Can someone give me a quick rundown of what Philakone did during his livestream?
He showed his bitfinex password? does anybody have the link to the video?
If he's constantly on cocaine that would explain a lot
Can someone give me a quick rundown of what Philakone did during his livestream?
Other urls found in this thread:
i was on the Veeky Forums thread last night and it was hilarious. legendary stream. honestly i'm impressed, haven't been that entertained in awhile.
>rolling hard
>accidenally show porn for a few frames
>quickly change the topic back to TA
>so confident in his TA he buys 10k worth of NEO live on stream
>causes a mini-pump, sells, sets up more trades, accidentally shows his large positions
>wrapping up the stream, accidentally shows a text file with many passwords
it was real. I tried his twitter and it went through, except twitter detected suspicious activity and wanted a code that was emailed to him. someone claimed to log in to his bitfinex but i don't believe it. they couldn't have gotten past the 2fa.
He said he was about to print out his PW list before streaming and forgot to close the notepad. At the end of the stream, after he closed out everything else, the notepad was open on screen.
this guys gonna be the first crypto celeb - OD/wreck case
we tmz now
This is why you use KeePass
Took some E, broke down how he makes money ez, told a story about how his friend keeps drugs in a wall safe and said he wanted to fuck a girl how was like a little sister to him. I'm a fan. I'm pretty sure the video, from him anyway, won't be uploaded.
that feel when you're 1993 and thought your life is wasted and there's nothing lying ahead except being old
sounds fun, I'm looking forward to next livestream,
What were his large positions?
so how much did he end up losing? is he still in crypto elsewhere cause he posts about it reguarly still..
he said on twitter his steemit was cleared, $1k stolen
He locked down most of his accounts since they had it whitelist or disabled withdrawal.
His steemit got completely hijacked though. He no longer has control of it and they pulled $4k out
He said he lost $4k total between all compromised accounts
So you guys are saying after he was hacked recently and having a depressed streak on twitter, he then shows his passwords on a stream.
Like seriously?!
Link to thread? Would like to be entertained
Lol this jungle gook is gonna OD very very fucking soon
I appreciate his meme lines but I've never seen such a self righteous cunt.
Why do people with large amounts of wealth make it public? If I was rich I would ghost everyone and live the rest of my life in my castle of solitude.
Nobody recorded the stream?
I;m pretty sure he's gonna bait showing some random passwords on his next stream
He needs a professional IT guy to come secure his shit? How about not have a text file with your passwords up on your screen wheile youre streaming to 1000's of people?
>>causes a mini-pump, sells, sets up more trades, accidentally shows his large positions
what were his large positions?
he bought 80 neo and i think the chat also bought, because neo spiked a dollar or two on some sub-1hr candles. and i checked the other fiat pairings on bitfinex, nothing else pumped. his total position on neo was $80k, and he accidentally showed a spreadsheet for a $20k xrp buy.
im a poorfag though, i thought shit was pretty baller. his sell didn't completely fill though, he only sold 20 neo before it started bleeding again.
Aw man why doesnt he stop fucking up. He should quit that retarded social media stuff. What good has come out of it.
1. KeePass or LastPass
2. complex password written on paper
3. only type it using virtual keyboard, with mouse clicks. No keystrokes.
4. stay safe
5. you're welcome for these tips.
Bonus tip: Have your 2FA on a mobile device that doesn't have a phone number/simcard. This removes the possibility of social engineering hacks.
Thanks man, i like it.
Why do niggers smell bad? So blind people can hate them also.
So niggers are the real stinkie linkies.
Serious question tho? What percentage of the 45 million feral pavement apes out there own some link?
I figure if we can get all the niggers to buy link... in 2 years...they will actually have money for the first time ever. Then they won't need anymore welfare.
I think that's we can do for all the brianlets not investing in link... so they don't have to subsidize niggers welfare and abortions anymore.
Safest email to use?
ProtonMail or Tutanota. I recommend ProtonMail.
Don't use fucking Windows for trading, get Ubuntu, whether you like it or not. And don't use the same machine for browsing porn & shit and trading.
Good tip. Also I know its a meme, but a Mac wouldn't be a bad idea for trading.
Wanted to fuck a girl? I thought this asian manlet was as bent as a fish hook
this Chink :D ... would feel sorry for him, if he wasn't a maggot in meat
Lol link to biz thread? Noonr recorded the stream?
Use to goto school with this guy. Everyone used to call him 'philly with a Chinese willy'
>I don't care about losing money
>The theives deserve to go to hell
>I'm perfect and would never do any wrong
Jesus fuck
If those are his position sizes, why the fuck is he so popular? Kid's poor
I would not trust a guy like this for picking winners.
>or LastPass
No, stop. Never recommend this to anyone. LastPass is having an online password database and a high profile target for hacks. It's also proprietary. There have also been multiple confirmed vulnerability with their browser extensions. DO NOT USE LASTPASS.
Use KeePass(X). It's open source and you have your database locally, and has been a trusted password database for over a decade. LastPass has no verifiable trust.
Also, on-screen virtual keyboards are not a solution. You can easily determine the window position and size, then just track mouse movement and clicks.
Same. If he's this lazy with opsec, he's lazy with everything else.
A keylogger won't know window position and size. If I'm wrong, give me some sources. Someone would have to have more than just a keylogger on your system to get that much information.
LastPass is a vastly safer solution for security than having no password manager. The hack from 2015 didn't give hackers anything but a bunch of encrypted data. Any vulnerabilities were patched already. No solution is ever 100%, use what gives you the most peace of mind, but LastPass paired with a strong password + Multifactor security like Google Auth or a Yubikey, you're going to be really damn safe.
That sasid, I will probably be switching over to KeePass soon, even though I think LastPass is a great service. I do like that KeePass is all local.
>A keylogger won't know window position and size. If I'm wrong, give me some sources. Someone would have to have more than just a keylogger on your system to get that much information.
You are correct, but that's because the keylogger is written to sniff keyboard input.
It is trivial to write a malicious program that sniffs mouse input and gets window position and size. Furthermore, attackers with a specific target typically observe their victim for a while before executing an attack, often through hiding the fact that they watch over VNC.
>LastPass is a vastly safer solution for security than having no password manager.
This is correct, but when recommending password managers, I highly recommend using KeePassX. Sure, it's not as convenient because you must have access to the database, but it's much, much safer.
He is a trader, he doesn't take large long positions. He has likely made a few mil since he's been in the game for a few years.
I just did a bit of research, you're actually correct that using a virtual keyboard isn't totally safe. Keyloggers can be programmed to log what mouse clicks you are doing or even take screenshots. Fug.
Well, it still gets around certain types of keyloggers. I'll keep doing it.
Programmers using programming to program a programmable computer...
Who'd have thought it?
Philakone is a fucking joke. Everyone makes money in long running bull markets. He got liqed, none of his TA since the crash has held up. Fucking joke
Ya in general elliott wave technical analysts are even more of a joke than most TA methods because the system constantly readjusts itself. You're never ever wrong as it plays to human bias and there's probably some weird alternate wave count available to prove that TA is right.
Read up on Charlie Munger psychology of human misjudgement because that's elliot waves or even TA in general beyond the most basic systems.
Holy shit he is tapped. The fake laughing and the constant "oh it's okay, ha-ha" is fucking annoying. One day he is going to have a complete break down of some sort, the cunt has issues.
Yup. Poor guy is a dumpster fire. He means well but his mental health is clearly pretty shit.