Coinbase makes money primarily by charging normalfags big fat fees. Low fees are one of XRP's main things. Why would Coinbase (who is currently facing a class action lawsuit for inside trading of BCH) want to add XRP?
Serious query
THANKS FAGGOT, there goes my job. I'm going to FUCKING MURDER YOU
Because normies will still pay whatever fees for "that cheap Bitcoin", out of cmc top 5 coins, the only one coinbase doesn't have is's coming
network fees are not the same as trading fees
the exchange transfer fees are independent of the coins internal fees.
I understand that, but we are talking about people who exclusively use coinbase. To them fee = fee. Won't it ruin the whole "low fee" thing Ripple is set on making a part of their brand?
Do you honestly think the averge coinbase user knows what ripple does
The advantage that coinbase offers is being able to instantly buy a cryptocurrency. That's why people pay the high fees. Without coinbase, you would have to wire money to an exchange and wait a few days.
The President of Coinbase and the CEO of Ripple are going to appear together on CNBC's Fast Money on Tuesday at 5PM eastern time. On Monday, Coinbase is hiring 90 new support employees, with 500 to be hired by May. Remember to go all-in on XRP.
the main reason xrp will never be on coinbase is because brian armstrong is philosophically against it ever being added.
it might end up on gdax when they start adding bunches of alts though.
>the main reason xrp will never be on coinbase is because brian armstrong is philosophically against it ever being added.
WOWWEE! How ever could we forget that! Maybe that's why the President of Coinbase and the CEO of Ripple are going on CNBC together on Tuesday? To remind everyone that Coinbase is philosophically opposed to XRP! Of course! It's so obvious! And maybe the reason why Coinbase is hiring 500 new employees, with 90 starting on Monday, is because they are going to be adding "real" cryptos, lilke Chainlink!
>the main reason xrp will never be on coinbase is because brian armstrong is philosophically against it ever being added.
This framework is not intended to be a definitive methodology, investment advice, or a commitment to support any specific asset. As the technology, use cases, and regulatory environment evolve, so too will this framework. We are committed to supporting more assets, but our priority is always to protect customer funds and comply with regulatory requirements.
All just a rumor at this point. And besides, a rumor is only as good as how the market responds. It looks like the rumor is out and SO FAR the market doesn't give a fuck.
No because that Fee is for Usage not for Buying. Paying a small fee and being able to have XRP to use / trade > Not having XRP and missing out.
Also, normie XRP guides will no longer have to say, make a coinbase account and buy ETH, transfer ETH to Binance and then buy XRP. Simply Make coinbase acct and buy XRP and transfer to wallet.
Shit like that makes it more accessible for new money. This is unironically the last time you will see XRP trading at .89 to .90 cents. Itll spike to 1.xx and correct to 1$ for a while where itll stay till things really start picking up.
Once normies move XRP off coinbase into their own wallets and they see how fast it is compared to other cryptos, it's all over.
Yup. Also I admire your dedication to every thread if that is you kek. Im sad I dont have more to put on XRP but it is what it is.
The price is being heavily suppressed.
Thanks! Yeah, it's me :) I want to give back to this board because someone here shilled me on XRP when it was cheap.
I'm probably going to go to as many payday loan places as I can tomorrow to see how much cash I can find to throw at XRP. I'm already all-in, but I want to be even more all-in.
So you haven't sold any???
>recommending payday loans
wow, credibility is gone. would only buy at this level with money I could afford to waste, and with a tight stop.
if it breaks out that's a different story.
Yea, I wouldn't advise anybody to get a payday loan to buy crypto...
I never sold any because I believe it's final value will be $1,000, and I suck at short-term trading, so I don't allow myself to make short-term trades.
I didn't recommend them. I say that's what I'm probably going to do. I mentioned it to emphasize my confidence in the probability of a moon mission, not to recommend that anyone take out a payday loan.
I believe in the project as well, simply put banks wont be able to afford not to. Something will eventually do what ripple does better however Im betting on it not happening for a long time, especially for these companies to drop and adopt something else is unlikely at least to me.
When did you get in?
Let's not forget that this was sun-penny literally a year ago. Not taking profits at $3 is just silly. It's causing you to take out loans at high interest, raising your risk even further. Be careful is all.
pretty risky putting a payday loan on anything, let alone at the moment. maybe if everything was bulling like fuck...
damnit I meant SUB-penny and when it WAS $3.
I don't disclose when I got in. Plenty of people got in with more and at a better price. I'm not committed to the payday loans. I need to see what rates they charge and do the math before making a decision.
>maybe if everything was bulling like fuck...
It's not bulling right now, and that's the only reason I'm considering it.
Just did some googling of some payday lenders in my area:
>Regardless of paying early, estimated fees and finance charges offered by lenders in our network for two week loans range from $12 per $100 borrowed to $30 per $100 borrowed. This estimated Annual Percentage Rate (APR) range would be between 391.07% and 782.14%.
Naa, I'm good.
Lol yeah Just keep what you got right now m8. Im sure your shilling will be rewarded long term :)
get the fuck off my board xrp shills
This is going to be an XRP and Monero board in a few months.