There is a growing number of Chinese people moving into my area, but not a single chinese business in the area beyond one chinese fast food place. What is a business I can start that will appeal to this untapped emerging market? I may be willing to pay for an exceptionally good idea.
Chinese Customers
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Import foods store. Find out what snacks and things are popular back home and sell them.
what is the age group?
you could start a ping pong club, get some tables and charge monthly
rice cookers imported from asia
Sell bak ku teh or start a gambling business
really good fish and chips. chinks love that shit. when i was living in socal there was a chink run fish and chips place and it was the goddamn best
Ya, I've been looking into maybe doing a small specialty market, but I have no idea what is popular with them. I've tried some online research, but I was hoping maybe there would be a Chinese person on here that could point me on the right direction.
Ching Chang Chong bing bang bong rice Chong Ching ding dong dog meat
Sorry I didn't include more details. I'm in California and the age range seems to mostly be families that are fairly well off. Most of them are moving into new houses here that go for about a million each. I'll look into ping pong, but not sure these are the types that would play.
Do one of those programs where you get paid a bit just to talk in english to chinese teens. I Don't know the names of any of them but they exist. It would be a good opportunity to ask them what their favorite snacks are, and you'd make a few hundred bucks while doing market research.
BUbble Tea.
I really wish I could do this, but I'm in America and the IRS would throw me in the slammer like Al Capone.
Thank me later.
You have a conveience store in the front that sells imported Asian goods and a gambling room in the back or in the basement. Use your fucking brain.
Sell little red envelopes.
how about you don't feed the pests you kike. Don't capitalize off the silent chink invasion of the western world.
I'll copy down your address and do some research on that, thanks.
Can you please elaborate?
I am a chink, from your situation I will say starting a private english tuition class
Both Chinese and non-chinese LOVE bubble tea. It has to be authentic though. Yo might want to franchise with Coco or other genuine Chinese bubble tea chains.
Is bubble tea a meme or are the gooks onto something?
i'd go for that mango smoothie
chinks pay top dollars for their kids to be tutored in math/english.
but they tutors you hire for your business will need to be chinks themselves or they wont trust you
I come from a part of the US that has slowly built up to 65% asian population over the last 20 years, with the local public schools being 75% indian and east asian students. the two most popular businesses are pearl milk tea shops and SAT prep centers.
start growing organic basil and other spices. Find them before they open their restaurants and get in on the ground floor.
Just get some ABCs pals to do the job
I googled it and it turns out that there is a tea place in my city, but it's more of a fancy tea house where a mom would take her daughter. So I doubt they would be competition. If I go this route I will send you something, thanks. Depends on how hard it is to get a franchise.
chinese table sets, like sticks they eat with and shit, nice bowls and plates, scale it up to their price range (expensive houses in Cali)
or you could do like games store: chess, mahjong, checkers
It's not very good. Just juice with some tasteless tapioca balls in the bottom.
it's like starbucks for chinks. so you bet your ass all the honkies want some too.
I feel like if i hired Chinese Americans to teach new Chinese then they would just cut me out eventually.
Only Taiwanese gooks, mainland gooks still go for Starbucks etc
absolutely this. think of it like a coffee shop but exclusively for chinks. also serve the usual chink comfort foods and deserts. the markup is absolutely insane in the western world. I'm talking $3-4 bubble tea for $0.01 worth of wholesale and like $5-6 comfort food for like $0.1 worth.
Import rice and soy sauce
Came here to post this.
Naturally, you should expect to operate for only a year or so before a former employee copies your business model and steals your remaining employees, unless you work hard to prevent this (good pay, benefits, facilities, etc).
and like check this shit out for desert
it's literally just ice, canned fruit and condensed milk and you can sell it for like $9
high end chinese traditional clothing
you know they want it
dog torture parlor
wholesale to their restaurants, of course!
During my research I found out that some clothing stores in China don't allow Chinese people because they are difficult and try a bunch of stuff on without buying anything.
Goes well until the IRS throws op in prison. You fucking brainlet
sell 6-8 inch dildos , chinke men have less then 4 benis
Opium den
Cigarettes then
they love smoking
or booze
here's my address if you liked any of my pitches, will try to think of more
I'll copy down your address and if I end up using one of your ideas I'll send you a little something.
Operate a courier packaging/drop off service
are you fucking stupid?
The reason why Chinese people like chinese stores is because they speak Chinese.
Middle/upper class Chinese don't want chinese stores, they want traders joes and premium american markets.
You're fucking retarded if you're going to angle a market to Chinese when youre not even in chinese and in all liklihood never been in china and the extent of your chinese palatte is fucking panda express.
But, I would say drug club,
Instant noodles, frozen seafood, variety of rice, snacks like mochi, dried tapioka pearls, spices ready to cook in sachets, fresh veggies like pok choi etc.
t. Asian
Don't listen to him. Chinese people don't want to pay $5 for an organic, cage free, open field raised tomato.
fuck off plebbit
This guy is right, you shouldn't aim widely at what chinese people want, but what you can provide with your skills that other chinese places cannot provide.
I was going to hire chinese speaking employees. I know they wouldn't trust my pale face. I was just going to run the financial aspects in the background. I'm just trying to think of something they might be willing to pay for that they can't get in a affluent city full of white people.
All these answers are small time. Tea shop lel. Two things about Chinese they do everything in cash, and they don't pay taxes. For this reason it's hard for them to get loans from regular banks because on paper they don't have any income. You want to open a bank or some kind of lending agency that caters to these people because even though the government thinks they're dead broke they will have the income to pay you back. When Ping wants to renovate his restaurant he'll come to you for the loan and you'll make a nice profit. Hire all chinese to work there because they won't trust anyone else with the knowledge they're all tax dodgers.
dont do that just put on a Chinese disguise and pretend, will save money
Set up a mahjong house or a pachinko parlor
Thanks for this. Is this something that well off Chinese people would want? I'm afraid that maybe they don't cook much or that they eat differently than those in lower economic circles.
ping pong lessons for their kids is still my favourite pick
charge monthly, their national sport, kids love it, not only chinese kids will want to play it, some whites maybe too.
organize couple of tournaments, give some trophies, parents eat that shit up
Gambling, skin whitening, traditional foods.
Good plan, but what happens when they speak Mandarin to me?
Chinese people don't give two craps about organic and cage free things unless they've lived in America for several years.
say 'speak engrish onry i am tlying to learn'
you misunderstand
this was a response to this
i was offering a way to find which foods to stock, not to actually teach people for money.
What kind of chinese people? I have some insight into the chinese because a large portion of my friend group is asian, my girl is asian, and I live in Toronto
>Foreign exchange FOBs
bubble-tea shop
>Chinese families
>non-white-washed chinese
Set up a stand to sell durian
Any kind of restaurant you may want to start will 100% fail. Chinese restaurants are cheap af (in terms of how much they charge) and the owner usually has to work 80 hours per week to make up for the tiny margins. Once the Chinese realize that management is not Chinese, they will not eat at your establishment (trust, it will be extremely obvious that you're a gweilo based on your ingredient choice, decoration choice, staffing, etc.)
Asians like white people in general, but will not support them monetarily if they have a choice. They will prefer to support other Chinese people. You say that there are no asian-targeted businesses in your area so that's a GIANT HOLE that will eventually be filled. You shouldn't start a business hoping or expecting that you will have no competitors, that's a guarantee of failure when an actual chinese-run competitor to you arrives
We have a very large and well staffed community center in my city with tons of free ping pong tables so it would be risky for me to try and compete with that while charging money. I get the appeal of giving out trophies, but most Asians I see are into tennis around here because sometimes it helps them with getting into college.
That's only 50% true, chinese people could care less about the owner, the only thing they care about is if the staff speaks chinese and if the head chef is good/is chinese.
Most Chinese people don't really care who they support when eating out or grocery shopping. We just prefer shopping at Asian grocery markets since it's typically cheaper buying Asian ingredients at an Asian supermarket rather than buying it at an American grocery store.
They've built over a hundred brand new houses in my area and they all went for a little over a million each. I'd say that about 90% of those are now occupied with Asians, mostly Chinese. I'm in Socal if that helps. I would do my best to stay away from the business and hire Chinese to run it. I'm sure I would get pushed out by actual Chinese eventually, but there is no reason I can't try and make some money in the mean time.
If you're deadset on owning a restauraunt even though the margins are stupid low and the owner usually makes up for lack of staff by doing all their jobs you have to hire a head chef preferably steal one from a well known chinese restauraunt and pay them a higher salary.
I'm not dead set on a restaurant at all. That is probably the last option I would want to go with. If anything I'm leaning towards a small specialty market with staff that speak Mandarin. It's just that these are affluent Chinese people so I don't know if they cook for themselves very much.
Most chinese households cook for themselves unless they make mid 7 figures a year and hire staff but then the staff still shops at chinese grocers. Check around if theres a 99 Ranch or any other Chinese/Vietnamese/Korean market around you though and check if you can be competitive with their prices.
Most viable option is to just open a boba shop though and make the atmosphere relaxed you'll get a lot of people in general other than just Asians.
I just checked and the closest asian market is 15 miles away. There is about 20,000 asians in my 10 mile radius.
I looked into that CoCo franchise that guy was talking about, but they want me to open multiple stores and go to Tawaiin to meet them. I feel like that would be biting off more than I can chew.
Try Kungfu Tea if you want to franchise a boba shop, but you could always just open your own without franchising
would you say that seeing non-Chinese staff is a turn-off for Chinese customers? I would think it's less of a problem for young people and people in large metropolitan areas. For instance, there's a noodle shop close to me that sells in-house hand-pulled noodles. They have one young white guy working as a waiter. I'm sure it's a novelty for most of the asians who live in the area (this is in the downtown core of Toronto), but I really can't see it working in areas with older, more traditional Chinese people
whatever you do, I suggest doing a lot of research in your industry to determine if the venture is really worth it. If you want to open a resteraunt for example, research how long it usually takes for resteraunts to break even. Lets say 5 years. Do you think you can break even and make enough money in that window of time before you get BTFO'd by actual Chinese businesses?
Im guessing Canada?
This. HUGE money can be made here
Not exactly a turn-off but it's easier for elder Chinese people to talk to the waitress in Chinese asking them for suggestions/ordering in Mandarin/Cantonese.
Most young asian people wouldn't go out of their way to get traditional Chinese food unless it's a hipster fusion food spot.
try real fruit bubble tea or chatime
Southern California, I'm dumb for not mentioning that in the OP. These ones are fairly affluent and I think speak decent english for the most part, at least the ones I've encountered.
Ok, thanks for the input, I really do appreciate it. I don't think I would do a restaurant. I'm leaning towards boba or a very small specialty market.
>These ones are fairly affluent
Real estate. This is what rich chinese are interested in when moving to the US or Canada. Find a way to make money off that
Sounds great, but I wouldn't know what I could do with that. A lot of them just recently moved here in the past couple years because of all the new housing and the businesses in the area don't reflect that yet, so I was hoping to capitalize on that hole in the market before someone else does by offering them something they want that isn't easily available here yet.
Premium. Outlet. Mall.
In 2012, a premium outlet mall opened in an undeveloped area in my boring town. It was pretty dead for the first year or so after opening. Gradually, then seemingly exponentially, Chinese tourists began visiting just to shop the Outlets. They were literally arriving by the busload.
Today, about 5 years later, the outlet is flourishing; a second expansion was completed and a third is in progress. It's fucking poppin' on weekends and packed with Chinese. Lines of Chinese out the door at a bunch of designer stores (Kate Spade and Gucci outlets especially).
Basically, they love discounted designer clothes. Leverage this info as you please. Outlets are San Francisco Premium Outlets (which is actually about an hour outside of SF)
And as others have mentioned, bubble tea. The outlets eventually opened one too lol
Sell US state secrets
What's it like being an Uncle Chan house chink?
What's it like being an Uncle Chan house chink?
that mall is fucking cancer
Chinese people don't really care about local shops. My parents would drive an hour to Costco/chinatown every week.
Boba time or quicklys faggot. Think you need 50-100k doe
I can't do an outlet mall, I'm about 20 minutes from LA in an affluent suburb, the land alone for something like that would be over $5 million.
I don't know any.
If you're 20 minutes from LA. Then you should bring LA to them.
Open a boujee snack/cafe type of food. Find trendy Asian foods like bubble waffles, shaved ice, etc. and give it a French culinary twist. You can find inspiration on normie food blogs for this.
It's dumb simple. Just make sure the place looks trendy.
Tutoring service. Asians go bores out sending their kids to those if you can almost guarantee that their kid's will get into a UC or ivy.
t. chinese american
KTV is another thing you might want to look into. Sell prepaid vouchers that give a discount then exit scam.
Never heard of this, but google says karaoke?
>exit scam
For that authentic back home feeling?
Veeky Forums get in here. Ether's Ark is the new hotness and it just started popping. I've made a shit ton of ETH from buying and selling pets and even some from referrals.
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