Pls help

if i was to supposedly have 100k in inheritance, what would be the best thing to invest in.

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Which currency and where do you live?

straya dollars

buy btc?

its gonna crash muchacho

so short it then if you're so sure

XRP. The President of Coinbase and the CEO of Ripple are going to appear together on CNBC's Fast Money on Tuesday at 5PM eastern time. On Monday, Coinbase is hiring 90 new support employees, with 500 to be hired by May. Remember to go all-in on XRP.

Fuck off with this shit dickhead.

OP put 90k of your LARPbux in well diversified stocks, the rest in platform tokens.

Supposedly? What do you mean? You have it or you don't, shut the hell up faggot.

this seems reasonable

Take 75k and invest. Take the other 25k and have fun with it or pay off debts. In other words, do something immediately tangible with it in case you lose the other 75k. You won’t feel totally resentful and butthurt in that case. To the Investing advice.

Pick 3-5 coins to invest in, stuff you really believe in and put it there for the next 3-5 years. My top 5 coins are: LTC, OMG, PLR, VERI AND PPT. YouTube Clif High and check his reports out. They have made me and my friends quite a lot of money.


Trx. 100k will get you 1.6MM trx will be between $1.20-$1.40 eoy so that would net you $1,999,999 minimum eoy

>throw away 25k or 25% of your one time lottery money
>take the other 75% and put them in funneymoneytokens
>buy reports from an aciddamaged methaddict who believes hilary clinton is a robot to validate investment
you and your stupid hoodniggerfriends must be 12 or completely retarded
/biz in a nutshell
sad sad sad

that was mean :(

might buy an apartment in melbourne with my brother due to new home owners grant the guvment gives us

You must have missed the part where I said if he had debt to pay it down, brainlet.

Also, he could probably take his one time lottery money and invest it in mutual funds like a scared faggot and make 3k a year. I’m sure that’s your advice. Or he could invest it in some solid cryptos and potentially be a millionaire in 3-5 years. Get REKT boomer faggot.

If you're going to invest in property, don't buy in Melbourne, it's overbought. Look for an apartment in Hobart, Adelaide or maybe Brisbane. Spend less than $300k and the rent should be able to cover the mortgage, and soon you'll have enough equity to do it again. DYOR and math on this though, it will be the difference between a good investment and a shit one.

It's going to skyrocket muchacho

Do something useful with it like starting your own business or some chit, and not investing it in crypto like a cuck who bases his net worth on pure luck

>Working hard all your life to give your child a nest egg that they lose on magic meme money.

Put in an index tracker until you can get a mortgage you spoilt disrespectful little cunt.


The Billion Coin, because by next year each Kringle is projected to be worth $10. Do you realize what this means? I read that it's legit on Bold Pure, which I'm also heavily invested in. Both extremely legit projects, just like Legit Coin, the legit, coin.

Or don't gamble the money your parents or other relatives worked their whole life for and left you.


30% KCS, 30% BIX, 40% BCH. When that BCH reaches 0.2 sats sell it for BNB


Do not do that
That is the exact last thing i would do
Ive been looking at the real estate market for 2 years dont have time but look at corelogics reports in short syd and Melbourne hugely overpriced and the market is just now beginning to unwind and we dont know how fragile the debt really is in australia until they raise rates
I would put 10% in crypto like ETH BTC XMR then bonds and maybe gold. I wouldnt touch stocks not with Chinese property bubble rumblings,rates and the dollar rising.

Buy a decent property and rent it out in the Midwest. Buy Amazon & Netflix stock. Put it in a bank for six months and think about it.

Notice none of those say crypto?

Agree no Aus property.

Best investment over the next 12 months will be shorting the AUD, About to seriously tank.

Supect crypto would actually be the same or better risk as an apartment in Melbourne right now.

Moot anyway. No one is buying any property in Melbourne for 100k. Do you nons read?

Check out the YANK or maybe EEU ETF.


Buy a flat in porto, portugal, fix it up and make some agent rent it out for you in airbnb
Dont out money your ancestors worked for their whole life in something as risky as crypto
Put the earnings from the flat in crypto
Other areas in eu that will boom are croatia/balkans in general and estonia

I had a similar amount.
Put in half in bitcoin last March (when the price was around $1000).
My only regret is that I didn't put in more.

I also played a bit with altcoins, and was ecstatic with the insane gains, but I quickly learned that with alts, what goes up must come down. If you play that game, learn to take your profits.

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Am I still in Veeky Forums?
Is this real life?

pros/cons of flipping houses VS straight out buying property and renting it?


The Billion Coin [TBC]

This is not the asset class you are looking for...

(In Australia anyway...)