>instant noodles
>stir fry
>dim sum
>butter chicken
White people
>instant noodles
>stir fry
>dim sum
>butter chicken
White people
Other urls found in this thread:
White people: pic related.
idk, the concept of cuisine and fancy food was literally invented by the french. sooooo
No one in the first world takes that seriously.
What the fuck is this a list of?
"White people food" is so ubiquitous in the western world that you don't even recognise it as such.
>American so retarded he can't read
I'm glad you colonies separated desu
You can trace nearly all of those foods to northern and southern Africa, along with Asia. Absolutely retarded.
We wuz kooks n shiet
fuck off to pol cunt
not an argument
>t. Buttblasted Nigger
And chili peppers didn't exist in Asia until Europeans brought them from the Americas. so I guess half of all Indian and Chinese dishes don't count either. Cultures mix, trends spread. If you think that any nation's cuisine is culturally pure you're the retarded one.
Not an argument.
Ah you mean where this race baiting thread should be? Really making me think right now.
Yeah, you're talking out your ass. Provide a source.
"White people" is wayyy to inclusive. If you're talking about North American - specifically the US, you've got:
Baked beans
Mac n cheese
French fries
Chicken nuggets
Fried chicken
Apple pie
Buffalo wings
Potato salad
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Philly cheesesteak
It's no wonder the US is so fat.
>any of that
>white people
Those are all black foods.
>he doesn't know about the Columbian Exchange
Literally google "chili pepper history" you lazy shit.
The same is true for tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers and a bunch of other crops.
All cheese is white people food
please define White and Latin.
Mongolians have cheese though
latin means spanish people like mexicans
Spain is white though.
So anything made by Spanish or their colony is out of the white people food or only the colony?
Apple pie, faggot. You must really suck cocks.
Yeah, and so is Argentina.
Honestly even northern Europeans barely count as white these days.
spain? im talkin bout spanish people like mexicans gautemalans peurto ricans etc
Tapas originated in Spain though, so they aren't "Latin". Not that Tapas mean anything as far as dishes go.
>Has absolutely no idea what Italian/French food is
>Does not know how nourishing and delicious Eastern European food is
Stay mad shitskin
>what is paneer
I dont wanna start a race war thread in Veeky Forums, but tapas are spanish, and spanish people are white, not "latin".
Latins are the people of southamerica.
>Has absolutely no idea what Italian/French food is
>Does not know how nourishing and delicious Eastern European food is
>Thinks Latin food isn't almost entirely derived from European cuisine
Stay mad shitskin
>Not that Tapas mean anything as far as dishes go
Assblasted white nu-male detected.
Italians aren't white and a lot of europoors consider Eastern yuropeens non white as well
>Not white
Then by your definition everyone with a suntan is a nigger
>gutter grease
>whatever the drug cartels let us have
>street shitting
>food that also looks like shit
This is how retarded your post sounds.
I'm just saying that Tapas is a collection of different dish, not insulting the term. They're like Hors d'oeuvre.
>counters a factual post with inane shitposting
>obvious racebaiting
lol ok then
>Factual post
>Tapas are Latin cuisine
>it's a turd-whirlers stay mad episode
Here you senpai
>people taking this bait
Take your bullshit to /int/ and stop killing Veeky Forums
also do black people really think they have cuisine? I mean, Africans do have pretty varied cuisine but African Americans?
Isn't shitty industrial European cuisine what African americans eat?
People like you are why America has so many problems with racism. Fucking educate yourself. I'm white too and my life was so much easier when I stopped living in fear and worked to understand their culture.
Tell us about black culture.
good lord
>worked to understand their culture.
Because understanding monkeys is hard work.
You would need to ask an actual black person about that. I'm by no means in a position to speak on another race's culture. I can only say that it's a lot more than rap music and soul food.
I did ask them, but Damarcus and his brother Tyle kindly informed me that I wasn't welcome in their neighborhood and to leave my wallet with them. Likely for a noble endeavor like funding the programs of their communities.
>white people """food"""
Boy am I glad white people are being genocided, just as long as we don't have to suffer through their shitty food
Or you can live around them and watch your fears become a reality... Personally, I wouldn't recommend that though.
Education would be knowing the difference between what a nigger and a black man is, and being able to acknowledge it.
t. Paco "90% of my dishes are beans and rice" Taco
We got pies.
Why do you take pride in that?
not an argument.
Is this the epic new /pol/ meme?
yea m8 you should try it out
Why do you assume he does? He just admitted he was one.
you forgot something
>street shitting
>wiping ass with hands
>shitting in the same river you drink out of
Why are you whiteknighting someone on Veeky Forums?
Hilarious how you think you can talk shit about white people all day and then when one post hints to nigger feel its some great injustice and must cast it away immediately.
You fucking sack of shit.
Keep /pol/ shit in /pol/ you cancer
sorry whitey got his feelings hurt
fuck up and go back to pol honky
Why are whites the only ones not allowed to be racist
Then this whole fucking thread should be in /pol/ starting with OP you stupid fucking hypocrite sack of shit.
>man white people are so oppressed don't you think??
Only white people think this. The actual minorities who have actually been oppressed laugh at your fake persecution complex. Why don't you people take some fucking responsibility for the centuries of bullshit you've done?
Lots of effort for a shitty bait!
Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would feel guilty about slavery, when they had absolutely nothing to do with it?
You're a big cuck.
For (You).
You wouldn't think the food and cooking board would be the biggest shit poster haven, but damned if it isn't.
Feel free to leave any time.
nah I'll sit right here in your face, nigger. And I think i need to shit.
sorry but Veeky Forums as a whole is 18+ come back in 3 years when you grow out of you aut-right 15yr old edge lord phase
>le alt right meme
Fuck off cuck.
but you autists adhere so strongly to it even when trying to deny it
grow up dude
Please leave
The Spanish and Portuguese are directly or indirectly responsible for all modern cuisine everywhere in the world.
I'm not American, I'm European and genuinely curious. I've always been under the impression that african americans eat shitty processed fast food which is the reason why they're so fat
Make me paste eater. Imma shit post here with the rest of you fuck faces. As a matter of fact I think I'm going to start a thread about why California is a flyover State.
Not an argument.
You're right, it was a question.
[citation needed]
White People:
>Cream sauces
>Cured meats
Any questions? I could go on. If you want to play the semantics card let me remind you that Tapas are a hallmark of Spain and don't really feature in Latin America, and noodles feature in almost every culture, along with dim sum (stuffed dumplings)
t. el peruANUS
>flour was invented over 25000 years prior to the invention of leavened bread
Life is rough
Why would you respond to this post and not the original post too? Retard.
You need to cite when you make a claim, not demand proof when you assert something without proof
Because I made the original post you dimwitted greasy baboon.
Prove me wrong then. You literally can't.
In general, various DNA studies have found that the gene frequencies of modern Egyptian populations are intermediate between those of the Middle East, the Horn of Africa, southern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa,[1] though NRY frequency distributions of the modern Egyptian population appear to be substantially more similar to those of the Middle East than to any Sub-Saharan African or European population, suggesting a substantially larger Middle Eastern genetic component