What is todays equivalent of silk road? Asking for research purposes.
Pls Help
dream market
>Lauren "I'll tickle your bellend if it's full of melanin" Southern?
>Lauren "56% white is 100% right" Southern
>Lauren "I won't take your bone if your name is Tyrone" Southern
>Lauren "Pretend I'm alt-right but fuck niggers at night" Southern
>Lauren "Hitler was wrong, and I like black dong" Southern
>Lauren "Fleecing the NEETS while fucking Pajeets" Southern
>Lauren "I've had more black Dicks in me than a Harlem phone book" Southern
>Lauren "white ethnostate, black cum on my face" Southern
>Tyrone "Beta orbiters watch me score with her" Jackson
>Lauren "controlled opposition? my favorite position!" Southern
>Lauren "More niggers in me than a welfare line" Southern
>Lauren "You keep your Lambos, I'd rather ride Sambos" Southern
>Lauren "Flush my genes down the drain with this dude from Bahrain" Southern
>Lauren "Bootyshorts invite all sorts" Southern
>Lauren "At least he wasn't muslim" Southern
>Lauren "My sister is hotter, can't let jamal spot her" Southern
>Lauren "mohammed's third trad wife Southern
>Lauren "Put it in my butt, Amerimutt" Southern
She’s hot
She's also a really talented writer
what animal is that lady holding?
Thx user
What's their preferred currency
there is only one actual privacy coin
It’s btc and bcash
They don’t have monero afaik
XMR? I haven't visited darkweb since SR 2.0 disappearance. Aren't LTC big on DarkWeb these days?
it's a honeypot, buyers might be fine but be warned user. it's been up way too long to not be compromised
Im sure its BTC but idk ETH has been shilled alot by markets because of its convenience
Libertas takes Monero exclusively
What's a recommended VPN server?
TOR does protect your IP as much as a VPN. The problem is with Bitcoin payment which will leave a paper trail leading to you
I don't recommend doing illegal things online, there are better ways
open bazaar
vpn into tor and use xmr
Get one that's not in your country and not in a country that has laws for keeping logs and is outside of 14 eyes jurisdiction. Burger vpns are out of the question. Make sure it has dns leak protection, and a good history of not keeping logs and maintaining privacy. BlackVPN and BolehVPN look good. compare them at thatoneprivacysite
Is ExpressVPN shit? What about TorGuard?
I want a VPN that will allow me to post on Veeky Forums but none of the Tor nodes can do that sort of thing.
if you just care about posting on Veeky Forums any vpn will probably work just fine. if you care about privacy, get a vpn that respects your privacy and is able to.
I use vpnonline, it's a Polish VPN which does not give data of it's customers away.
I care about privacy. That's why I'm getting a VPN. I live in South Korea for fuck's sake. The government here will rape me if they suspect I'm out of line. So yeah, do ExpressVPN or TorGuard work well enough?
kek I've met the guy in that pic. 100% numale
TorGuard is a USA VPN so there's some good reasons not to use it. Look at what happened to Lavabit, the US government can secretly force companies to grant complete access to customer data, while forcing them to not talk about the request.
That you're in SK and it isn't in the 14 eyes UKUSA agreement is good though, your data could be being collected, but might not shared with SK government.
ExpressVPN looks good, their apps collected anonymized connection stats (not ip addresses) but you can opt out. Their location is British Virgin Islands but is self-governing so it isn't under the 14 eyes agreement. DNS leak protection, good security, doesn't hold logs. My first time hearing about it, but looks good.
Lauren as Catherine, who'd of thought...