Any 10x possibilities out there?
10k to invest until EOY
ENJ for sure, research it. Amazing project and dream team.
EVE will have done a 10x before September
AMB is the most obvious 10x since VeChain AT 20 cents. The dev team read like a who's who in the blockchain space. It has the strongest business use case of any crypto currency that exists right now. I work in pharmaceuticals and AMB is the only significant position I home other than BTC/ETH.
Watch this presentation given by their CEO.
Literally every thing will 10x by eoy
looked into this as well, looks really promising. >80M market cap
>real use case
>tons of room to grow
come to daddy
Based purely on potential, Ambrosus. It's going to fucking blow up when alts start recovering big time. Their team is waiting to reveal NDAs.
We've got a sleeper here boys
NXS user. Look into it
Ponzicoin bruv, may not 10x but guaranteed profit get in while you still can
REQ long term 100%
ary, lamden
Jesus, that meme needs some work.
amb easy
Based on marketcap alone, probably Sharder protocol. Currently $7-10m. Will be on exchanges in a couple of weeks. Has 10-50x (100x stretch if the entire market rebounds) upside easily.
stay away from my coin >
This. The President of Coinbase and the CEO of Ripple are going to appear together on CNBC's Fast Money on Tuesday at 5PM eastern time. On Monday, Coinbase is hiring 90 new support employees, with 500 to be hired by May. Remember to go all-in on XRP.
please don't give MAN the Veeky Forums kiss of death
Definitely Gifto (GTO), the most undervalued coin in top 200.
BURST, protocol upgrade coming soon
This, just look at the last update.
Once mainnet hits, the 42 teams that are working on the apps start to deliver, and the partnerships are announced, 10x will be the bare minimum.
read Nebulas white pages
Ambrosus is a no brainer. AMB is only 55 cents rn and they have pioneers of blockchain and IoT on their team. They have partnerships with Bitcoin Suisse, Ethereum Enterprise Alliance, Parity, Crypto Valley and fucking Microsoft. Just DYOR an you will see that AMB is a x10 waiting to take off
user pls help I cant find any info about MAN, pls gib
Getting rid of AMB, to participate in a finishing ICO was the hardest thing for me. I'll probably regret it.
Sweet trips user. Hopefully the ICO was wysker.
haha it was!
I guess trips proved it, Kek wanted it that way
Sweetcoin. Youtube sweetbridge and watch the scott nelson and vinay gupta interview
thank me later
hesitent to reply, but I have my share so I'll add-on
look at the steady 45*angle of upwards growth
people say DERO(is that the name?) is the "Monero killer" but it's actually BURST
the dymaxion hard fork is going to be an interesting time for the project
The meme coin is meme'd so much because it'll be the biggest moon mission since ETH.
EOS will go x100 and all other shitcoins like buttcorn, etharaum will die slowly but surely
Nucleus Vision. Handed biz the holy grail
>EOS will go x100
kek, 6b one person ICO with a half spent on marketing will be #1
EVE easily
NEBL will 10x a year from now but CS will 10x by end of May. Buy some right now
One of their (lead?) autists is an unbelievably choleric fucknut. BURST seems great but I honestly fear he might flip the fuck out and take down everything in a fit of nerd rage over some minor thing one day.
Not AMB. I’m serious. It’s another Wabi. I remember everyone was saying ohhhh Wabi’s the Walton and VeChain killer, oh Wabi has a secret Wal-Mart partnership (like how AMB has a secret Nestle partnership), blah blah blah. Don’t fall for it. Do your own research and you’ll see they’re way farther behind that Walton and VeChain in tech and in partnerships and so the price will reflect that.
also this
trac will blow up before amb
he's not that bad if you at least browse the discord
insightful dude
So? AMB can do a 10x and even after a 10x gains it's worth only 1/3 of VEN.
I unironically don't give a fuck about tech and partnerships. I care about potential gains for my investment. I don't like any coin. It's all ponzi scheme. I'm in it just for a quick buck and after I have made my gains I switch coins.
How the fuck can you trust a ceo that dresses like a clown ?
bitcoin gold
Kek is with Wysker. This gun be good.
is this real? that huge potential? gotta look into it
>that tie
>troll confirmed
Pictures like that make me so glad I'm a gay/faggot/homo going to hell
Check some icos there will be some x10 for sure
Why? Because they're ugly?
I think Moria will do a 7-10x. Potentially higher if it's a continuing bear market. I had higher hopes for the token but over the past 24 hours after meetings with their team, the hopes of a 20x EOY is slim.
They just look like so much hard work.
easy money
DUDE... that's me in the picture with the black shirt and glasses lol
I'm talking about Rico666. No doubt he's a smart guy, but he's an insufferable cunt and has been long before BURST
To add onto this: I believe BURST is a good idea. This dude is just too unstable for me to invest significant amounts of money into it hoping that he won't generate even more drama or straight up rage quit
Also still pretty mineable.
>ctrlf JNT
>no result found
You guys will never make it
go buy sir plz sir
>Bunch of ugly people roleplaying as being attractive normies
Why do you even save a picture like this?
You just described every chads and stacies with that sentence.