What does Veeky Forums think of numberphile?

What does Veeky Forums think of numberphile?

> advertising on Veeky Forums is a bannable offense
Do your duty, keep Veeky Forums clean.

yeah because clearly some youtube channel with so few subscibers and views makes money, and that i must be part of any group that i mention?

by your logic any thread about windows on /g/ or xbox on /v/ is nothing but windows employees right?

and yeah asking what some anonymous kids on Veeky Forums think of something is clearly a marketing campaign right? i see so many coke ads that activity ask you what you think of coke. oh wait, no i dont.

i was curious if Veeky Forums was any less shit or ignorant than the rest of Veeky Forums, but already i can see that the level of ignorance across the site is consistent

I like James Grime

>any thread about windows on /g/ is nothing but windows employees
Yeah, sounds about right.

One of my favorite channels

pleb pls

trash. pick up a calculus book and begin from the start instead

a calculus book doesnt talk about number theory

Number theory isn't the start.

Someone is salty about being stuck on a mac while the rest of us get to upgrade to windows 10 with the awesome new cortana personal assistant.

Your retarded thread is neither about science nor maths. It's just about a youtube channel and nothing more. And I saw the exact same spam about 5000000 times with no context except from advertising this youtube channel, where they have partnership with youtube and get ad money from every click.

As I said, advertising on Veeky Forums is a bannable offense. Read the rules and stop spamming this horrendous dogshit every hour already.

>if you're not on winshit, you must be using a mac

>using a PC or Windows 10
kek, ok poor fag

>0 != 1
well obviously 0 doesn't equal 1. why even bother pointing it out?

>Yesterday I caught a glimpse of someone programming C and now I have crafted the most brilliant joke that has ever been invented by humans.


Nice troll bro

>actually using the cortana


Also they're ugly britbongs with terrible teeth

> mfw I didn't even realize it was a factorial til this post.
> mfw I thought it was an episode about Peano axioms or some shit.

i do like their videos but sometimes they are going full retard like with their -1/12 meme

And why are they always writing on brown grocery bag paper from the 1980s lel?!

its their logo yo

>he hasn't worked in [math]\mathbb{F}_1[/math]