Do you all realize that a rich crypto waifu would, statistically, likely be a pajeet? I think it's time you all start appreciating pajeet women.
Do you all realize that a rich crypto waifu would, statistically, likely be a pajeet...
Niceu baito desu
What are some good lines for picking up pajeet women?
How do you poo m'lady?
Tell them you're an engineer. If you want an asian waifu, just tell them you're white. Pajeet women are more selective because they're inherently smarter (why do you think even the poorest pajeet speaks basic english but Sunny fucking Lu barely can)
>Owns 200 espers
I'd let you poo in my loo darlin
i've always appreciated pajeet women, their parents will legit hate you though
If they like you enough they'll piss of their parents, and then their parents will inevitably get over it. They only hate white people because of divorce - if you show them loyalty they'll like you
The square face fits all other faces inside it...
Unironically, my wife was adopted from India.
>indian women
You have to be ballin' ass rich to get a hottie pajeet. I have seen some pajeet godess get around Aus but their hisbands are millionaires
im not having 56% children, fuck you
put me in the screencap
i enjoy pajeet bitches, i wish i could find more of them for my fap folder
Same here
literally just "I have money and hygiene and want kids"
pajeet women are based as fuck
the men are smelly and disgusting so they offer no competition to a white man with money and basic hygiene
this the most autistic observation LMFAO. this is a legit classic mathematical theorem that you just invented and/or discovered.
I legitimately thought Pajeet = shit. More or less, as an insult. Is it now used to describe anyone of Indian ethnicity?
Most have huge tits, but all the ones I come across are married to pajeet manlet men.
any face shape of arbitrary size fits any other face shape
holy fuck, you need to go back. it's an indian name
I think it's a common (male) name
They all age terribly. Never seen with my own eyes a good looking Pajkek post 40
here you go m8
>>poo colored id
stay mad roastie
Obviously, but it was made popular by Pajeet Pai from the Net Neutrality scandal, right?
Or am I just out of the loop?
mmm do love me some punjab qt's
There's also some cute punjab trinidadian girls i knew in HS. They were some of the most beautiful girls i've ever seen.
>why do you think even the poorest pajeet speaks basic english but Sunny fucking Lu barely can
>bobs and vagene english
Because Pajeets were cucked by the British for 200 years. It's funny how Indians will say that they are proud of their 4000 years of history, then on the same breath brag about how good they are at speaking their colonial master's language.
>Pajeet women
Most of them are hideous, the only good looking ones are the white passing rape babies in the north.
His name is 'Ajit Pai' not Pajeet Pai lol.