ok Veeky Forums so I've been getting really good at analyzing coins and making consistent profitable trades especially with high momentum and capitalizing on alt moons and lower top 10 coins
If I started making threads to help you guys out would people actually appreciate it or just make fun of me for sharing my opinion?
Another problem is that with my trades you goys would have only a few hours to follow my predictions.
Maybe i'll make consistent threads to help out my fellow neet autists if things work out well but if I do should i tripcode so others don't try and fool people into making shitty trades?
FOR LOW ATTENTION SPAN RETARDS basically trying to organize consistent signals threads where I help Veeky Forums out and would like suggestions to make this happen
Xavier Wilson
I would genuinely appreciate your efforts if you are sincere desu senpai.
Josiah Davis
man I always just predict 'volatility' and just go with that
Grayson Sanders
Just use "wolfsignal" or something. I'm sure alot of us would appreciate it. I always dyor but sometimes a heads up is nice.
Aiden Rodriguez
Posting predictions is not as useful as explaining how you do them. That way you also make sure
Hudson Peterson
yea I can definitely do that even though I know Veeky Forums hates TA
I won't be able to do this for a while since all alts are shit right now but I can say that bitcoin is a safe buy right now
James Mitchell
So you want to become the first pumper and tell us to pump for you. There's dozens of discord groups out there doing just that
Cameron Bell
either tripcode on here or just make a telegram chat
Adrian Foster
Yes, use a tripcode if you are going to start regularly posting market observations.
Actual, non-shill opinion pieces on the market is something this board is severely lacking right now.
Jack Nguyen
This but better yet posting how you come to your predictions is better than just the predictions.
Teach a man to fish etc.
Ryder Parker
I suppose that's how this kind of thing has to work although my main intention is to offer help since I acutally like Veeky Forums besides the pajeets and scammers.
Ultimately this shouldn't be any kind of pump signals group since my signals are going to be for natural points of entry where I would enter myself as a single trader on non pajeet pnd coins.
Jackson Bennett
I would very much like to subscribe to your news letter.
Jacob Sullivan
Why not start a Telegram? I like that dynamic for advice better than biz
Jacob Wright
pls be real
Isaac Thomas
If you're serious, I'd love to get a Telegram invite or something.
Carson Ramirez
post folio or fuck outta hereeee >bitcoin safe What are ya, fresh outta newkidstown
Parker Torres
I like you, Bud. You think you're good. In a bull market. But the real mean come out in a bear market.
Ayden Moore
You should do it OP, it would help us out a lot to verify our own trading decisions. But definitely use a tripcode.
Juan Robinson
Come back OP and do something
Ian Lopez
Jaxon Clark
dAMN I even just watched it too. Guess I am a pajeet.
Jordan Adams
be careful, we have a red candle on the daily, currently, not the best of times to make an entry