>The next hours are absolutely CRITICAL for Bitcoin.
The next hours are absolutely CRITICAL for Bitcoin
> op should not kill himself
>the meme lines are converging
>insider here
>whales surpressing the price
>devs on vacation
You have to be absolutely brain dead to think whales aren't doing that
>You have to be absolutely brain dead to think whales aren't doing that
regardless of what happens in the next hours, the meme lines will continue to twist. lines will rise and lines will fall
the meme lines will go on after you and i are gone, user. no hour is critical
Kek, theres another thread that is actually unironically stating this. I mean when has it ever not been critical
>Germans used ovens and delousing agent to kill 6 million jews.
I will unironically know whether i am going to a billionaire this decade in the next week
>op is not a fag
>Bitcoin just broke a major trendline, we're in a bull market now
Wrong board, also that did happen. Just look at the vitriol from the average poltard nazis were more than willing to commit genocide and they did. It's a good the chad Americans and ruskies slaughtered them and then took their women so the "master race which lost every wars" bloodline was forever erased
>it's illegal to ask questions abnout the most well-documented atrocity in human history in most of europe
>it happened
>I hate the jews so much and i would kill every single one of them if i could
>no way that happened though, no one would do that
>israel is important usa ally
>the USA wont turn into a 3rd world shit hole once it is a majority spic/nigger country
>trump did 9/11
You can ask questions all you want bud. But denying facts is unhealthy.
Exactly, a poltards lack of awareness knows no bounds
It is, since Israel is at a very powerful strategic location.
Jews in ovens is a meme from.the Old Testament. 6mil is a Jewish meme as well. Were a few Jews prosecuted for their crimes? Sure. The Jews committed crimes in the Spartacus Uprising in Germany and another uprising in Poland. And don't want even forget to he Boshleveks in Russia
Jews are evil by nature. One cannot commit crimes against such people.
Why do I share a planet with such warped minds? You endured at least 20 layers of psychological bias to arrive at a conclusion this silly. I would unironically pop your head like a pez dispenser if you were spouting this nonsense IRL
the jews only treat you like their pet because its convenient for them now, you low IQ mongoloid
Are you the elite of AntiFa? Your thoughts do seem Jewed up. Read some Psalms. You will see threats of the oven all over place. Likewise with Ezekiela or Isaiah. The Jews were threatened to be Holocausted by Good for their evil for over a thousand years. When the commies came to power they memed it into reality.
Do yourself a favor, read what Jews really teach about non-Jews and souls.
Lol, the original (tm) shitcoin is going to 5k, we're still in a bubble.
Wrong board faggot
Mark my words BTC will go down to pre 2017 levels, the hysteria around this coin has already ended. This rally is just another bull trap, you gullible fucks are going to be skinned alive.
Where can I buy this plush? I want to recreate all these images but with hotglue on his eyes.
it will flip to ethereum.
wrong board