If you had to turn $30k into a million by EOY 2018, what would your portfolio look like?
30k challenge
100% chainlink
All in on COSS.
But that's just me.
50% Chainlink
50% Chainlink
I dunno about by the end of 2018, but I have a hail mary I'm gonna do that hopefully works out by the end of 2019
my rainy day fund would go into ETH
and then LINK, REQ and some OMG
but this isn't EOY port, this is EOD billions
Deep OTM options on leverage.
buy xlm
15K in JNT
15k aggressive margin trading on bitmex
EQL 100% (or exrn (although it is a bit risky))
all in on payfair
70% LINK
20% XRP
10% BTC
All-in on XRP. The President of Coinbase and the CEO of Ripple are going to appear together on CNBC's Fast Money on Tuesday at 5PM eastern time. On Monday, Coinbase is hiring 90 new support employees, with 500 to be hired by May. Remember to go all-in on XRP.
100% Turtlecoin. too easy
25% LINK
25% ChainLink
25% Stinky Linkies
Don’t listen to the Chainlink shills. Thy all sub 90 iq pajeets. The way to 1 million from 30k is as follows:
>10k LTC
>10k VERI
>10k PLR
100% chancoin obviously
Why LTC? I ask as I have just gotten hold of an old wallet containing 50LTC.
>Gets listed on trade satoshi, drops to 2 sats
Do a 100x short on bitcoin, get liquidated, then watch the price plummet to 1k right before I kill myself.
the only way to do this is, I hate to say it, Chainlink ALL IN
100% Bitcoin.
100% COSS
Thx for the suggestions. I’m torn Between Link and OMG now...
LTC has lots of interesting stuff coming out this year. Atomic swaps, lightning network, smart contracts. Plus it’s highly undervalued as it is right now. Much faster and cheaper than BTC to transact with. Has the potential to be the means of exchange when we transition to the crypto system.
50% Confido
50% Bitconnect
Problem is there isn't even 30k for sale
That means you go something like 70/30 in LINKs favor, considering OMG is already well into their marketing campaign and has less room to grow compared to LINK, which hasn't even begun marketing yet.
Both are good projects, but you're supposed to buy in before the hype to make the real money. And no, Veeky Forums hype doesn't count as crypto community hype. This board means fuckall in the grand scheme of things.
You are the number 1 xrp shill on this part of a section of a Cuban Shota author fan fiction repository.
Congrats. Srsly.
Unironically, BURST
33.3% AMB
33.3% TRAC
33.3% JNT
Oh, and forgot to say. If you're a weak handed brainlet who easily buys into FUD, stay away from LINK.
Don't buy unless you're willing to read the white paper so that you can realize that the FUD is bullshit.
50% VEN
50% LINK
All in Link.
All in SKY
Easy $2 mill
>1 year
>absolutely have to or I die
I would play roulette. Gains are tough to come that fast, I would either bet at the casinos or use the 30k to invest in planning to rob a bank.
Start taking positions on alts, doesnt matter if its link ripple or niggercoin.When the next alt bull comes, everything's going to pump x3-10. Don't fall for the hodl meme and take profits over time. Near the end of the alt cycle invest all eth. If you can ride the wave you can make it a million in 2-3 months
the only non-microcap coin that i'm confident can pull x30-100 is zilliqa
100% EOS
all in amb
my nigger
came in here to see this..unironically the only 100%chance there is
I have a feeling this is gonna be so true
Put it all on a shitcoin that no one has heard of, which there are hundreds to choose from.
Get lucky in like 5 ICOs always going all in
30k into NAS
15k in neo
10k in ltc
5k on low market shitcoin
OP I'd research this before heavily seems there's way better options for high cap coin.
hookers and drugs.
100% TRAC
Maybe sprinkle in a little ETH for an easy 2-4x.
All-in QTUM
OmiseGO, un-ironically.
tfw no one ever talked about DGD and now it's up like 500% since last december FUKCKKKK
Probably because people don't want to invest at the ATH.
Among top 100, highest probability (although unlikely):
Outside top 100, better odds than t100 coins but better chance you lose everything:
HPB > SPHTX > unironically PFR
XTO you faggots. Only available on c-cex, but join the discord there's reliable people you can buy from OTC
When do they plan to start marketing?
I made you a dedicated thread:
funny you ask that op
Awesome! Thank you!
I respect the dubs - not my choice - but one cld do far worse
That is one of the most retarded portfolios I've ever seen LOL