Does your country have a secret iconic food?

Does your country have a secret iconic food?

For example, in Germany this curry flavoured ketchup is known by all. You can find it in a lot of homes, in every supermarket, a lot junk food huts squeeze it on their sausages. They have been producing this sauce for over half a century and didn't even change the packaging once.


flyover af, gtfo

I'd rather go anywhere in germany than whatever american shit hole you grew up in.

>mfw I grew up in Germantown USA and now live in the same area as German POW were kept due to the similar climate

I don't think there's any Italian who has never had Plasmon biscuits, though few, if any, foreigners have any idea what the hell they are.

They're vitamin fortified biscuits that dissolve readily in liquid, so lots of parents use them in liu of (or addition to) baby formula by putting one into the baby bottle adding milk and shaking it up to dissolve. When the kids start to teethe, they're used also as teething biscuits.

Many of us enjoy plasmon biscuits well into adulthood.

We have it in the Netherlands aswell

Oh please tell me more. That doesn't answer the question you FUCKING RETARD.


its not a secret if they have it other countries dumbass.

It may not be a secret food but a secret iconic food

who doesn't?

In America we have this food called "hamburgers" it's a secret iconic food that you can't get anywhere else

I don't know if I'd call it a "secret" food, since I live in California and I can that exact curry ketchup at 2 different stores near me.
BUT, it's so good, I use it a lot.
German food is so underrated in general. It's one of my most favorite cuisines.

It's not secretly iconic if everyone who's ever set a food in Germany knows they splurge that shit on literally everything.


I hated my life when I had to cut out 500 images of those bottles and other Hela products for my internship.

In Photoshop, I mean.

Use it on fries with mayo and raw diced onion, your mind will be blown

I had a great uncle who still ate that stuff

Danish remoulade is the best. Forget the German "Danish-styled" remoulade. It's nothing like the real deal.

This stuff is popular in northern Massachusetts as a sauce for roast beef sandwiches. Haven't seen it anywhere else. It's like a tangy, spicy, thinner ketchup but way better than that sounds.


Die 10% Unterschicht die den Scheiss kaufen sind nicht 'your country', Dumpfbacke.

>Berlin hipster sslty that his start up ketchup isn't taking off

That brand's curry ketchup is too sweet for me.