>whale invested into Veeky Forums
>OP seems deep into human psychology and marketing for us plebs and is helping ALOT of Veeky Forums
>legit saint
>slack channel set up for us

Nice try, can smell a pump and dump scam miles away. Truth is, no one out there who is an actual whale is going to help you. Whales literally live off people like us, anyone claiming to be one should be treated with distrust, ESPECIALLY if he's offering "advice".

would beg to differ dude

>no advice
>OP is either a genius or crazy
>is trying to get legit projects off the ground
>prob post your eth address n find out


Nobody in that thread reported receiving anything lmao

I did receive 0.28eth. Check the address of people who said they received or the guy mention as sent in etherscan.


shittiest scam ever, not gonna work pajeet

how does the scam work?

I was in that thread and OP sent me ~.2 ETH. It's real. First time and probably last time I actually received free crypto on Veeky Forums.

I watched Shotcaller too afterwards, decent movie. I'm still trying to figure out how to further OP's cause, but it might take me a while. Anyways, that guy is something unique and I wish only good things upon him.

Nice star fagg

>use vpn
>make posts
>send coins to self
shill slack

also would like to know this.

When you start spending money

so i can actually and really get free eth if im willing to help with this vision?

sign me up 0xc2a3A9426C098dd0a0992611B82770CC6fCBF292 if i need to join something give me info.

OP I believe in the vision



help brother out brothers

Okay I joined and they're all schizophrenic


You retards. This is a scammer trying to build up his slack for a different scam.

hey i'm stacy going by TDX.stacy ima do a post and see if real ill report back if it is..

Well just wishing wont do much good. People really need to get organized. He needs help too.