Just picked this bad boy up

Just picked this bad boy up
What am I in for?



why does your company constantly shill on this board. go kys

a shitty quality, oniony, mustardy burger. Make one yourself

For me, its the delicious mcchicken

A tummy ache

A visit to the fine suburbs of Guy Fieri's Flavortown

Bland cheesy flavour with ketchup if youasked for especial sauce.
The bun is soft and sugary and the meat dry And plain

Did you even hot fresh fries and a icy cold Coke?

it won't be the best fast food sandwich

That better be a Double Cheeseburger and not its cheap imitation: the McDouble

It tastes like America

Do you see two patties anywhere in that picture?

Kill yourself please

How to eat a McDonald's Burger (any variety)

Prep: Get a liter of potent and strong flavored alcohol. Industrial Ethanol is suggested. Also smash the burger as thin as possible.

Step 1: Ingest the burger as fast as possible while avoiding the tongue as much as possible. A funnel and plunger is suggested.

Step 2: Down the alcohol immediately. Attempt to finish it as quickly, if not quicker, as you did the burger. You may spend the first two or three swigs rinsing and spitting.

Step 3: Forget about it as best you can. If you're lucky you'll collapse into the recovery position and vomit out the burger. If you're very lucky you won't land in the recovery position and will aspriate on your vomit.

That's it.

If you survive then let this be a lesson to you. Don't do it again.

For me it's the mcchicken the best fastfood sandwich.

>all these replies saying it's a mcchicken
>clearly says double cheeseburger on wrapper
>mchicken doesn't even have cheese
>who fucking cares

>one retard doesn't know about multipurpose wrappers and can't read backwards
>clearly says McDouble on wrapper
>double cheeseburger has two slices of cheese
>who fucking cares

How to eat a McDonald's burger (any variety)

1. Chew for as long as you like, savoring the food to any extent you wish
2. Swallow the food

did you already marathon the burger in just one sitting OP?

The best fast food sandwich.


Heartburn and meat sweats