ETH Whale invested $10k into Veeky Forums for societal change
>Cryptocurrency is the future but it's going to get heavily regulated right now we are in the early stages of a dot com bubble (1996-1997) >Breaking out from media Control (the whole Warren Buffet/US News Media) >Rothschild Investment Corporation have bought into Bitcoin Stakeholder. >They want you to be victims, not warriors. >You have the power to change it for better or worse >We are here to get you on your feet, no free rides, we want to help everyone. No beggars please, no free money offers, we are operating within regulations of this board but we will help get you on your feet. >We have the Finances and Capitol to start up our legitimate websites and businesses. >ETH Whale (OP) is here to help you (seriously). >We want Coders We want you, you have so much power you do not realize how much you guys have to influence on Social Media for the better. >We have Executive Producers and Filmmakers to help promote us as a brand to get Youtube advertisement. >This is completely serious and very rare because no one has had the balls to INVEST into Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums. >The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) >OP invested 10k into Veeky Forums in hopes to get organized. We are anti-Rothschild, they will not control the narrative anymore through information control. We will. But to help others.
I will never trust these kinds of thread until I will receive anything 0xecef7d0D6C591A51B67d37727BF15eF3C7115f6C die die scammers
Jaxon Hughes
me too. but it's legit. srs dude is on God mode
Jason Baker
okay now I believe lol saved the link, will join in couple of hours
Logan Cooper
fuck off pajeet
Hudson Morales
how can i get in touch with OP?
David Bennett
But the thing is, we aren't trying to do pumps. We actually want to do real projects. We are removing all the anonymity by adding each other on social media. We are paying people to work with us. This is not some pump and dump. This is some real people who want to do something bigger, one step at a time.
Luke Bell
I'm in OP. 0x7f4a1e691d42f57af3e3503dfe051b7e5b5d2be7
I find it rather interesting how, after checking some of the addresses, the whale really did give away tens of ETH to bunch of anons. No dubs/trips, no questions asked, not advertising some pyramid scheme.
What is the long term goal here? Being 'anti-13 families' doesn't seem like a solid reason to recruit bunch of introverts, scattered across the globe, from a mongolian cave painting appreciation forum by throwing money at them.
Lincoln Kelly
actual whale here. what are you trying to do?
Luke Cox
Count me in. Programmer here
Bentley Hill
0xfC5480D57c7dBFf406Bc8Ad7044BdaE7A8FEDECb Teamwork for the dreamwork
Ryder Ortiz
0xfC5480D57c7dBFf406Bc8Ad7044BdaE7A8FEDECb The key for mass societal change starts in the mind. You have to program or teach pro-social behaviors. If you did this, this will tackle the root of the problem, since our sets of beliefs, has a strong influence on or actions and behaviors. Help me to teach full time please OP 0xfC5480D57c7dBFf406Bc8Ad7044BdaE7A8FEDECb
Parker Sanders
you just been holding for a long time, or you a good trader?
how much have you converted to fiat?
Julian Hughes
Working on my masters in information systems management. For the love of god....I dont want to be a wageslave. Long time Veeky Forums fag just trying to make it anyway i can.
Kevin Butler
Programming and Marketing I can do:
Alexander Murphy
0x5452D87A949844ca6d768647dd35F439F0162f03 I can shill to your hearts content.
Isaac Lewis
Let's see
Jack Sanchez
Leet neet of the street, NOT a pajeet. 0x0146aD39DD6f91Fe1f61F8a57C151C013CE77211
Mason Barnes
I can shill for sure
will join slack
Tyler Brown
I'm interested, saving up for a project and could use the some start up help.
Brody White
God bless if legit user
Cameron Murphy
I pledge allegiance.
Gabriel Gomez
I dont know who the fuck you are OP. But let me introduce myself first. I have 4 years of programming with C/C++ and can work on every fucking project.
Now throw me 0.01 ETH to this address to prove that you are not fucking pajeet and I will follow your order.
Zachary Reyes
Eat the rich
Jack Sanchez
Not the OG OP (Caleb) But Apps, real world businesses etc to help low-income communities particularly the youth and help them get off drugs. It's just organization. It's like the 1800s America right now with Crypto. Cut off the fake coins, help people stick with real coins. For societal change.
And this is OP (Caleb)'s ETH Address but he wants you to help with organizing the Wild West of Crypto.
You can contact him through the Slack. Good dude.
Henry Collins
Joined the slack. I dont understand it to the fullest but I'm watching. 0x237683da7ec4bd47c5d00e1bb40d82097973a8b0
Hudson James
Jackson Martin
thank you if serious. programmer and marketer here.
Hudson Sullivan
This is one of the group members. We welcome you to the slack. I am going to bed soon but one of the organisers will be on soon. There are a couple of us that know exactly what is going on. When you join, please go to the #skills channel and BRIEFLY describe what you can do. Those with actual portfolios will be much more readily accepted into whatever positions we have ready.
Shit...this is gonna sound crazy af but it feels as if I've been waiting for this. I wanna make a difference. Please be real.
Asher Howard
He told me to post that. He is so far very legit. He just wants to help people with this movement. They have banned him for encouraging beggars but he is simply trying to get a large group together and organize it to enter into the property market in Australia and the United States.
They are setting up a mining browser site, taking baby steps. But legit businesses. Expose scam coins. Help the crypto community so people are not scammed anymore. It will help build trust with the mainstream.
Connor Wood
Help me put an end to the kikes please 0x2096f3685655cdea8ce24b1785af045caa75c95c
Brandon Nelson
Master programmer checking in. Please be real. I want the change the world, too!
Elijah Gomez
In on the slack. Thanks if this is real.
Evan Ross
This is pretty cool then but I can't see how it'd have anything to do with rothschilds as the OP mentions. Unless his idea behind organizing some autists from an imageboard is to inject business skills into them, then use the homegrown crypto related small industry led by anons to influence the large picture, against people who control the West right now. Which is honestly insane. Probably no more insane than /g/ being three steps ahead of entire banking world, which is exactly what did happen, but this one is completely impossible to actually pull off.
I take it you guys are serious about that since otherwise you wouldn't go through all this effort. What the fuck.
Brody Nelson
You can be sure this is a scam. The us dollar is done at the start of 2020 (gold will be over 4k an ounce). There is literally nothing that can stop crypto
Wyatt Thompson
>invested $10k >Breaking out from media Control (the whole Warren Buffet/US News Media) >Rothschild You high bro?
Kevin Reed
Sound interesting, I'll give it a shot.
Cooper Reyes
>inb4 pajeet
Julian Thompson
i want to believe
Landon Carter
Good point. Parable of talents, read the story.
Joseph Torres
0x7b0a1927c8de81708d3cc9b0f04030c46815478c let's see
Jackson Rivera
how does $10k = whale this is retarded and its on slack.. this is just a scam to steal passwords isnt it
Easton Brown
Why would you give up your password? If you have talent, enlist.
Nathan King
We're crazy and I can't wait to see where that brings us.
Blake Mitchell
Jaxon Gray
can't win unless u play
Henry Price
Here to help 0x59de6ce4960028a438aad2eb083310cee1132ed9
Hudson Allen
This sounds insane. I don't see it working out but at the same time I'd never forgive myself if I missed out on something of that scope.
Jeremiah Anderson
I will help out 0x7e8bc1979fea78261f15c4b1f5dd9d338e37279e
Lincoln Rogers
Joined slack. I'm in. Expertise in DevOps engineer
Jackson Long
Many people are fed up im sure, just use it as an excuse to get of your ass. Any reason will so really. We have been pushed for so long, an inch at a time to the point that you rarely see anything legit anymore. Everything is corrupted and rotten to the come. Personally i feel nothing but terror under my paperthin mask if a personality. I cant even act anymore that everythings fine, so i isolate myself. Shits fucked.