Nice trajectory Stellar Snake
Say with me:
>Wakey wakey snakey
Nice trajectory Stellar Snake
Say with me:
>Wakey wakey snakey
Thanks for the cheap lumens /pol/ these niggers gonna make me RICH
south african here. got 5k lumens a couple weeks ago. should i sell now? do these things get more valuable? and how do i sell them?
long 4800
This FUD has been going on for too long, people are tired of it. It's time for snakey to moon again
Ascending triangle with no resistance for atleast another 20%. One of the few coins pumping and unlikely to retest 24hr low. We moonin boys
Cos airdropped about 1.5k USD is believable amirite. Nice try fudster.
wtf is this? are you racist?
XLM pumped like this mid feb, went nowhere.
>Bagholding for Africa.
No thanks.
Doesn't matter blacks,asians and brown people are the future so enjoy while you can bitch
>the future
>need to be given crypto for free
Nice try.
so why this and ripple are mooning?
The jews plan to overtake crypto is going to be announced soon, all the normie cattle will follow the call
damn this nigga got more than i do
And you will too if you know what's good for you. After it pumps you can trade it all for Monero and disappear with your money.
time to short i see
they are getting added to coinbase tomorrow
I seriously see this happening. Both of them added.
The pump is due to insider trading
Sleepy Sleepy Stellar Snakey
buy link
How high do you need to shill this coin to break even user? Heavy bags?
>implying niggers can sell the free lumens
myth busted
lmao still going with the nigger fud sad
lol I'm good, 350k at 8 cents. wouldn't mind loading up to a cool million if it ever dips below 20 cents
it's going up +15% after it just went down -30%, woowee
just went all in on XLM thanks
A w a k e n the s n a k e n