leaders of leftism
> they are obssesed with equality of outcomes
...just like liberals
> they look at people as the color of their skin or what dangles between their legs
liberals introduced affirmative action to give special privileges to special people of color. So far everything you said has already been enforced by sjw nazis.
> liberals are capitalist
The history just proves you wrong.
> theyre not liberals anyway
But they are. Their ideologies are entirely leftist. They are not democrats, they are not conservative, they are liberals. Ask any one of them and they will say they are a proud liberal. You can't slide your way around that fact.
>...just like liberals
Nope, meritocracy does not need to produce equal outcomes.
>liberals introduced affirmative action to give special privileges to special people of color.
Those weren't liberals, just people who called themselves liberals. I can call myself a boat but that does not make me a boat.
>The history just proves you wrong.
Except that capitalism was a foundation of the Enlightenment. May want to read actual history, not /pol/ posts.
> They are not democrats
> they are liberals
You know nothing of what you speak.
>support ideas and programs such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, and international cooperation.[5][6][7][8][9][10][11]
>democratic societies
which make liberals democrats.
>Ask any one of them and they will say they are a proud liberal.
They also say they're male when they have a vagina so I wouldn't put any stock in what they call themselves.
I admire your attempts to make a distinction from sjw, but you just can't do it. There is no perfect examplary liberal, and there were probably none. Just because those liberals don't fit your ideal liberal model doesn't make them anything else than liberals, it just shows what liberals are actually like.
> democratic societies
> which make liberals democrats
Every single persident said they support democracy, left or right. It's not what you tell you are, it's what you do.
> capitalism
I don't even know why you're supporting capitalism so much. It's not all that great you know. It's the huge economic gap between america and china that forces the chinese workers to live in poverty and skyrocket suicide rates because they can't support their families or themselves. if thats liberalism then fuck that.
> vagina
again...go ask those people who they are affiliated with. They aren't going to say democrats or conservatives, they claim to be proud liberals.
>I admire your attempts to make a distinction from sjw, but you just can't do it.
These aren't subtle or nuanced distinctions. They are clear as day.
>There is no perfect examplary liberal, and there were probably none.
You don't have to be, it's really not hard to be a liberal. There are plenty I can point to other than myself. And we're far from perfect we just don't outright contradict liberal principles. Principles SJWs do outright contradict.
>Just because those liberals don't fit your ideal liberal model doesn't make them anything else than liberals, it just shows what liberals are actually like.
They're not. Holy fucking shit. So when a man with a penis says they're a woman and you need to use she/her/hers pronouns she's a woman? Just because he doesn't fit our ideal model of a woman does not make her a woman?
> It's not what you tell you are, it's what you do.
My fucking point exactly. You can't be liberal unless you uphold liberal principles.
> It's the huge economic gap between america and china that forces the chinese workers to live in poverty and skyrocket suicide rates because they can't support their families or themselves.
Way to neglect the fact that China has no sense of civil rights. Civil rights which are upheld by liberalism.
> they claim to be proud liberals.
It's not what you tell you are, it's what you do.
The funny thing is that once you get your ass out of USA you can see many people who are called liberals like in Laissez-faire and personal freedom without any special affiliation with LGBT or SJW.
But it's like Americans and pol are fucking retarded and can only talk about their own little world they made up.
> These aren't subtle or nuanced distinctions. They are clear as day.
Sorry thats not just working when sjw is every bit as liberal as you are.
> Principles SJWs do outright contradict
You keep repeating that when everyone knows that sjw and liberals are exactly the same thing. I'm sure its very uncomfortable to be a part of them but thats somethign you'll have to deal with. You follow the exact ideology as it relates to lgbt, gay marriage, immigration, affirmative action, free trade, and every single thing out there. There is absolutely no distinction that is clear as day. It's the same thing in a slightly different wrapper.
> So when a man with a penis says they're a woman and you need to use she/her/hers pronouns she's a woman? Just because he doesn't fit our ideal model of a woman does not make her a woman?
It's not what you tell you are, it's what you do.
> My fucking point exactly. You can't be liberal unless you uphold liberal principles.
> It's not what you tell you are, it's what you do.
I've yet to see a liberal that doesn't share the same ideology as SJW. And I have not seen a single liberal that opposed to the transgender bathroom thing. Again, you are the same thing trying to call yourself by another name.
> Way to neglect the fact that China has no sense of civil rights. Civil rights which are upheld by liberalism.
oh I'm not discounting the economic situation of china caused by overpopulation and long term economic depression along with their government. But capitalism directly profits from it and keeps china building their economy. This is the direct result of imperialism as their economy is dependant on thie trades with usa, rather than going out of recession and healing your economy.
I honestly don't understand how you have the courage to keep arguing with that guy. He's literally a /pol/ack who thinks liberal=commie. Reminder that people like him think that Bernie is a "communist". No, that is not a joke. There are people who actually believe this. He's brainwashed beyond the point of no return, you're not gonna change his mind, just let him have the last word, it's a prerequisite to ending a discussion with them.
>No True Scotsman
look at this : > u-uh you're pol
This retard is a great example for the sjwtards that are incapable of discussing in a moderate fashion and resort to shitposting. This is why you are affiliated with sjwtards and who you should be blaming. It just shows the last modern day liberals are fading away
in America, that's what liberal means.
It means leftist. You can argue all you want, but it won't change it.
Also, Bernie is a communist. Every single one of the famous socialists throughout history have called themselves "democratic socialists". It doesn't change the fact that they are communists.
and don't even bother saying that he's a socialist and not a communist. They are the same thing. Every successful communist has advocated socialism. They are the same thing, and some book from the 1800s wont change that.
He's here to derail discussions and shitpost, they are incapable of forming logical arguments.
>Sorry thats not just working when sjw is every bit as liberal as you are.
You keep repeating this but I have clearly demonstrated they aren't liberal.
>You keep repeating that when everyone knows that sjw and liberals are exactly the same thing.
I showed you how they're not. Individualism vs collectivism, pro-free speech vs censorship, meritocracy vs equal outcomes, etc etc.
>You follow the exact ideology as it relates to lgbt, gay marriage, immigration, affirmative action, free trade, and every single thing out there.
Nope immigration should be up to the populace to decide via referendum according to liberal principles. Affirmative action is incredibly illiberal because it is not meritocratic. SJWs hate free trade and go for this fair trade shit. Liberals just agree what you do in your bedroom is up to you as it should be. But SJWs push for shoving that shit down everyone's throats mandating everyone accept them which is against freedom of association.
>I've yet to see a liberal that doesn't share the same ideology as SJW.
Then you never met an actual liberal.
>It's not what you tell you are, it's what you do.
Same applies for liberalism and SJWs do not meet the criteria.
>And I have not seen a single liberal that opposed to the transgender bathroom thing.
One example of overlap, however we are opposed to it being state mandated. But you neglect the individualism vs collectivism, pro-free speech vs censorship, meritocracy vs equal outcomes, etc etc.
I know you want liberals and SJWs to be the same thing so you can kill us off with the same stone but it won't work since we're completely different.
Is this trolling?
you're right, i'm getting bored anyway
>i don't know what that fallacy means
Look at yourself
>Bernie is a communist
You don't have to defend yourself against me because your own people confirm the stereotype. You have more of a bone to pick with people who spout nonsense like that and kill any credibility you could have had than you do with whom you perceive as "SJWtards incapable of discussing in a moderate fashion".
That's it for me. One post of absolute /pol/ nonsense is all I can take for tonight. I wish good luck and perseverance to whoever chooses to indulge you.
> You keep repeating this but I have clearly demonstrated they aren't liberal.
Sorry yo say that you haven't demostrated anything.
> I showed you how they're not. Individualism vs collectivism, pro-free speech vs censorship, meritocracy vs equal outcomes, etc etc.
> Then you never met an actual liberal.
> Same applies for liberalism and SJWs do not meet the criteria.
Then I've yet to see these mythical liberals you're talking about that doesn't share the same idology as SJW.
> Nope immigration should be up to the populace to decide via referendum according to liberal principles
Yeah There has not been one liberal that shows up and demanded that. They all took cardboards and marched the streets that welcomed refugees and blamed people with racism who didn't follow thier protocols. I'm not saying liberals or people shouldn't have supported immigration but they should have acted in a democratic fashion, which none did. The so called ideal liberals as you said wouldn't allow the government to violate the rights of the citizens.
> I know you want liberals and SJWs to be the same thing so you can kill us off with the same stone but it won't work since we're completely different.
well you just proved to be the same sjw template shitposter as with your desperate copout strawmanning. Oh well, nobody is surprised I guess.
To anyone whose autism might be triggered by this post: Save your braincells and do NOT take the bait. Just let him think he's right and that he won. You can end this.
thanks for the shitpost contribution sjw. you can leave now
nothing I said was incorrect.
logic is oppression to sjwtards. stop offending them
you should go back to /pol/
you need to have at least the pretense of intelligent thought here.
> sjwtard is trying to talk about intelligent thought
The irony is strong.
is it my imagination or were people less retarded on Veeky Forums just a couple years ago
I swear it was left leaning, and 'le sjw bogeyman' didn't pop up in every thread
sjw was contained in tumblr a few years ago. But it's only natural for a cancer to spread.
/pol/acks are, unfortunately, extremely vocal. The post above you was made by a guy that always posts in every bait thread with the same pic. It's always the same people that do this. It's just that /pol/ topics don't exactly stimulate or promote intelligent discussion, so everyone just resorts to ignoring them, which creates the plasmatic view that only /pol/acks exist because only /pol/acks post. Veeky Forums as an imageboard has survived exactly because the majority is not /pol/.
The /pol/ emergence can be traced back to the abrupt insurrection of the SJW and third wave feminism ideology. /pol/ as a contrarian board quickly adapted to hating SJWs, but, unlike the rest of Veeky Forums, took it too seriously and reached the other end of the spectrum in order to oppose and trigger SJWs. /pol/ gained a reputation for sexism and racism as dubbed by the media which exacerbated the problem, and over time it attracted neo-nazi types and alt-right fedoras who put the board in the state it is today. The elections are just the cherry on top of the shit cake. Until a severe blowback to SJWs happens or the movement gradually dies down, /pol/ will still be there. Although I am hoping that the end of the elections and Trump's loss will keep them in their board for the months to come. I hope.
/autismo blog
>everyone just resorts to ignoring them
The irony
It's not really a valid indicator of gender and ethnicity though. Unless you have large group that you already know to be uniform with regards to gender and ethnicity, there's too much individual variance to really say anything conclusive.
Capitalism produces a meritocratic distribution of wealth only in theory.
Try guessing someone's gender of ethnicity based on IQ.