Wtf I love McDonalds now

wtf I love McDonalds now

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Those make-your-own burgers are better than you guys give them credit for. Taste like actual burgers.


Isn't the patty still 2mm thick?

How do you rationalize paying 1+ dollars for bread and the equivalent of 3 pieces of deli meat?

>that obvious lack of fries

come on mcdonalds


Why are they wasting money trying to pretend it's good? If I'm driving cross country and haven't showered in four days there are a few places I'll still go. Walmart, Denny's, Dollar General, Waffle House, and McDonald's. Everyone else knows their clientele and makes their money by being accommodating. McDonald's lost the plot. Nobody goes there to buy nice food, the empire was built on happy meals, ball pits, dollar double cheeseburgers, and obsolete happy land cartoon clown characters. And nothing will change that. McDonald's trying to improve its quality and image is as asinine as Walmart trying to be the next Neiman Marcus.

Is that the Times or the Post? Either way, god on McDicks for realizing that said paper does indeed have a useful purpose.

Cmon lad, a gallon of water, soap, wash cloth, towel and bathing suit aren't that expensive.
Just do a navy shower. You don't need a room or even privacy to pull it off.

>lost the plot.


The patties are bigger than the regular ones and taste better. It is still a rip-off, though ($10aud). I could make one of similar flavour for, like, $2aud. That's excluding the bun, because my family owns a bakery.

>7.50 burger bucks for one signle 'patty' burger...
Are you all stupid or something?
Please tell me this is a flop down in upside down land.

That's the same price as non-chain burgers. Those ones can be even more expensive. Fast food used to be cheaper, here.

>Taste like actual burgers.
well yes thats the actual point. Theyre still over priced though

>egg on burger
I hate this meme.

too much, how do you eat it

>Fast food used to be cheaper, here.
But I can get two 4 patty (albeit slightly small, but bigger than OP pic) burgers for about 8 burger bucks...
You're prices are wack.

How much is a double western or an order or 10 nuggets (from anywhere).


>Impressed by same food presented in a more fancy way

The buttermilk chicken sandwich they have now is pretty good, though.

>fries in a fryer basket
>served on a cutting board
>fancy bun instead of decent working class bun

egg on a burger is the least offensive meme in this whole situation

its non-american cheese too.

It's also not melted.

The nugget prices annoy me the most. I think you guys can get 10 nuggets for like $1 or $1.50, right? That costs us $6. No joke. I have no idea what a double western is.

1.50, and its more of a get you in the door thing, they should cost 2-3 dollars.

Double western is a double cheeseburger from carls jr's with barbeque sauce, bacon, and onion rings. It's about 4.50 burger bucks.

Are your grocery prices fucked up as well, or is it just a fast food thing?

20 mcnuggets $5 in fatburger land

Groceries are fair. Meat can be expensive, but it's meat.

>>fancy bun instead of decent working class bun


>serving food on newspaper

what's the point of this?

Literally only for aesthetics

It's not newspaper.

gonna go ahead and assume this isn't american mcdonalds. can't see them ever doing something like this.

It's Australia.
It's failing hard.

>not using the chance of driving cross country to try other regions local cuisine.

0/10 would not road trip with. Also truck stops have showers you filthy animal.

>that babby fryer basket

Canada as well. I see old Asian couples eating them occasionally.

Australian prices are jacked high but they are also rich af, minimum wage is like a base of 15$ an hour and companies dont scam you and pay you below that on the basis of some bullshit

>served on a wooden board, a newspaper and a fry basket
>instead of just on a plate

do people legitimately like this aesthetic?

>"regions local cuisine"

Man I fucking hate that kind of bun. Is there a name for it? Or is it just generically "artisan"? Wendy's uses them and they're fucking greasier than the burger.

McDonald in places that have strict food regulation is goat.

Brioche bun

It's called a pretzel bun. The fact you don't know that means you're underage or over 50.

I can't believe you people respond to these. These faggots are paid by mcdonalds to make these on all food boards.


Imagine being the Hamburglar in that restaurant and having to be all like "damn, McDonalds signature range, you fuckin' tasty, all meaty with your brioche bun and horrific dishless serving tray. I would totally break into a McDonalds to steal you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is pinch another Big Mac from under the heat lamp. Like seriously imagine having to be Hamburglar and not only sit in that McDonalds chain whilst the manager flaunts his disgusting artisan burgers in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing its cracked buns and overly stiff lettuce, and just sit there, bite after bite, hour after hour, whilst they perfected their recipe. Not only having to tolerate the fucking fries in a mini basket but also its haughty attitude as everyone on set tells the meal JUST AS GOOD AS GIVE GUYS and DAMN, MCDONALDS FOOD LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and eat this over shiny grotesque wannabe quarter pounder with cheese. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of McChickens and Hamburgers and later alleged chicken nuggets for your ENTIRE LIFE coming straight out of the jail in Hamburgerland. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the moisture that's breaking out on the rope tomato hidden beneath the bun, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and eat the 'artisan' (for that is what it calls itself)" flavors, the flavors it worked so hard for with executive chefs in the previous months. And then the manager calls for another bite, and you know you could steal every single hamburger in this restaurant before the security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Hamburglar. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

A woman got arrested this week for stealing three french fries.

Your days are numbered.

No, Nigger

Jesus fuck O_O

In denmark that's like 3 big french fries put together, and in Sweden it's the size of 5-6 large portions of french fries put together.

Ye even in McDonalds, and our fries here are tiny i mean ...thin stripes, really think stripes of potatoes fried in 7months old oil.

I wanna cry now.

Are you guys the size of Oompa Loompas?

It's nice, what's not to like?

n... no :S

>small wire basket to gyp you on fries
>glossy bun to fool you on quality

mcdonalds burgers are dog shit
id rather just go across the street and buy a patty and grill a burger in under 5 minutes myself, and have it taste 100x better than give them nearly 10 dollars for a fucking cm thick patty that was probably microwaved

Burger King actually offers 10 nuggets for 2$. Tried them with a friend(we both took ten) and they're pretty good.

I once got some nuggets on kfc. They were god tier. Crunchy, juicy and warm like an angel's fried semen

Plus it had [spoiler]actual chicken in it[/spoiler]

What makes them think people won't steal the boards and fry pails?