ITT: shit that makes you lose hope in humanity
ITT: shit that makes you lose hope in humanity
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People who complain about things that make them lose hope in humanity.
Contrarian hypocrites who act like they don't like to complain about things that make them lose hope in humanity.
Right wing, left wing, chicken wing. It's built on finding the easier ways through.
>>Veeky Forumscatalog
basically stupid consumers. ..which i am in part, let's be real.
but i mean people that legit don't care about the big picture, they openly don't care what they consume and what they 'vote for with their wallets' and what the implication of that would be.
kinda.. deliberate stupidity. animal behavior. which, i mean, we are animals, so who am i to complain, right?! but c'mon people
unintelligent people having an influence on anything
also, people who think that unintelligent people should have an influence on anything
if there was just one country that required an IQ of greater than 110 to be a citizen, I would move there and have hope for humanity.
which episode is that from?
also, wouldn't you agree?
oh no. you want to build a wall and make the world great again, don't you?
IQ is not directly related to inteligence m8
the reality that is 2016
>IQ of greater than 110
brainlet detected
of course. Anyone who doesn't is cucked by ideology
this is just objectively wrong. Even if it was true, I don't give a shit. It's good enough.
if we set the cutoff to 130 or something , there wouldn't be enough people, and there would be almost no women.
who's gonna do the shitty jobs in your country?
i am copypasting your answers
the ones that can't yet be done by robots will be done by the people who are contributing the least to other fields.
dream on!
we need 2 things: the richest fucks distributing some of their money so that people are less on edge and get paid well for hard work. I'm talking teachers, nurses, people in nursing homes, sewer workers or trashmen. jobs that are just shit, but we really depend on, needs to get payed more.
otherwise, vote with your vallet. lobbyism is fucking shit. it's not what you want! so don't let get away with it.
they wouldn't do it, if it didn't pay. so don't pay for it.
if that got done, trust me, we wouldn't give a shit about the remaining stupidity
yeah we would
the problem with your solution is that money would then go to the least qualified, who would then breed at a higher rate than the most qualified.
your solution would make everything worse.
Christianity for bringing American science down. Huckabee, Palin, Santorum and Falwell, along with anybody who identifies in the Tea Party needs to be deported to Madagascar or Cambodia
big bang theory. fuck that cryptochristocrap
what's your theory then?
this one seems legit:
>social justice warriors
>black lives matter
Meat and animal cruelty, unrelated to Veeky Forums though
Edgy faggots who have never done anything in their life who choose to whine about other people instead of doing something.
Whenever someone says the infinite monkey theorem guarantees the existence of the works of shakespeare will be produced.
People with no knowledge in math and physics whining about "obvious" flaws in incredibly advanced topics without more than a superficial glimpse of the subject.
Irrelevant tautologies about infinity that say absolutely nothing about the real world are fun.
Here's a counterargument for next time someone tells you that: did you know that if you had infinite strings, an infinite subset of them say "fuck you"? Another infinite subset equal the contents of your favorite religious text. Really makes you wonder doesn't it.
When you realize a world without religion/dogma simply cannot exist. And the tribalism it promotes won't go away.
Also, Veeky Forums
I have met thousands upon thousands of people and no one I have met who claimed to be Veeky Forums was smart or inclined mathematically
>ITT: shit that makes you lose hope in humanity
My wife.
>religion for the purpose of social and cultural cohesion
Nice meme lad; the day humanity successfully fosters an atheistic/anthropocentric religion, is the day that humanity becomes great.
>IQ is not directly related to inteligence m8
>this is just objectively wrong. Even if it was true, I don't give a shit. It's good enough.
Can you guys agree that IQ is related to actual intelligence and test-taking ability?
If so, sign me up for 110-land.
Do you have a flag picked out yet, or can I design one?
What is your fucking problem?
>money would then go to the least qualified, who would then breed at a higher rate
>implying poor people breed less now
>implying manual laborers are dumber because they don't pursue academia
>implying manual labor is net worse than leaving your children with half a million in debt.
when will this meme die?
i think a good portion of people in the first world act like animals and we would be benefited if some gene therapy were released that could improve intelligence in the living
>if we set the cutoff to 130 or something , there wouldn't be enough people, and there would be almost no women.
I'd heard the 4chins make you gay, but I always thought it was /b/, not Veeky Forums.
He's the douche that thinks replying randomly with copy and paste means something.
He doesn't understand how logic works.
He went on for 3 months copypasta'ing my corrections of his uses of fallacies.
He does this all the time.
Ignore him.
I'll never last 3 months on here. Ive been here three hours and I already wanna kill myself to reduce the amount of sub 130 IQ individuals in the population.
>at least then Veeky Forums might love me and not call me a retard ;_;
lol Richard Feynman had an IQ of 125 but is one of the most important modern physicists
>tfw no illusion I'll ever have his tenacity
I like his funny autobiostories though. "Surely you're joking, Mister Feynman" for instance.
Had me buckling over when he was assumed "a genius" because he was a fucking trickster who would learn every code combination for all the archive drawers at Alamo to make it seem like he was some awesome safecracker.
>his face when he was called to help some government muckmuck crack an actual safe
>Not realizing that 99% of Veeky Forums took an online quiz that reported 135 like they all do
They're idiots user.
But they're such angry idiots! I honestly have no problem realizing I'm a verifiable idiot if that were indeed the case. I just don't see why such a hostile environment is necessary.
>fucking worse than the robots.
You can find angry hordes of idiots everywhere. It's the human condition. Stop worrying about the opinions of immature idiots. Form an opinion of yourself, and find what you want to improve at. Anything else is running in circles feeling sorry for yourself.
We don't have to have an unbiased review because of [insert logical fallacy].
You do realize
Is a thing, right?
Like we can detect you samefagging?
You don't because you're a major faggot?
Ok then.
We're mad at stupid people that come on here and have no idea how the Scientific method works.
You don't have any business being on here if you don't accept it 100% and understand it 100%.
This isn't a room for idiots.
G.T.F.O. you faggots.
Yeah, and also,
that no matter where you go, which subculture you consider and around what subject their fanaticism revolves, the very nature of it being a subculture will invariably lead to infights, drama, elitism and absolutely inane discussions about objectively unimportant aspects of their interest.
If you try to coexist with "normals", you end up feeling out of touch.
If you try to coexist with "peers", you end up sucked into a toxic environment that is as self propagating as it is counterproductive.
>A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.
>I call this effect the lazy fire.
>because it grabs the closest kindling and ignites it, no matter if the kindling props open the ventilation shaft necessary for the fire to grow.
>the very nature of fire is lazy, which is why we build campfires in specific patterns and after strict rules of fuel size, or spend our nights cold.
>but social groups are not curated as such, rather they are so slow to spread that they do not suffer this problem, or so intense that they do not mind it.
>Revolution Eats its Children.
My hope is infinite and always will be.
Why would I have faith in humanity? What has humanity ever done besides bring me to life and maintain an economy that forces guilt down my throat 24/7? What the fuck is the point of being alive if my life directly causes someone else to be worse off? How can I justify owning anything if the very concept of ownership just results in slavery in China? Why the hell would anyone be okay with living in a world structured like this one? What's the fucking point?
No, I never had faith in humanity.
But I can hope.
Have some love.
Love is a putrid and vile reaction that turns men into self-centered retards. Your feelings do nothing but placate death and destruction by ignoring that such death and destruction occurs for more complex reasons that mere hatred. As if love was the cure for hatred in the first place, which is obviously isn't if you've ever been in a shitty mood.
Sympathize or die, because at least your death can matter. Blasting your own putrid emotions into the air is disruptive, rude, and counterproductive to the things we need to do to get anything done around here.
Your stupidity, in this case, is literally toxic to human affairs.
everyone has some dad abuse issues, but that doesn't mean you have to hide your feelings, level up your Feeling Quotient, worship death, fuck yourself, you deserve it
Old Man and the Lisa
Not /pol/lack but seriously, kys
>ITT: shit that makes you lose hope in humanity
the most obvious is scientific realism; the bigger the lie, the more they believe.
Studies have shown that if people are offered more money if they get a better grade in an IQ test they usually have higher scores
Knowing that faith in Science makes less sense than faith in the Bible.
Science is a liar... sometimes.
>gets BTFO on Veeky Forums
>comes to cry here
I'm watching you moafugga
I'll bite.
110-120 range is imperative to science because they are in the golden zone to be able to comprehend the data, solve the problems, and achieve results. At the same time, still (for the most part) engage in normal civilized behaviors. Also, many of the people in this zone can understand the specific details, and have the ability to communicate in a way that those who don't, can still understand it to some degree.
A society of 130+ turboautist virgins would perish after 2 generations.
fucking loved that book. gonna reread it
why would they dissapear when they are the only choice to fuck?
you got it wrong Veeky Forums makes you gay, seriously just look at the sticker or read ANY thread.
that is because IQ-tests are boring as fuck.
I have only ONCE gotten far enough to go all of it through and use my time up.
Than one time I was really excited to do it and even then it ended boring as fuck it felt like a battle of eons.
But i got through though.
>Reddit memes
Reread the book. He openly admits half of his intelligence was just rusing. He was assuming the safecracker was a genius, when he's just like "most people are too dumb to change the default password". Same when he had to go against the abacus master. He never brought it up in his book I think, but he was a bit Autismo, staying up late and/or waking up early to do integrals instead of fucking his wife.
Pandas don't fuck, and they're not driven to choose by the same social rigors as humans. It's absolutely possible that civilisations die out due to poor selection. It's not THAT important to have a babby.
Despite not having any academic reason to believe you, it sounds reasonable.
The same should be valid for higher-than-human intelligences. It seems there needs to be a "chain" of intelligence levels simplifying matters to the lower rung, if we're to comprehend superhuman brain power.
>kinda like government, amirite
First post best post
Only post in this thread worth looking at
when people are too dumb to know what gender they are
stupid Fredposter
>lol Richard Feynman had an IQ of 125 but is one of the most important modern physicists
yes stay in your crass
Brainlets and people who get their science from facebook.
>Flat earthers
>anti vaxxers
>social media vegans
>third wave feminists
just to name a few
How do you get so regressed in your thinking that middle age peasants had a better grasp on shit than you.
fucking brainlets
>emoji movie
>think about himself as intellegent
>uninorically believe that pusszle-solving game (IQ test) can accurate measure so-called intelligence even no one know what it actually is
fucking freshmen like you
People that think the working class is unintelligent don't associate with them.
Some of the smartest people I've known never went to college.
This thread is not Veeky Forums.
Not freshman, I graduated last year. Also I'm in Australia so I still haven't even paid for my university degree yet
might want to keep that last bit to yourself, m8
He's not wrong though. There's a lot of places you could get your science from that's just as accessible as Facebook, that's far better. Hell even Wikipedia is better, at least it's relatively unbiased in comparison
Intelligence is well defined. We know exactly what it is and how it is measured because intelligence is by definition what IQ tests measure, and they are designed explicitly for that extremely specific application.
No it's not. The APA did a study on this, even psychologists who are "experts" in intelligence do not agree on any definition
Define intelligence
The only thing we can say that IQ tests measure with any certainty is how good you are at solving IQ tests
Anything thats antiwhitemale cis gender; i hate.
We're allowed to discriminate everyone accept for us.
Unnecessary greed.
murder, war, genocide
weapons of mass destruction
acute malnutrition
climate change deniers
young earth theists
anti nuclear power people
people that don't see the value in space flight
people that unironically say they want flying cars and jet packs.