I know how long you're SUPPOSED to keep leftovers, but how long do most of you actually keep your leftovers in the fridge?
I know how long you're SUPPOSED to keep leftovers...
In the fridge
I usually toss stuff at a week old. Some things will last a little longer. Other things like freshly made pico de gallo are only good for a few days.
Until it starts getting moldy or smelly.
depends on what it is, nogga
I throw all leftovers away. I know i wont eat them so in the trash they go.
Depends what it is, if it's mine or roomates, how lazy I am, how full the fridge is, if I need to make room, if something smells or if I need a plate that is stuck in the back of the fridge. On that note, I never ear leftovers, ever. We simply shove food in the fridge cause we are too lazy to clean up at the time. Actually very clean kitchen other than that...
I store mine for half a week before it goes into the freezer.
So how long are you supposed to keep leftovers op?
i keep things up to a week
I tend not to keep leftovers for more than a day or so, it just grosses me out past that point. I know in my heart of hearts that it's perfectly fucking fine but I can't help but get a built in gag reflex when I see some shit in a plastic tub that's been there a while.
I dont go by days. I use my vision and nose.
If I don't finish it in a week Im sick of it and throw it out anyways. So 7 days max.
If it doesn't have visible mold or smell bad I eat it
not OP but I'm pretty sure around 3-4 days
it probably depends on whatever the leftovers are, tho
just use common sense. don't eat moldy, bad smelling food, and i'm sure you'll be fine
Until I'm sick of eating it. What are you, retarded?
Depends on the food. For some, after 2 days, it heads to the freezer. For the others, after less than a week we'll find whatever animal that can eat this. Sometimes, the neighbors will ask for food so why not.
I have the same Tupperware bowl
Thank you for your valuable contribution to this thread.
Those jars of cum look at least months old.
Probably kept a bit long
'til it gets that stank all up in it, n'yamean
>Sometimes, the neighbors will ask for food
Who the fuck are you neighbors?
Do they just come knocking on your door asking for food?
Do you live under a highway overpass?
tfw havent had a red trolley since 2007
I haven't really had leftovers hanging around in my fridge long enough to have to think about it for a long time, but when I used to live alone it was until it looked/smelled off.
Here's a story related to this topic:
One summer I was home from university and my friend came round to pick me up to hang out at night. My dad was pretty authoritarian back then so I wasn't allowed out (even though I was probably 19 or 20 at the time) so I had to sneak out and back in. My friends and I weren't actually cool so all we did was go to White Castle, get a crave case to share and eat and chat for a bit. I got to keep the leftover burgers and so when I got home I had a crave case half full of burgers that I didn't know what to do with. I couldn't put the burgers in the fridge because my dad would know I left the house to get White Castle and I would be busted, so I shoved the case under my bed. For the next two weeks once every few days I would grab a burger from the case, sniff inspect it, and eat it and I never got sick and they never went bad.
Until it starts to go bad what the fuck else?