Any news from the large hard-on (snicker) collider? Also could someone explain the higgs stuff again?
Any news from the large hard-on (snicker) collider? Also could someone explain the higgs stuff again?
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hi, whats going no in this thread
Aren't they gonna like crank it up to OVER 9000 tev and prove there is no god or something?
>explain the higgs stuff
statistical anomaly
>but I thought it was like six sigma or something
Who are you quoting?
So aren't they like 99.999% confident they found the higgs busom (chortle)?
I was 99.999% sure I'd found your mom's higgs busom.
Most overhyped piece of shit in history. Achieved barely anything.
And what have you achieved besides being the cum stain your mom didnt swallow?
well he didn't cost $13 billion to make and $1 billion a year to maintain.
Why is everyone so critical of the LSD? I thought it was pretty cool.
why do we keep spending money on things like this or SpaceX while we could be curing cancer or giving homes to homeless people in our countries?
This shit really pisses me off.
Cancer can't be cured by throwing more money at it.
It's the same as thinking you can shift Earth from orbit IF WE JUST USED ALL OF THE MONEY EVER PRINTED
Or stop wasting resources on those with an IQ below 110
plot twist: the lhc beam cures cancer
>but you could if you gave archimedes a big enough lever
>giving homes to the homeless
you woefully ignorant faggot. I have a better idea
1. stick homeless into LDC
2. turn it to OVER 9000!!!1
3. ????
Good night sweet prince
>Cancer can't be cured by throwing more money at it.
of course not you fucking moron, if anything bank notes have a lot of bacteria on them. You need medication and rays.
well you wouldn't have much fun then, would you?
doesn't seem to cure this board from you
>OVER 9000!!!1
>profit as step 4 and not 5
fucking freshcunts.
ever heard of fiscal multiplier? Injecting money in the economy creates a supralinear effect on activity.
wow all that theory sure sounds nice except that the USA is 18 trillion in debt and the government is blowing a fiscal bubble so huge that it will collapse the economy worldwide once it pops. google phantom jobs and eat shit
Fair enough kek
You mean the drug right? Yes, it is in fact pretty cool
then stop funding shit like the LHC if we're so much in fucking debt.
I don't have autism, my mother had me tested.
>>profit as step 4 and not 5
If you wanna get technical, profit should be step 3. That's what it was in the South Park episode that spawned it you child.
there's a fallacy in this argument somewhere. whatever it is, kill yourself
godspeed, rodent.