Boldpure >ICO ends in a month >Beta launch coming >100 million supply >cheap price >$10million cap at most >huge room for growth >weird rap video >easiest 50x I’ve seen in a while
Haven’t seen something this bullish in a while. This looks like it could be promising if they can pull off releasing a somewhat decent beta network.
They're just going to post another thread now. As soon as it gets brought up that this is their "marketing", they let the thread slide and start a new one. There were like 5 threads they had given up on lower in the catalog a bit earlier.
Asher James
D-does this mean the whole thing is an elaborate niggerscam? >Fucked up linkedin >Marketing coalburner >Weird nig rapping about this for now reason
Hold me, anons
Anthony Sanchez
Whats the point of the token? Might be worth to buy now and dump asap.
Colton Fisher
I made one of those threads kek
Jackson Ramirez
>logo is literally a nose hmmm
Brayden Turner
It’s a reward token where people get paid in Boldpure coins when they submit info in investigations. It’s actually not a bad idea.
Parker Turner
That’s what I was thinking. Just dump when it hits binance. Nice quick gains.
Ayden Lee
yeah i agree i mean its something we are doing now on Veeky Forums for free. might aswell be getting paid for it.
Hunter Ward
and why am I finding out about this now? this could change everything.
Carson Mitchell
What makes you believe that this would get listed on Binance?
Aiden Diaz
Pajeets will just send fake info to verify their pajeet coins, not sure about this one
Jaxson Reed
it won't maybe some low tier exchange like cryptopia or etherdelta
Landon Jackson
there’s no confirmation about binance though
Charles Murphy
maybe they'll announce something on the 14th?
Dominic Mitchell
>binance Nigga relax It’ll hit a smaller exchange first
Lucas King
It will be on EtherDelta that's a given, but I strongly doubt there are chances it gets ever listed on Binance, yeah.
Charles King
Are niggers going to start investing now?
Joshua Powell
ill aim for kucoin id be happy with that.
Brayden Bailey
this is realistic unless they sell out which isn’t happening
this will be a good ico for gains nonetheless
Alexander Brooks
This one excites me
Jacob Nelson
Scam coin fellas.
No digital fingerprint. No github. No linked id (empty profiles no even effort on faking ones)
Samuel Collins
This might be one of the only few I put more than 1 ETH into