what did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
flyover as all hell smdh
Looks great
this is what the average american eats?
no wonder you're all obese angry faggots
So fucking tired of seeing this
The best thing about this webm are the sides. At least they took some skill to prepare. The meat is basically a heat and serve application.
For some reason I keep thinking this is a jack webm. Just waiting for him to tear into it with some meat claws.
Fuck off back to /tv/ you shit posting retard.
>For some reason I keep thinking this is a jack webm
That's because you're a YouTube "celebrity" loving, millennial, fuck-witted sheep.
Are you one of the jannies who deletes Jack threads?
Youtube celebrities is a Gen Z thing, not a millenial thing. Get your buzzwords right.
ftfy, Jamal.
English is not my primary language. Also I was referring to Youtube celebrities as a singular phenomenon
Not him or a janitor but I always report jack threads as they are not relevant to Veeky Forums.
They are more suited to /tv/.
consider killing yourself 2bh phamalam
I don't think they're allowed on /tv/ either.
so leave
Jack confirmed kino
I've seen this posted around recently. wtf does it mean?
This is a webm of a restaurants entire menu.
You sound like the losers who get upset about LP threads on /v/
/tv/ meme
Flick/Joint would be their equivalent of pleb/flyover
Kino is their meme buzzword for "patrician" or "refined taste
>I always report jack threads as they are not relevant to Veeky Forums
How are expert cooking tutorials but Veeky Forums material?
What's LP?
im just guessing but its probably "lets play"
as in threads where people would talk about 2best friends or gamegrumps or whatever those type of people are
why do americans eat everything on the menu?
I would eat this whole plate with a date, Jesus fuck it looks great.
I don't go to /v/ but LP's have been cancerous as fuck to gaming in general.