Buy at discount ya pussy
Do a fib retracement from the uptrend from like 5 days ago and buy at the .50; you’re welcome
>fib retracement
i bought my stack at avg cost of $18.50 but im not worried. omg at $18.50 is ethereum at $18.50. shut up and hold. this is one coin that "hue le hodl xD" actually is good
staking coming in 3 months or less. Anyone under 1000 OMG wont make it.
How much do you predict will be generated staking per each token?
shill me this as HARD as you can
I bought between 6 - 7 - sold off some to get in a few other coins when OMG hit $24 and now as soon as ETC moons I'm moving back in at $16 OMG from $38 ETC tomorrow morning and will increase my position plus have a good 10grand to cash out for vacation or reinvest in Covesting or HPB
>tfw bought at 13k sats
still comfy but I kinda wish I sold at 18k now
oh well
i have 300 at the moment...do you need 1000 or more to stake or are you just being a nigger
I'd buy if it wasn't for the fact that the entire project rests on Plasma.
Have any of you retards actually paid attention to the Plasma github to see how development is going? Because it's not looking good.
Jesus, this board has been invaded by idiots who won't put in a few hours work to ensure their investments are solid.
godspeed user, i'd do the same, just trading and skimming profits constantly but im a burger and the amount of tax paperwork id have to do eoy would be massive headache.
>he thinks because things havent been posted on a private repository that it must not be developing
You can stake with any amount, you just won't make much with a few hundred, probably $200 a week or less.
I only have 132 and no more fiat so I'm fucked but I'll still get a nice profit.
its like dog . coin
You accidentally spelled God backwards
I will buy 1000 OMG if this would result in getting $1000 a month from staking.
Could likely be near $1000 a week
Not right off the bat, but in 2019/2020 definately
Yeah I meant mid to late 2019
As if math matters in a market fueled by speculation and sentiment. Math doesn't factor in.
>He doesnt even know
>$4000 a month on a $17300 investment
You guys are exaggerating too much. I know Veeky Forums is usually unserious but you are scaring away legitimate investors saying things like this.
Anyway what is the roadmap for OMG?
Nothing it's an exit scam dump now
>Anyway what is the roadmap for OMG?
Hahahah, the fucking state of biz.
> says returns like that are impossible
< asks the most basic question, thus knows fucking nothing about the project and the potential
land of the free, home of the brave.
How are those unbanked doing guys?
When will retards that can't open bank accounts be spending those OMG's from their digital wallets?
You think OMG is a currency?
not only that "PLASMA" isn't OMG exclusive ...
>tfw u made enough money off the omg airdrop to live for the next year
nah I think it's a shitcoin lol
I love how all the FUD comes from pure ignorance.
The 1000 minimum thing is not true.
More like 10k
Unironically check out the Omisego subreddit. It's actually pretty good.
I unironically post there every day.
Stupid question
I'm setting up sell orders for OMG on bittrex to take profit if it hits a certain level
whats the difference bewteen a normal limit order, setting the ask price to a certain level, and using a conditional sell when price is equal or greater to the certain level?
I'm on it because they are one of the few teams that form alliance with other promising shitcoins.
>A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong.
just traded my omg with profits for eos
feels so good brehs