Which idiot thought it was a good idea to give a meal replacement product a similar name to Soylent Green...

Which idiot thought it was a good idea to give a meal replacement product a similar name to Soylent Green? All I see on normiebook on their products (I don't have any affiliation with the page, they show up as advertisements) are the same comments about how it looks gross and the "Soylent Green is people" meme. Who is actually buying and eating this? What went wrong?

What is it? Looks like a spring roll and that sounds like a delicious snack.

It's a meal replacement that comes in either bar form as seen in the picture or powdered form that you can mix with water to make a beverage.

That picture in particular looks like she's eating a giant cigarette, but it is in fact soylent.

Their competitors seem to want to copy them with unappetizing naming. Huel, more like gruel right?

Maybe because they market to people who hate eating actually an unappetizing name actually attracts those kinds of people?

It's shit. We ordered some of this for the office to see if could keep a stash for scenarios where we'd be pressed for time but would need to eat and the large majority of employees disliked the the drink.

Soylent is for people who get so busy coding that they forget to eat, who consider 'taste' and 'texture' to be distractions and whose Joker-like nihilistic and wicked sense of humor lets them appreciate the morbid film reference in the name.

It's geek chow.

Soylent's creator picked the name, admittedly in the original version of "Soylent Green" the aforementioned soylent green was made from a mixture of soy and lentils, not people


>say stupid shit
>nobody cares
>waah give me attention

Soylent only works under the assumption that we collectively understand everything there is to know about nutrition.

Pro tip: we don't

> soylent
>What is it?

its actually disgusting, do not recommend.

Who would care enough about a mentally ill man to screenshot a tweet that fast after it was posted?
Maybe the mentally ill man took that screenshot himself? Nah, that can't be it, xe he would never do that.

They probably thought people would make the comparison anyway and wanted to own the joke and supersede it.

Kinda failed failed obviously and people make the shitty joke anyway.

Is that a parody account or is the Scooby Doo actually that crazy?

Soylent Coffiest is based off another scifi dystopian food/drink, just a lesser known one, apparently

Fuck, if only the product had a rapidly evolving formula to meet changing nutritional guidelines, consumer wants and health desires

Thank you soylent I will buy a months supply

Joylent Twennybars were on the market first and honestly seem better

>similar name to Soylent Green
That's the joke. It gives them free viral marketing. Try to keep up.

Wow that's an endorsement.
The tranny making the awful game and driving the motorcycle at ilegal speeds feels important enough to drink soylent

This bitch and the other tranny speedrunner, cosmo or something

It's always mentally ill faggots

Maybe we found the link

It makes sense because soylent is essentially powdered estrogen with some vitamins mixed in

>"Soylent Green is people" meme
It's not a meme. It's true. Soylent Green is people.

Huel ---> fuel

Both Soylent Green and Soylent are references to a food called Soylent from an old novel. The name was the combination of 'soy' and 'lentils' because that's what the fictional food was made of.

The name similarity to something sinister like Soylent Green goes with the whole ironic corporate vibe that they've gone, the bland taste and the minimal package aesthetic.

>a giant cigarette

I don't know about that stuff but I sure as heck know I will soil my pants in excitement when the day comes where I can replace all food with a bunch of colorful pills that provide the exact amount of nutrition I will need for the day


He called it that as a joke, also it seems like he made it for himself and didn't expect to actualy sell the stuff.

It'ssome kind of a zionist jew scheme, not even baiting. Think about it -

Tastes like nothing
Costs way too much for what it is
Packaging is the most boring thing possible, even WW1 military rations had a more appealing packaging.

The zionists are up to something, becquse there is no way the company is making money selling this shit, somebody is funneling money into this shit for some other reason because whichever way you look at it it's a terrible product destined to fail.

>I can't see why a plain, inoffensive quick food replacement that taps into tech obsession with product increments, minimalism, precise formulas, removal of choice, would sell to tech obsessed valley retards

Jesus Christ, posts like these are the reason people don't like /pol/

That's basically what the powder and bottled drink are
5 bottles a day or 4 cups of mixed powder, 2000 calories and 100% daily nutrition

Who the fuck is gonna drink 5 bottles a day though, at least the powder comes with a 2l pitcher to hold a days worth

Don't forget its a subscription
Numale fucking love subscription

I really fucking hate subscriptions

There is nothing worse imo

I would buy it if it said "Fuck your hunger" on the package.

Cool, if it gets some passable flavour it'd be a godsend.

Ain't gonna replace food, but a few mel substitutions when in a rush would be great.

One of my friends is obsessed with working out and has two cupboards full of supplements. He ordered a trial package but said it tasted like shit. For someone who lives largely on protein shakes, chicken breast and plain vegetables, that is saying something.

Considering the retard that made it had no idea what he was doing with nutrition and used the wrong type of Vitamin D (He used D2 rather than D3), the product is worthless in my mind.

I see this shit everywhere in Silicon Valley despite cheap, good ethnic food EVERYWHERE.

I can't wait for the bubble to burst.


Fuck this cunt
>I don't have time to eat
I had to drink nutritional liquid for a few months and have never missed a meal since recovering.
That shit isn't fun.
It sucks life out of you.
And she/he/it just throws away the joy of taste at a whim in the name of time?
Fuck astronaut food.
Fuck this retarded cunt

im dying

cannot unsee cigarette

I'm thinking of either buying Soylent or getting a magic bullet to make easy smoothies

Why not make smoothies with the soylent?

>in the original version of "Soylent Green" the aforementioned soylent green was made from a mixture of soy and lentils, not people

No, the original Soylent Green is in fact made from people.

I got jumped and my jaw ended up broken in multiple places, meaning its been wired shut
I've been stuck on a liquid diet for like 3 months now, and its shit.
If i didnt know it'll be over soon, i'd fucking off myself.

this, when i've been doing coding work for university or freelance work it's so easy to not eat and i've had a few meal supplements instead of eating, i've taken pills before jut st to make up for lost nutrients when not eating. Unfortunately i've put weight back on now

What's the difference? My insurance wouldn't pay for (prescription) D2 pills because you can get D3 otc, and when you get it tested they only give you one number, so I always assumed they were basically the same thing. But I'm not about to go designing nutritional shit based off of my half-assed assumptions.

Isn't this stuff loaded with estrogen?

so is literally everything else you eat drink or breathe

I don't like it because it tries to make food an object of pure utility rather than utility+pleasure. It's not human desu. It also looks disgusting.

Pretty sure they knew what they were doing when they called it Soylent you dummy.

I tried a European brand. It doesn't taste bad. It doesn't taste good either.
I'd describe it as "meh", close to NULL.

I used it when I was too depressed to cook/eat, and as breakfast (I usually only have coffee without food).
With calories counting for retarded fatties, I can't envision other case where this product would make sense.

Human fuel

I enjoy the premixed soylent in the mornings. It tastes alright but is easy on my stomach which is usually upset early in the day.

Can't stand the powdered crap though, tastes like ass. My girlfriend and our roommate seem to prefer the powdered crap but they flavor it with peanut butter powder and assorted flavor drops.

Bar is ass.

Haven't tried coffiest.





he's clearly on the spectrum if you've seen any interviews