Hey user, it's great that you have so many internet coins but do you have any real money so we can buy things and go out to eat and stuff?
>Well biz?
Hey user, it's great that you have so many internet coins but do you have any real money so we can buy things and go out to eat and stuff?
>Well biz?
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I’m gay sorry
My wife took 10k out of my cryptocurrency exchange account and refused to give it back since I basically refused to give her a cent or pay for anything like food for us or furniture despite just having moved into a new house on her parents' money 2 weeks ago.
Fuck her.
I hate women.
It's nice that you have 10k in meme coins but do you have any real money to buy goods and services?
Sorry i'm celibate
This trap is fucking hot. Name?
how much for him?
Yes but why would I buy food when I can buy more meme coins?
>real money
You mean government monopoly money?
No you didn't listen. She took 10k in cash reserves that I had on the exchange to buy with. I have about 300k in memecoins and another 90k left in cash on the exchange but I'm still fucking furious that she took 10k away from me and threatens divorce seriously if I take it back.
Thats theft
You married a thug
Technically the exchange account is in her name for a legal reason that prevents me from having my own account with that exchange, so that's why.
No I mean money that can be traded for goods and services
I don't date low class brown eyes.
user! I just want to pay our rent and buy some groceries from whole foods! Please!
Now do you have any REAL money or not!
yup. gimme an hour and a half and I'll cash some out via localbitcoins.
fuckin hotty
>my account
>in her name
hey it sucks man but you might have seen this coming
I know I know. I used her citizenship to make a ton off of that arbitrage, but the result is that the money has to stay in her name or I'll get hit with a huge tax bill. I'm still pissed off about it though.
gonna fall for the bait:
It's time to get out of there. There is no way that you can handle this and come out with respect and understanding from her. This is her foot in the door to continue manipulating you further if you don't leave ASAP. I have seen this same type of situation play out in my family and the problem only got resolved when they split up for good. Counseling won't help.
As for now, consolidate and hide your neetbux (i lost them playing ethbet!), consolidate your physical belongings (good chance to find out what you REALLY need), draft divorce paperwork in secret and find a new place to live (assuming you have no children). While this is going on, think about shared possessions that you can use as throw away bargaining chips so that she doesn't dig into what you actually want to keep. eg. pretend to fight like hell for some worthless bullshit that she also wants so you can give it up "at great cost" to get what you really want.
Seriously, it's time to leave. It will only get worse if you don't.
Why aren't you helping to pay rent? Why am I paying your rent and groceries? Get your own job and do what you want with your money. If you want to leave me over this then fine, just remember that in the future when my patience is rewarded and I'm living the high life while you choose to squander it with your limited views of what "money" actually is.
Shitits Lee
Have some oatmeal bitch, we’re buying more Link.
user, all you do is sit on your computer watching your meme coins all day! I CANT LIVE LIKE THIS
She wants to divorce. I don't. I know it's bad. I have no physical holdings of value I care about. I have slowly been moving all my money into bank accounts she is unaware of without her knowing. The problem is she still has access to that last $90,000 on the exchange in her name and I can't actually move it until my immigration registration finishes in this foreign country (in the next week or so). Unless I pay the 3% or whatever arbitrage is now. My hope is that 10k she has now keeps her busy enough for the next week or so until I can safely get my money out of there.
Relax user, your money will largely be safe. Divorce lawyers are having extreme difficulties with bitcoin even.
Rest easy knowing that you will have your fortune, the only thing you'll probably need to sort out is your emotional attachment to her and actually going through a divorce if you do still have feelings.
Just try your best to think of it as starting a new chapter in your life. You have money, a lot of it, that will most likely grow like crazy the next few years. Do things you've always wanted to try doing, but maybe couldn't due to personal attachments.
There will always be more opportunities for love.
i dont wanna impregnate someone who will die of a melanoma
whyd you post such a disgusting thot
i can assure you as a practicing oncologist that is cancer, you don't want to put your dick in there or you might catch it
>practicing oncologist
>posting on a autistic meme coin board
Pick one
in fact, I do not
>no trigger discipline
the ex drill in me would slap the shit out of her for that. in the late 80's/early 90s when i was a drill we could slap the women for doing stupid shit. now you can't even yell at them
you'd actually be surprised m8. i found this board when i was 14 or so and now i'm a ph.d biomedical engineer. you won't believe this either
She's got some face. Shame about the black bf.
>no trigger discipline
Worry about trigger discipline on a BB gun posted by a random thot
Confirmed autism
It's a reddit thing.