You missed CryptoKitties

> You missed CryptoKitties
> You missed CryptoCountries
> You missed Ethermon
> You missed EtherEstates

Don't miss out again. These money making games are still early on and won't last forever.

Ether's Ark JUST released. Here's your chance to get in early and make some serious cash. I've been apart of all the other 4 mentioned above and I've walked away with 5x-10x ROI (I'm up 38 ETH, started with 5 ETH) in the past month.

Ether's Ark appears to let you mate animals together which breed a baby that gives you passive income FOREVER. The possibilities are endless. Get in early before you miss out on this one as well.

Other urls found in this thread:


do these really make you money

Yep. I wouldnt promote them if not. Ask others around here, I'm sure I'm not the only one that's made bank. You gotta play smart though.

they make anyone who plays them money retard

ya, it's defintely about being "smart"...these games are fucking bullshit

They do, but not as much as you can make. I think the creators make a small percentage off each sale. Where you make double what you put in when someone buys your item

If you get in early enough otherwise you're stuck holding bags, same as most things in crypto. Cryptokitties being an exception, I'm still making money on there from breeding and selling fancies.

lol ck is by no means an exception...

you can hold bags with anything crypto related, that's why these things you gotta get in early. this game is brand new so it's literally the earliest you can get in. there's A LOT of activity going on now and shit will be bought up fast. I give it 2-3 days before you're too late

Says the brainlet. I've made 50 ETH from these retarded games this week. STAY POOR as FUCK.

Shouts to the based OP who appears to be finding these as they pop up. You just made some ETH off of me I assume.

so what do I do? just adopt pets?

For anyone who is actually considering buying this shit, don't, because it is an fucking SCAM

Pretty much. Grab up the cheap pets and find pares under Once you have two that mate they basically create a baby that gives you passive Eth forever.

OK buddy. Keep spreading FUD. I bet you're buying shit up and trying to get people not to get in early. There's a reason I post brand new ones as they pop up. BECAUSE THEY MAKE YOU RICH FAST

It is because you can easily profit from checking genes and doing profit analysis on the cost to produce fancies from buying and breeding versus what they sell for. As long as you don't mind repetitive tasks and doing simple statistical calculations you can make money there still. I just started back on it 3 weeks ago after having drained my account of cats back in November so it was basically starting fresh outside of understanding its mechanics and I've already made 4ETH starting with .6.

This is verbatim what Veeky Forums said about Ethereum. Stay poor because these are blowing the fuck up dude.

This shit looks gay as hell. Thanks but I'll just be waiting for Hashpuppies.

You think people out there are dumb enough to fall for this?
You're probably right

looks like shit tbqh

this crypto treasure hunting game looks good tho

stop pretending like you give a shit about any of us
is anyone seriously buying any of this shilling nowadays

anons, it's every man for themselves, why the fuck would you consider any shill that suggests it benefits you

I would love this.

Here's the cycle with all of these
>gets shilled on Veeky Forums at the very beginning
>most anons call it a scam, some buy in
>people who get in early profit
>some anons who called it a scam FOMO in
>those get left bagholding
>Bagholders whine about it
Maybe some day the cycle will end but that day is probably not today.

ICO now

i know a dev. seriously considering investing.

It is early though, these things usually sell until they hit about 0.3 eth.

Only shit games. EthersArk confirmed a crazy advertising campaign. Join the discord tard

The real cycle:
>gets shilled on Veeky Forums and elsewhere.
>the shills dump their bags
>everyone who still falls for this crap loses whatever they put in

This may not have been true for the first couple: etherkitties and whatever. But it most assuredly true now. IF YOU ARE READING THIS HERE, YOU ARE THE MARK.

They get way higher if the game isnt shit

>There's a reason I post brand new ones as they pop up. BECAUSE THEY MAKE YOU RICH FAST
No, you do it because the more idiots you get to buy the more money you make. You don't give a single fuck about anyone here. You're just trying to steal money indirectly you sociopathic fuck.

I want every retard reading this post and even considering buying this to understand that it's in the bagholder's best interest to shill this to you.That's what a ponzi scam is. The """game""" itself has no value or function. You're paying for a literally worthless token in hopes that some retard down the line will want to buy it off of you hoping that some other retard will buy it off of him.
It's a scam and a gamble.

Salty as fuck nogamer spotted

I'll give them credit for making me laugh at least.

Take a look at this one. Does he not just look retarded as fuck to you? Does he sound trustworthy to you? No, he's a sub 80 IQ subhuman trying to steal your money. And he's doing an extremely poor job of it.

If you fall for this you're literally no better than the thebillioncoin boomers.

Bro why so salty. Everyone can make money here. That's the whole point of Veeky Forums. If you don't like these Crypto games then by all means don't play them.

>Join the discord tard
I did, shit's empty. Just going to take my 50% profits and get out.

>by all means don't play them
Good advice for anyone. Playing smart means not playing at all. These dudes get how desperate some of you are and are taking advantage of that, wise the fuck up.

How did OP find this? There is literally no mention of it at all except an empty twitter and a page on medium

Do your research before you FUD pajeet brainlet.

Redpill: Making ETH From Browser Games

Fact: Flipping items from new ETH games is the new ICO PRE SALE.

>you missed Ethercraft
>you missed Crypto Colors
>you missed Etheremons

Veeky Forumsnessmen,

It is time for you to learn the simple, elegant art of making money off of ethereum game normies.

A: just launched
B: Devs confirmed large normie media buys
C: Easy 5x - 10x in my opinion
D: Launch announcement:

How to do it:

A: Buy animals on the site
B: Join and pump the Discord
C: Repeat

>Veeky Forumsnessmen
>new ico
>manipulation via fomo, fud
>join muh discord


>empty discord
>empty twitter
>google brings up the game's website with the link ""
blatant scam

Devs post games here, easy to tell because they show up here before they pop up anywhere else.

Dapp sites. I keep an eye out on new ones being posted

aka they hook Veeky Forums up and generate a shill army with referral links

then they do mainstream press releases

this one breeds like cryptokitties it's not a shitgame

>this one breeds like cryptokitties it's not a shitgame
Except they only breed if they're worth quite a bit in ETH already. Its a shitgame just like cryptopornstars and all the country clones, probably still money to be made on it just because its so early though.

I think there's potential more than the other ones with Ethers Ark because of babies. Not sure how they are gonna work but they claim you gain dividends for each baby. We'll see I guess

>probably new money to be made in a brand new ethereum game that's going to probably go mainstream

nice brain. is about to unironically be the hottest new shit to play and shill. literally instant money

Stinky Linky the Lizard!

Hottest item out right now!

>Not sure how they are going to work
Once the two parents are worth a certain amount(differs by pairing) they produce an offspring and you get dividends on that offspring. If you look on the site under mates you can see the progress towards that. You'll also see that they need to be worth multiple ETH for most of them so someone could easily get stuck bagholding before they are even worth enough to reproduce.

Be careful. There's lots of scams out there.

gosh, everyone seems so enthusiastic about this
it seems totally organic
i'm going to go play this right
right now

Why do I need to install Metamask to play this?

Metamask makes things easier which is why nearly every DAPP game utilizes it, technically you could just do things through the contract directly but most people are too much of brainlets for that to actually work out in practice.

recognise this motherfucking mech? you're about to see a whole lot more of them Veeky Forums


tomorrow, get on the ground floor

It's an easy to use app that connects you to the Ethereum network

All ether games use Metamask why would Ether's Ark be any different?

I'm all about Ether's Ark right now but I'll check that out

Ok I missed etheremon on the ground floor, how far should I go before I stop to avoid holding bags??

ether's ark is going to actually moon i think. buying in

looks like noone's buying anymore so I probably wouldn't get in at this point.

It seems the first baby is about to spawn. Not sure how much each one will cost but it's giving people incentive to continue adopting pets. I usually get out when I'm 5x my money. But in this game I'm not sure.

look at recent transactions lmao this is going to fucking MOON

>0 pending

How do you even know?

the trick is that it doesn't matter if he knows or not
just that he can convince you enough to buy in

Why did it stop all of a sudden?

All I know is that every pet I adopted i is gone.

Just to drunk to figure shit out.

If I were to guess some people were buying up to the point right before babies would be born after the next buy betting that others would want the baby as the first pairing needs just one buy on each animal. Then stopped at that point to see if anyone would actually go after the baby or not. Looks like they bet wrong.

it's a waiting game sometimes

Fuck me. I went all in :D

because i'm not stupid?

Ok we're back up!

I'm already up a lot of money. You?

Yeah, I want get a couple of babies tho

I'm waiting to see how the babies work, it doesn't seem anybody is putting in ETH for them to breed. I own a couple of the ones ready to unlock. We shall see

Oh wow, some new animals added!

What's up with that media press thing? Does that usually happen?

Dunno what you're talking about

Somebody mentioned it up there

yeah ethersark will unironically get good press. it's another cutesy ethereum game that whales are jumping to.

not hard to figure out.

ok got some digital pets. if you can't beat the pajeets join them


yes as in media attention in the bitcoin news sites

bitcoinist and shit

gayest fucking platform holy shit hahahah

Normies are going to love it so who cares.

I love my pet unironically

not as much as i love my whale you scrub

Dev answering questions in the discord


they're giving birth already itshappening

Oh shit, Stanley the Giraffe was the first baby to be born

parent animals always end up worth more. the ones to buy are here:


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand its ded

lol watching babies being born is fun

Am I too late?
Has anyone made money yet and proof?


I'm up a bit. I started with 0.1 ETH. I was hoping to get baby pairs but no luck so far.

If its being shilled, its too late.

T. Lost 1 eth on retarded ethergames like a fucking idiot

It's not dead, Ethereum's network is slow and shit tonight. Transactions aren't going through.

>if its being shilled its too late
It got shilled at the ground floor you moron.
T. Made .65ETH since this thread was posted

I'm up higher. Chinese Whale in this bitch.