Sold the absolute bottom. Congrats on this, seriously.
My hands are getting weak, somebody babysit me or else I'm gonna sell
yes, sell it at the bottom, weeks away from the main net release
Close the fucking graph right now faggot, CLOSE IT
OP I will buy your bags honest to god.
>saw it dip to 2750 sats, going up and down some, been wanting to get in
>shit boys its time to finally buy ATL for once
>2 days later its 2500
for FUCK sake
You bought the falling knife user
t. bag hodling since 55 cents
Bought at 2900 thinking it's quite oversold and the biweekly update is coming...
>the biweekly update is coming...
How is that special news? Of course it's coming. In fact there was one just a few days ago and I think that one was biweekly too!
don't worry. 2k to 3k sats is the absolute bottom.
Guess what faggot, it pumped before every single bi-weekly update. Except this one.
>it has 20% more to fall, no worries lad