Biz - honest opinions regarding my portfolio
Keep it constructive please
Biz - honest opinions regarding my portfolio
sell LINK buy more QASH
JNT and INT are not good. Everything else is alright, you'll see mediocre gains from them
the official profile of the stuttering pothead
sell QASH buy more LINK
dude why are you still holding that ridiculous horsecock, dump it now and buy a fucking bluechip, it's gonna keep tanking
>int .21c
Holy fuck chinks
>not good
nice job, brainlet
OP, ditch QASH and buy more JNT. They are both good projects, but JNT has the potential for much more growth. Don't get scared by brainlets telling you it's shit, look at their advisors and ask yourself if they would have joined this project if it was so shit.
Thanks for the comments any other suggestions
hey ur not OP
on laptop now
All meme coins. Yikes.
Don't know why I bother asking you faggots sometimes
sell INT buy OMG if it goes lower than 17.50.
Also consider buying into ICX, its been bleeding for a month and will likely go up significantly before main net in a few months.
Interesting idea making a meme 2/3 of your portfolio
This is now a brainlet folio thread. Will I see 20k collective profits EOY?
I'm still accumulating NEO and AMB. And GVT.
You have low amounts of high priced coins, your potential gain is low vs your potential loss
You're not wrong. The idea behind investing in ETH/NEO/LTC was to have a solid foundation that should hopefully not lose much value if not increase in value.
But it is true that even if all of these were to double or triple their worth I won't make much back compared to if any of the smaller coins mooned. Something to think about. Thanks
isn't this too diversified? or is that just a meme
Have a rethink. Don't look at biz for a month and come back with some better decisions.
Don't listen to these guys, absolutely 100% will make it.
Needs more fundamental blockchain platforms for those moonshots.
you have good folio but skewed distribution. LTC would most probably double from here if the bull run hits, in same duration AMB would go more than just double, same with NEO/NANO. i would recommend redistribute the money from ETH/LTC to NEO(new foundation in place of ETH/LTC) and other coins
Undervalued projects that have the potential to reach multi billion dollar marketcaps.
People got 7-8 figure rich by going deep into Ethereum and NEO, not Namecoin.
thanks good boy