What drugs/nootropics are you taking Veeky Forums? Anything help take the edge off IRL or trading?
What drugs/nootropics are you taking Veeky Forums? Anything help take the edge off IRL or trading?
Micro dosing lsd
OP, before you take nootropics or whatever you need to make sure you don't have other health problems that are causing mental problems.
You might have mercury/lead toxicity, you might have parasites, thyroid issues, intestinal bacterial overgrowth, mineral/vitamin deficiencies.
Also the absolute best nootropics are cerebrolysin injections, High powered LLLT applied directly to the brain, nsi-189 etc
Adderal/SSRIs/Benzos is fucking POISON, don't ever think of taking this shit I swear to god it will fuck your life up.
You also might have breathing issues (most people do; can't belly breathe). Or sleep issues. Posture issues. Really basic shit.
This dude is right though, stay away from the amphetamines and benzos.
how do you test for all that shit
sounds tedious
Ok, I am going to have to look into this shit
I take noopept sometimes, it helps with brain fog from fibromyalgia/CFS
I am also very interested in intranasal insulin for cognitive enhancement and weight regulation
Where to get modafinil in australia?
I tried to buy it from one site with my debit card, but my bank flagged it as suspicious and it didnt go through. They rang me asking if someone had stolen my card lmao
>sounds tedious
Welcome to having chronic unexplained illnesses that ruin your life that scumbag doctors refuse to cure.
Did you ever have silver dental fillings?
N Acetyl Semax Amidate
Ive been on SSRIs for 7 or 8 years, had to go to therapy due to an absolute aspie level of social anxiety and terrible depression (some social maladjustment having to do with being a /b/tard at 12 but w/e). Really has improved things greatly in terms of sociability and not being in my head all the time with my anxiety levels turned up to 10. Been taking slight amounts of kratom every few days to get melt into Game of Thrones and whitepapers but I besides that I just smoke pot Curious about ways to get my brain jogging again for school
Weed and meditation daily. Some molly and lsd from time to time.
man that sucks
you probably had other underlying issues like mercury
instead you went full SSRI
You'll never be actually happy on that shit, just content.
What a shame.
I have really really happy moments but I guess you're kinda right man, I am content as fuck but it's better than how I was before, kinda borderline suicidal and empty.I tried to go off a few years ago and I turned back into a self-guessing, anxious person who preferred not to socialize to make a fool of myself because I knew whatever was going to come out of my mouth was fucking stupid or timing would be off with delivery and every time I was right. Noped out of that after a few months.
I'm jelly of not having to take a pill every day to feel normal but believe it or not I feel pretty normal man, as far as normies go. Missed my opportunity with bitcoin too as I was being an actual high schooler. feelsbadman. Used to fuck around all the time on BMR, had a fascination with drugs and bitcoin
>kinda borderline suicidal and empty.
did you have/do you have mercury dental fillings?
nope never had any fillings, teeth have always been healthy. I wish I could blame it on something more rational like mercury frying my brain but I think my brain just wants me to become an incel and kill myself when I'm not on an SSRI. Maybe thats why I abused the shit out of coke/lsd to try and get to a feeling of happiness that I can't normally obtain
While I agree with you about cognitive problems usually being caused by physiological conditions such as the ones you listed, I most likely don't have thyroid problems, any poisoning, cheliakic disease, any parasites or deficiencies. Meanwhile stim medication has worked wonders for years now. Used to be a lot like , except not suicidal
Same for me, brain just flat out doesn't work right on its own. Gotta kick it with meds since it hates me anyway
I wanna find some so bad I'm going to a party in a few weeks hoping to score a regular dealer i heard it help with ideas and focus i don't have either of those things. I literally just try to get through one day at a time :/
does anyone else look at others to try to get an idea of how to react to things? like i legit don't have a clue if what i'm seeing is suppose to be funny or how funny. I take my cues from others.
This nigga knows
Autism? I've seen they have these nose sprays that temporarily help, can't remember the name of the compound right now
do you get anxious in a social setting and literally be so concentrated on whats going on in your own head that you hear the words going on and don't process them but you act like you're paying attention and then when something happens you have to react?
or is it more like you literally can't pick up on social cues? in that case you might have the autism
Congratulations, you have aspergers
Probably oxytocin, i've never tried it but it's interesting
Just get a testing kit, some btc and buy some from a dark net market. Micro dosing has changed my life, no lie. Much calmer and happier now.
Yep, that's the one. Not a miracle cure AFAIK, but anything that helps
>does anyone else look at others to try to get an idea of how to react to things? like i legit don't have a clue if what i'm seeing is suppose to be funny or how funny. I take my cues from others.
Time is love is death is nothing is you
that one first one i have the first one i'm there but i'm not there. :/
Crippling social anxiety. Welcome to the club.
do you have mercury fillings?
heh I know about every single one of these things
did jack shit for me
Phenibut is nicee
I take no drugs motherfucker. I am evolving beyond the need to.
I trade professionally for a prop firm not some maggot who trades cryptos on his laptop. Anyway champ I'll tell you things that help me. I meditate every morning for 15 minutes before trading, I also go the gym most days which are both good to put you in a positive state of mind and clear your head. I also take cold showers which reduce cortisol and help you deal with stress. Best of luck, faggot.
man you guys keep doing these drugs that brute force your brain to do shit it's not supposed to do
it only masks symptoms and doesn't cure the underlying problems
Actual silver? No. A small number of amalgam (mercury) fillings.
I fell for the modafinil meme but it just makes me woozy, I don't do the things I plan to do at all and my mental capacities aren't improved at all. It fucks up my sleep rythm as well, and afterwards I feel tired as fuck.
>muh limitless
That's exactly what I meant.
MERCURY fillings are fucking dangerous.
and if you don't have the right genes to detoxify it, you are absolutely fucked
I can guarantee mercury is causing your mental problems.
I'm getting some NBMI to get mercury out of my body. Another user here told me about it, it's supposed to be the most powerful mercury chelator.
>tfw I know all of the right substances to get REAL limitless but I need money and time to get them
and what substances would those be?
there are MANY of them
Hydrogen water, GCMAF, NBMI, NAD+, high powered LLLT applied to brain + coq10 and ppq, cerebrolysin, Epitalon, helminth therepy
just to name a few
Big Pharma and the FDA hate that this shit exists, but you can get it right now and cure your problems and get off big pharma cartel drugs.
ive tried all the nootropics in the world but nothing compares to the combination of
meditation + semen retention
I live in NZ and apparently could get an experimental short course of Emeramide with only my doctors approval: emeramed.com
Would I be better off just ordering some lab supply?
Lab Supply seems like less complicated and less time consuming method.
I'm planning on buying 5-10 grams in the next few weeks.
I KNOW I have mercury toxicity and I KNOW it's ruined my life.
Massive OCD/brain fog/social anxiety/delusions/food intolerances/extreme mental fatigue.
I've tried NAC, DMPS and EDTA and they've only helped a tiny amount, they don't even enter the cell or the BBB.
Emeramide/NBMI seems like a fucking miracle to me.
tell me more
cerebrolysin seems interesting, but brain disease is scary, Wondering if one could recreate the effect with the right combination of peptides and amino acids (p21, epitalon, nasa, alcar, etc).
>but brain disease is scary,
what brain disease?
This worked well for me for a while, but recently not so much. Now it makes me anxious and weird. May I ask for your advice on this?
btw how do you measure your dosage?
Absolutely. I've been on ssris for OCD for 5 months now. Life saver truly. Anyone who has the nerve to say 'THEY R POISON' completely unsubstantiated needs to learn to read fucking scientific papers.
I used to take them
they were horrible for me
stop trying to justify your dumbass mercury fillings conspiracy theory
>conspiracy theory
It's common science though brainlet.
Yes they aren't effective for everyone. But for many people they are god sends.
I trade drunk usually. It makes me less fearful and more able to cut losses too. I've average out gains/losses on different trading sessions and can say that I trade 35% better with 1.5 cans of super stregth beer in me.
I hate reading health advice.
>Here's Dr. Shekelsburg shilling you insurance for pharmaceutical remedies that relieve symptoms rather than causes
>Normies acting like experts because they skimmed 3 clickbait articles
>Some forum lurker who's noided as fuck from dabbling in too many research chemicals & lsd, ranting neurotically
Effectively all ll-in NANO
Have you had any big changes in life recently or have been stressed out more than normal? Do you remember how it started?
I usually just get 250ug tabs and cut in to 3. I know its not exactly "micro" but it works for me and I've always enjoyed the lsd comedown. Some of the best introspection and thinking is done there for me.
SSRIs especially Prozac have been shown to be neuroprotective and actually boost cognition
1 dab of md per 12 hours
Not huge changes. I would say moderate to high stress quite regularly, but I started the microdoses while this was happening and it helped. I might say the stress has increased recently but not drastically.
They just NUMB you and damage your seratonin receptors.
wth how are all those additional gears gonna help my brain? They're just gonna stuck the existing ones like what, I'll pass thanks
Doctor here.
No they don't damage your receptors faggot, once you come off physiologically you're back to usual quickly.
I jack off trice a day.
The stress can be a big factor, I think of lsd as a mood enhancer first. You could maybe try taking a day, relax and take a good dose for a decent trip. Work out all the bullshit in your head. Even if it turns in to a bad trip with the anxiety, it might just be what you need desu.
>Even if it turns in to a bad trip with the anxiety, it might just be what you need desu.
A few years ago I took 990 micrograms and fuck me was that a bad trip, but at that time it was exactly what I needed.