But that's not why I sold. I just analyzed the last month of picks. I stopped after looking at 11 of its calls. 4/7 calls were correct, for about 10% average gain. 7/11 calls were incorrect, and if you had held until the deadline, you would in some cases lose 30%
CND had a win rate of 72% in a bull market when EVERYTHING was mooning. My win rate in January was probably 100%
Now this shit is doing worse than a coin flip. If you look at its biggest winners, it's only looking at shit that just barely went through the roof. It said to buy XRP at 0.80, a week after it had been trading at 0.35. It said to buy Nano at $15, days after it had been trading at $7.
If I had to guess the only thing its doing under the hood is aggregating the calls of people who were previously correct in predicting. Well these people had win streaks when the market was good, now they don't know wtf to expect in the sideways market.
Your thread made me happy, good thing i wasn't in the wrong about selling this piece of shit weeks ago
Julian Wilson
They've been calling ADA to go up for several weeks now. each time its wrong kinda weird
Brody Smith
this thread is pajeet brand street diarrhea. you reallly thinks this turd burglar would sell the bottom if cnd was worthless when even if their calls are dog shit it'll be up 100% or more in two weeks? shut the fuck up
Ryder Lee
this couldn't even hold at $0.15 from yesterday, which was same price when Teeka called for a buy up to $0.30 Thankfully i bought most of it at $0.12 so I broke even or made a small profit. people who actually stake the CND always end up disappointed with it. maybe itll go back to 30 cents but I doubt it. there's only so many more fresh idiots to dump on
Michael Wood
This has been my sentiment as well. used to hold 200k and sold a few weeks ago.
The hype about their good calls came during December when everything was mooning. Just like it was impossible to lose money in December, it was impossible to make a bad call.
And even if their indicators work well, they only work well in a sideways market. If CND calls ADA to pump 15% in a week, and we catch an alt run, then of course ADA is going to pump 15% in a week. It BTC shits the bed, then no amount of tweaked AI indicators are going to get ADA there. So more often than not its altcoin calls are really just calls on bitcoin, which is to say: BTC goes down, alts dump. BTC goes up, alts dump. BTC moves sideways, alts flourish. You don't need 700k ERC20 shittokens to tell you that.
Jaxson Perry
teeka called it at 6cents pajeet. you don't know if you broke even or made a small profit? just stop. there's no staking.
Brandon Flores
i don't have PBC so I had to wait until I saw it on Veeky Forums it was 13 cents when bought 200k. I sold at 30.
i don't remember when I bought everything bought the full 700k, i think it was around 12 cents
by staking i mean keeping it in your ETH wallet to get the calls. don't be dumb
Elijah Miller
I think the BTC calls for CND are reasonably right. Thanks for the twitter link user.
Elijah Wilson
you just said you sold it asshole. it hasn't been 30cents for over a month. whoever is paying you to shill against cindicator deserves a refund.
You can check for yourself. It has several wrong calls on ADA, several BTC calls where it contradicts itself, it told everyone to sell BTC at $10k, then it went to $11,500 told to buy ETC, was wrong, ETC bled out 30%, called LISK, lisk dropped a ton, it called a buy on VeChain which then shat itself
It called ripple to go above $1.20, still not anywhere near there, it called ADX to go up, it promptly shat itself, it still says LTC is going up 25% hah, we'll see about that.
The only good call it made this month was monero, guess you can't get them all wrong
Parker Campbell
your proof of inaccuracy is a random tweeter account.
Eli Foster
i had the 200k plan in my wallet, all of the calls that I had matched the twitter account's calls exactly. Now you're trying to say the twitter is fake? lmao
Tyler Lewis
>i had the 200k plan in my wallet in op you had 700k for expert calls. how dumb are you pajeet? you don't know how much cnd you had or when you sold or how much you sold for. this is sad.
Charles Ross
Are you answering any question? Then what's the 100x moon mission?
Dominic Nelson
I just told you when I sold. You have brain damage. I was in the process of moving the rest of my CND out of binance but there's a 2 BTC limit. But it didn't matter since twitter gives out the expert calls for free. But the 200k trader level calls all matched. no reason to believe they're fake. Enjoy watching your shit bleed to $0.04
I'm keeping a few long term holds and moving my money to the stock market. The days of easy 10x are long over, its not even worth it anymore.
Robert Roberts
the market's so young, FA is a thousand times more efficient than TA. people are ready to buy anything that'll bring anything in the real-world. CND is fucking useless until everything is settled imho
Michael Hernandez
hahaha pathetic pajeet.
Austin Hernandez
be honest, how many CND are you bagholding? A coin flip is better, it can't even hold Teeka's buy up to price (very rare), and no one will buy when they learn they can get the information for free.
Anthony Sanchez
>pajeet tries to make some fud but fails miserably because of total inconsistency in his posts Top fucking kek Listen poobro, just go back to copypastas from your discords repo.
Aaron Brown
lol, you must be from CND dev team because you're pathetic. Tell me how much money you've lost from following their calls?
I'll even give you a call that's not on the twitter to prove it. >indicator 56.67% >what is the chance bitcoins dominance will rise above 45% at any time before Mar 29? From 12 hours ago
Gavin Edwards
i bought cnd back in october for 2cents you street shitting subhuman. obviously you can follow pajeets on tweeter for free but the information is as false as the trash you post. stay poor.
Justin Rodriguez
>A coin flip is better, it can't even hold Teeka's buy up to price (very rare), and no one will buy when they learn they can get the information for free.
No. Nothing has held Teeka's buy price. He called BTC buy up to 25K
Sebastian Howard
Show your wallet address and I'll check it on ethplorer to see if you are telling the truth.
>I sold it already >it still comes up under transactions
I hold 200k and I sub'd to a few of those cnd twitters. All of them posted some calls but then posted fake ones to pump their own coins.
CND was wrong about ada. But why weren't you trading BTC? The calls on the R/S were pretty spot on and I've made 3 BTC's the last two weeks daytrading.
Isaac Nelson
congrats, i'll be here laughing at your dumb ass when it falls back to 2 cent You could prove the twitter account wrong, but you won't because you're lying.
William Phillips
you created this thread to shit on cindicator and all you have to offer is nonsense and some random tweeter account.
Nolan Hughes
you can get r/s by looking at the chart yourself. It's not doing anything special. i've been bullish on bitcoin since $7k, didn't need CND to tell me that.
You're so desperate to discredit me. How many CND do you have? 1 million? why not just sell? it's still way above your buy price.
Jaxson Nelson
pretty basic math pajeet that;s not 700k
Nathaniel Diaz
I do both. CND is just another tool to confirm/deny any ideas I have. I lurk tradingview for those reasons too.
Also, the ICO drops help my shortlist the tons of ico's out there.
But you do you, user. I bought in at 230 sats so I'm going to keep holding.
Jack Ross
>following calls Never gonna make it. I don't have CND I'm here to laugh at you.
Sebastian Kelly
the last ICO it promoted as #1 was a proven scam lmao. but good luck with however you use it
Logan Hughes
The recent run has been pretty disappointing but I am pretty content on holding for the long term. Maybe itll moon, maybe itll go to 0, who knows. I have noticed a lot more CND shilling/fudding on biz though so I'm not sure what to make of that.
Samuel Diaz
What the heck. Why didn't you sell the bulk of your coins when it was up to 1300 two days ago?
And they sent out a warning to tell people that there were pulling that recommendation from the list. You should still DYOR and not blindly follow ANYONE's recommendation.
Jaxson Davis
>f12 instead of wallet address HMMMM
Colton Nelson
as a legit random user, seeing you absolutely destroy these shills was entertaining. watch them claim i'm you on a proxy and laugh
Isaiah Bell
>haha this is definetly not me, look at how good you're doing, DEFINETLY not him again btw. oh wow.
Tyler Kelly
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Cindicator just a glorified poll/betting platform that is supposed to predict the future based on hivemind?
This beyond retarded approach seems to be the norm among a lot of vaporware projects.
Oliver Evans
It's supposed to look at who has the best track history on predicting an asset price and use machine learning (somehow?) to combine that info and come up with a score.
They're mum on how it works under the hood. Sounds okay in theory, doesn't work at all in practice.
Landon Murphy
Even if the calls are not great the alt run it will easy double in price
Zachary Smith
b-but teeka said $5!!
Jace Perez
actual CND holder here. will think of you when i'm riding to the goddamn moon. 0xfa735bCE0E279f01251cead4f68F5bAFbAF0952e