Who else fell for this meme
I did.
For the pump.
Then i dumped it
bought in at 600 sat so down around 10%
wait, this wasnt just a joke?
It’s the only alt that actually NEEDS blockchain and therefore is arguably the only one which will succeed.
bought in at 1300 sat. kill me
Don't even bother trying.
I have never seen a thread that actually addresses the downsides and challenges this project have. The FUD here is uneducated.
People who actually bother doing some research into it know what the team already has achieved and how many people work for the company.
Sure, it might still be a shitcoin, but definitely not a memecoin.
Im still laughing about all the moon threads yesterday. Sorry "fun chads"
It set a new floor. Casinos started buying in.
I did
I never got involved with this but I recently just did my basic analysis and this coin actually looks like it could be possibly loading up for another run.
Insider here. This.
.30 end of Q2. Book it faggots.
I unironically bought 25K worth of FUN tokens so I can SPEND them in a blockchain casino in a year from now
anyone else ?
fun is one of the coins that's in my perma folio / utility folio
Need more FUN. Gotta get more FUN
Not only did I fall for it, but I dollar cost averaged down from 1200 sats all the way to 800, then sold it at 490 less than a day before the pump because I thought it would just keep bleeding. I didn't buy back in because I thought it was just a quick pump and dump, then held off on the second pump, and then bought in after the final pump at 575 sats, my stack 20% smaller than I sold. Now it's at 543, I'm not a good trader, and I am not having Fun.
Also holding Link and Req, the only other projects that I feel comfortable with after a lot of research, yet they are getting absolutely shit on. I'm considering leaving crypto altogether, it feels like one big Chink scam to take western dollars.
>buys high
>sells low
>blames the chinks
Yes, please leave crypto.
Dumped it on the pump, my soul is free again.
Dude, it's magic. As soon as I sell something, it moons, and anything I hold bleeds. I mostly just hold, and I mostly just bleed though. And yes, I blame the Chinks, they always dump at 4am local time, right as they are on lunch and I'm sleeping. Am I supposed to just tether up every fucking night? Every morning I wake up in time to catch the bottom flattening out.
121k FUN here, HOLDING the fucking line for 1 or 2 years
Q2 Moon mission
This is a mid-long term hold. Only pajeets try to swing trade this
what wallet is that?
All jokes aside, it is probably the chinks fault
I owned a little bit to partake in the memes.
I never really thought it would be a great coin though.
You won’t need FUN when programmers can build on the Cardano network (Kaleidoscope is a great example of a casino operating on the Cardano network)
Why remake something that isn't broken?