BTCPC thread
what price are we looking at when it starts trading?
BTCPC thread
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$1000 or bust
$0 or bust
What are the exchanges? Tradesatoshi and something else? Also it'll start at 420.69
I expect around $200 and then immediately a huge red dildo of doom engulfing it from ZCLers trying to break even. Scariest hold in crypto right now by far. And this is a world with Tron.
$1 for every salty FUD tear that was spamming in ZCL posts last week i.e. a lot
If btcp starts trading at $100
Then btcpc probably around $10
Either way bitcoin private classic is the way to go
So FUD = telling you that it's going to drop like a rock post snapshot and the logical thing to do is get the fuck out and buy the private coins post launch? Kek
25-50 cents
Exchanges - hitBTC / TradeSatoshi / KuCoin
Estimated price by miners = 156-160$ right now
280k coins in supply right now (number will grow)
Zpool accepts BTCP per 0.02 BTC (
In future: decentralized exchange where BTCP will be pairing currency. Right now there are exchanges where you can trade BTC and ETH pairs like Binance and etc, on a roadmap is to deliver later this year decentralized exchanges with BTCP-only pairs
HitBTC and Kucoin. Keep an eye on the Kucoin rumours though
Everyone is vastly overestimating the supply of this coin, there's a huge amount tied up in Bittrex and people who have actually got BTCP in their own wallets are a minority right now (
im getting a EOF reached code 1 error
wtf is this?
The supply is so low right now... top kek you fud fags have a shitstorm coming your way
lol u are fucked
Thanks for the exchange info. I'm hoping for 250 to start, I don't really plan on selling, but I want it to be high out the gate.
that's btcp , don't expect much, btcpc is gonna have a kickass wallet
Check out all these amazing non-arguments for BTCP over Monero:
I'm a full-time software engineer. "New team, new code" is the opposite of what you want when it comes to security and reliability. Monero's been on the privacy-coin scene for a while, with a solid track record. This new token will get pumped briefly, and then dumped (or stick around for a while, get cracked, and then dumped).
As an aside - the NSA, arguably the world's best cryptographers, think Monero will become the dominant darknet currency (and according to leaks, haven't yet managed to crack it):
Good argument, that thread is pretty circle-jerky
"Havent managed to crack it"
Yeah lets buy a privacy coin shilled by the NSA
Please go
Monero can’t scale and has high tx fees as a result of large tx size, good luck with that
Glad to see someone else with some healthy skepticism. I'm new to the Monero dev community, but that's one thing I like about them as well - especially on the official subreddit, there's a lack of too much hype / boundless optimism / to-the-moon-ism.
damn xmr fags are afraid lol
roundabout 23$
Just did my research after reading your message.
Check this out
Basically monero certain things more private, and you don't have to worry about collusion to potentially add infinite coins. Zk snarks does seem to be the future though, given it can get past that.
Note that stackexchange was from 2016, most of the zcash (zk-snarks/BTCP) cons are not really relevant. Rhett and his team did a good job of eliminating the other cons (founders fee)
Bulletproofs [0] are working on testnet [1], and will reduce fees by ~80% once merged to main later this year. (Expect this to boost Monero's value as well.)
Good post. ZCL and its core technologies certainly aren't garbage - just a different set of trade-offs (some of which are, to me, pretty scary). As far as my own investment is concerned, I still prefer Monero for the reasons I mentioned above.
>later this year
Cool, we’ll see how that works out. I’m all for competition but in the meantime BTCP is gonna pump
In the short-term, I'm sure it well. Long-term, who knows? Even if I'm right, the market may disagree :^)
Best of luck, may the best coin win!
Look on the BTCP subreddit, a few people are having trouble and there are solutions there. I used the OSX electrum and it went fine
Unless you got one of the fake wallets then GG
I'll only sell half my stack to get back what I paid for my ZCL
Agreed, I feel the same about monero. While the technology and the community seem more level headed and reasonable. I prefer a solid technology that I can get in on early, followed by a over zealous community to dump my bags on after a while. More profit potential, both coins have their strengths, looking forward to see what happens in a few years from now
oh and ofc the bitcoin brand name is nothing to take lightly either, only because it's followed by a solid team/tech
BTCP seems to have the support of the mining community, plus there's a massive tram behind it. Everyone not at least watching BTCP right now is doing it wrong.
you people who are assuming that this shitcoin is going to get pumped by the darknet like btc/monero did, do you idiots not understand that all the markets are dead or compromised? there's enough shitcoins out there to cover all traces, this is gonna be another plummeting shitcoin
fucc wrong thread
the markets aren't all dead mate
Global mining statistic for btcp look pretty solid to me, although i see bitcoin gold has a higher global network rate. Zcash has 489.31 Mh/s and ZEN is 74.19 Mh/s. Can anyone that's been mining an equihash chime in? I haven't done much mining on coins that use this algorithm.
Block Height: 279715
Global Hashrate: 32.56 MSol/s
Difficulty: 155509365.5745275
Node Connections: 10
Full node wallet took about 10h to sync, had to charge my laptop twice during process. Electrum was like 1min and ready
>Global mining statistic for btcp look pretty solid to me, although i see bitcoin gold has a higher global network rate
its just that BTG is supported by more pools and is integrated into more exchanges and auto-switching profit pools etc. etc. Give it time its only been a few hours :)
There are very few coins fudded THIS hard before. You know something is up.
does the messaging feature work? how does that work, do you pay a tx fee to send a message addressed to someone else's btcp address?
only 280k coins at the moment?
Sort of this. Don't get the point of this function actually. They told recently that they already have partnership with some merchants, and when you enter "message" tab they ask you to fill your credentials, like name surname email phone country (much more than nickname). Maybe this meant to be used by merchants to be able proof purchases and transactions made with customers.
good ;)
Electrum > full node test TX done
Being able to save data to the chain via a transaction is inherently useful.
Yes, but not everyone has claimed their BTCP (exchanges, slow people). I don't think the circulating supply will more than 5 mil. This shit is gonna be worth 1K+ a pop
messages window
It's gonna dump like a motherfucker. Nobody cares about this shitcoin. Bitcoin whales are gonna take profit and dump it the day it hits an exchange
Oh i know it's early, just trying to get an idea of where the miners headed. I didn't think about the auto-switching pools either, good point.
*where the miners are headed
>It's gonna dump like a motherfucker. Nobody cares about this shitcoin.
Bittrex was 90% of the volume of this coin and because of their shit communication a massive amount of unclaimed ZCL/BTCP is on there. I'm expecting the opening price to be high on other exchanges before people can get theirs off Bittrex. That's probably when a dump will happen if it does.
If the market cap/circulating supply is still this low when it hits the first exchanges, ohhhhhhhhh boy
Even with the lowest market cap for ZCL after the BTCP announcement being 200 mil~, using that with current circulating supply of
And that price is looking low as fuck.
>NSA think Monero will become the dominant darknet currency (and according to leaks, haven't yet managed to crack it)
That's probably because they're running it
Haha wonder why they're shilling it
This coin at least will be worth what bcash is worth. Normies gonna drive it to 3k. Also coinbase will add it.
470 zcl locked up on bittrex (new phone, resetting 2fa)...w-will i make it?
Absolutely if you're not larping
>locked out of binance because i deleted google auth accidentally and can't be bothered fixing it
It's unknowable. Get used to that word.
My ZCL has been on bittrex the whole time (still is), is there any way I can get my BTCP? How?
I've been away from a computer for several weeks, just got back. Also a brainlet.
Sorry man, no you can’t. Same thing happened to a buddy of mine and he just had to accept his loss. You should’ve moved to a wallet right after you bought it
They took the snapshot for a reason you know.
They say they will give you your BTCP for the ZCL held at snapshot but not for BTC held. You won't be able to trade it there you'll have to withdraw it.
>BTC holders on Shittrex won't get btcp
Lmao fucking kikes
K, makes sense.
Losing 95% on ZCL was bad enough, losing out on BTCP would've been terrible.
If Bittrex gives me the coins to withdraw then all is good.
Pic related.
Thousands of people looking to flip their ZCL vs. low demand because everyone who gave a shit about BTCP were already in ZCL.
>what price are we looking at when it starts trading?
i dont think it matters. if you hold this you're gonna be JUSTed once the mass sell off occurs again
only dumb money held zcl for the snapshot.
Oh, and the funny thing is that holders are trying to keep the price high by urging everyone not to sell below a certain price. Unfortunately that's not how it works.
When just a few people breaks this promise, the rat race to the bottom begins, as everyone with half a brain is looking out for their own best interest rather than the interest of the larger collective.
ZCL and BTCP is the greatest fool theory in practice. And when BTCP gets listed, the holders will realize that there are no greater fools than themselves. It'll be fun to witness, especially when the people who held on to the initial agreement of not selling below a certain price begins to feel the panic.
I don't even know why people are comparing Monero to BTCP. BTCP is just a Zcash fork with a team that is a thousand times less competent than the people who developed Zcash in the first place.
BTCP vs Monero isn't even a debate. BTCP is a joke.
Zcash vs Monero however is a real debate.
and then it will crash and rebound to like $7000 dollars, buy the dip
Bulletproofs in september -80% smaller transactions
>20% tax
>no zksnarks
great debate there... rather just buy btcp though and get the best of both worlds
>desperately replying to himself
Your FUD is weak
BTC already selling for .02
I wouldn't pay $10 for this shitcoin. And I'm being serious.
Create an ERC20, name it Bitcoin Smart, and it'll be just as valuable as this piece of shit.
You sound like you bought high and sold low and have to justify your failures with nonsense ramblings and replying to your own posts.
No. I'm just annoyed by the fact that a horde of sub-75 IQ mongoloids invaded this board in December, and I take great pleasure in watching you lose money.
You sound mentally challenged I'm going to be honest
Nice try Pajeet/Shlomo
Great arguments, boys.
Hold on to the BTCP. Even if it reaches $20, I'm sure it'll be $5000 by end of year. Just have faith in Rhett.
>$1000 or bust