CyBOG confirmed
Kek ugliest woman I've ever seen
user, I...
>All as planned.
She likely injected more hormones than most people who undergo female to male therapy. She's a monster, but you can't get there naturally. It's not for nothing that they can't find any other fighters with a similar build for her to fight in her weight class.
Well, almost no other women.
Just watched her ktfo that poor Russian girl, she's definitely on PEDs but then again so is the whole ufc so who even gives a fuck at this point
Lmao I would beat the fuck out of that bitch
>she's definitely on PEDs but then again so is the whole ufc
The world is not anymore the way it used to be, mm mm mm, no no no. There is still some cheating going on but they cleaned things up a lot in the recent years. Cyborg has almost definitely done a lot of them in the past, but I'm not sure she's still on them at the moment. It's possible that she simply managed to keep most of her gains from the past, without continuing to use now.
Cyborg? She's like 200 pounds of muscle. She's probably bigger and stronger than you.
She's a bjj black belt, I can tell you don't train. Go to your local bjj gym and ask to fight a female purple belt or higher and you'll get choked tf out. You're delusional and unaware of how vulnerable you are
They can't take the ridiculous amounts of peds they used to, but the athletes are definitely taking shit during the off season they just go off cycle near the fight and take smaller doses in general
On a side note, Ortega looks like a beast a bjj guy koing frankie Edgar goddamn. Hes the next big thing
Still a women and therefore inferior
>Unleash the borg
I'm sure you would, user. You're a big boy.
Yana was so out her depth, fair play for going for it though.
In real life against a female jiujitsu practitioner who just does sport BJJ all you have to do is slam her against the ground in full guard or half guard.
Rothschilds bow to the Bogs, Bogs bow to Sminem, Sminem bows to The Borg. Is this correct?
>all you have to do is slam her
you'd probably have better luck just smothering her with your massive pasty body
In all honesty I thought Ortega had a really good chance to be the first guy to finish Frankie, but I definitely did not see him KOing him in the first fucking round with the ol' marge simpson. His elbows were noice too
I can only assume you are a woman. You lack the ability to rebut the truth so you just go for personal attacks.
Sports BJJ no longer has defense against slams and strikes in a lot of positions. You will see black belts in BJJ in MMA using knee Shields and getting knocked the fuck out. You will see them frame in half guard. They don't know how to break anyone's posture down in guard anymore.
Sports BJJ is killing BJJ and women's BJJ is taking a the lead on that.
She clearly doesn't do sport bjj though, she's a fucking ufc champion.sport bjj is retarded and I hate the gi also but claiming "IL win if I slam for sure" is delusional. Slamming works sometimes if you're very strong and do it right, otherwise you are going to fall even deeper into a submission
Yep, I think he can take Holloway. I see him being champ
It isn't that hard to get a grip with your elbows in and slam a bitch.
Especially when you are Veeky Forumspol/biz/like I am.
Your average black belt female is not a tranny roid monster, lol. Delusion.