I want to win the current JackPot of € 87,100,000: can Veeky Forums be of any help?

I want to win the current JackPot of € 87,100,000: can Veeky Forums be of any help?

The game is about guessing 6 numbers from 1 to 90; odds of winning are 1 in 622,614,630:


i always found it weird how periods are commas and commas are periods in yuropoorville. it makes as much sense as the imperial system. grammatically periods are the end of a statement and comma divide it into parts.

>it makes more sense for me to use periods to separates integers from decimals
>it doesn't make any sense for me to use commas to separate integers from decimals, dumb yurofags

>1 in 622,614,630
Is this the worst existing lottery?

Yes. The comma is a softer stop than the the period. Yet the periods separating your 10^3s are optional, while the comma is not. It clearly makes more sense to use the period for decimals.

Just write it as 622 614 630 then

>can Veeky Forums be of any help?
buy a ticket

>Una bassa probabilità non significa impossibilità: il 2 dicembre 2008, a distanza di 11 anni dall'inizio del gioco, è stata azzeccata una combinazione di 6 numeri e il Superstar (probabilità di 1 su 56.035.316.700)
>1 su 56.035.316.700
Hum what

Yes, I will help you. Buy one ticket. Spending more money increases your chance of winning such an infinitesimal amount, there's no point. If you don't buy one ticket, you can't win at all.

I read somewhere that there's a higher chance of having blue-eyed blonde triplets who all end up working as playgirls, than winning superenalotto.

Also, this

And yet there are more people winning it than people having blonde triplet Playmates

So either the numbers are lying or someone is pulling strings to steal the money and perpetrating the illusion that the game can be won.
Now, knowing what kind of country our glorious belpaese is, what do you think it's more likely?

>Hum what

The Superstar is a separate number, that too is from 1 to 90; so the odds of guessing it AND all the other 6 numbers are 1 in (622,614,630 * 90); but I think is not worth it, since Superstar costs additional money (0.50€ to be added to 1€ of a normal combination) and if you spend that money in regular combinations it'd be better on the long run: for example, you'll get 5€ back even if you guess 2 numbers of the 6, which is kind of easy (odds of 1 in 21.51).



Fuck, I'm so going to play these so if I win I can say that shitpoting on Veeky Forums made me rich

I'll play them too, so you'll get HALF of the jackpot.

those aren't bad numbers; they won only a few "3" and never a "4" or higher

You fucking nigger

game closed, results in an hour

I've added the 64 to because it has been missing for 93 rounds
>inb4 wasting 7€ on Veeky Forums shitposting
life is short

you could have fed three hungry africans instead of fullfiling your gambling desires

Numero SuperStar 58

wasted 7€

>can sci be of any help?
Facile eh?
Suoni tanto come uno che non c'entra un cazzo con questa board e che ha fallito con la vita, trovati un lavoro e smetti di campare sulle spalle dei tuoi oppure ammazzati

Lol gg, domani giocherò pensando a te

>feeding africans
>3 turns to 6

no thanks

Well that was unexpected