I'm fairly new to /ck having only really been lurking here for the past 5 months.
This board is weird because unlike other boards a lot of posters don't really know what they are on about (I'm a chef) or just post blatant rubbish.
Would it be a good idea if the board was split into two distinctive entities? One for pure cooking and the other for general discussion about food. This would allow people with a genuine interest in cooking (Veeky Forums) to swap ideas and advice but also give the kids somewhere to talk about junk food and fast food outlets (/fo/).
Naturally the Veeky Forums board could have a sticky which I and other members of the IRC community would be happy to contribute to and maybe a link to /tv/ so the Youtube "celebrity" fans and other "Rebecca Black" fan types have somewhere to post.
What do you think, Veeky Forums?
I'm fairly new to /ck having only really been lurking here for the past 5 months
>look mom, I posted it again!
>I'm fairly new to /ck having only really been lurking here for the past 5 months.
Lurk moar newfaggot
I like eat da food with TWO ranch
thats a lotta ranch there bud
please god no
I got them off Google image search
please stop posting these. I have PTSD
Nice thumbnail dipshit.
>after cooking all day that I would want to do ANYTHING but shitpost about fast food
Eat fresh!
I like 1rritant.jpg better
Nice thread guys
Thanks Lori
Never seen this before so I'll respond, but this place is dead enough without splitting it in half mate.
It's a meem ya dip
Fuck off, newfag.
Sage for bullshit.
>OP doesnt know that this is the place where /g/, /tv/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and /mu/ goes to when they need to escape
inondt liggid widda RANCH in der, HEAH boi???
gimye dawuns widda NORANCH. HEAAAAAAAAH
HEAH buah?
He makes legitimate points.
This place has gone to rat-shit recently.
It's all about board quality.
I never meme and I don't shitpost.
It was never good, brah.
Nah, it used to be ok.
I liked the cook along threads and some of the tutorials.
Now it's all YT celebrity worship and fast food.
All the decent regulars lost interest and moved on because of the shitposters.
>This board is weird because unlike other boards a lot of posters don't really know what they are on about or just post blatant rubbish.
It's true though, go to most other creative boards and people know what they're talking about.
This place is bloody hopeless.
sorry I'll start posting threads again next month I've just been really busy at work and I didn't really have a kitchen at home this summer
Classic autism.
>This would allow people with a genuine interest in cooking (Veeky Forums) to swap ideas and advice but also give the kids somewhere to talk about junk food and fast food outlets (/fo/).
We can do that just fine without cutting the traffic in half. There is no reason we can't share this board, in fact there's plenty of potential for cross-posting and intermediate discussion between the two.
>IRC community
Well this explains a whole lot. Just fuck off and pull your shit there, leave the board alone.
Try 4+Veeky Forums instead
Most people end up emigrating there
>IRC community
Yes please! Can I get the server address Chef?
I've never been on the IRC.
>Naturally the Veeky Forums board could have a sticky which I and other members of the IRC community would be happy to contribute to
>I and other members of the IRC community
i.e. members of the IRC community other than you, i.e. you are a member. Regardless, you're a faggot and your idea is shit. Stop trying to ruin things you don't like for people who do like them. Find somewhere else on the Internet to conduct your serious business.
It's in IRCNet But you need the password to get in.
Who are you talking to?
The person I quoted you spastic.
You seem upset?
ITT: newfag meta faggotry.
Sage, sage, sage.
Lurk more and gtfo.
> I don't know the standard memes for this here doujin and have proven my massive newfaggotry right here.
Get out.
I need more info than that Chef
Weeaboo faggots taking a pasta thread seriously.
Weebs are fucking dumb.
Delete This.
>unironically recommending a pedophile website
>being an unfunny retard
fuck you nigger, leave muh board alone
Anyone able to tell me the origins of this "huh?" meme?
>Inb4 "Huh?"
Troll posting bait thread and acting stupid.
Serious question: Why isn't there a sticky here?
It's a code that fbi use to single out a poster and identify them as a 'person of suspicious character'. Watch for a black van parked near your house with tinted windows and a satellite dish on the roof.
we kinda like being an unfriendly board
Honestly, this board is worse than /v/ on any given day.