Nice way to turn 3 ETH into 30 ETH by mid-April
Nice way to turn 3 ETH into 30 ETH by mid-April
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Oh come the fuck on the thread calling you out on your scam is not even halfway down the catalog.
>30 ETH in April
you mean 60 minimum
dear bold pure team please stop or try reddit.
Turn 3 eth into 0
Nice try fags. I hope some pissed off autist finds you, ties you up and makes you listen to a rant about his 40k collection.
They've been at it for the past few days, but they really ramped it up today.
their logo is literally a mercant's nose
Scam coin. No digital fingerprint.
Scam linkeid.
No github. No nothing.
They already got their shit called out everywhere else as well if anyone still has the slightest doubt about this being a scam.
i fucking knew it was bold pure team fucking shilling on here.
>scam coin
>logo is a giant merchant nose
Can we just sticky one of these things so that they stop posting them?
I only had to see like 4 of these posts to decide to add a filter, jesus you shills are fucking garbage now. the absolute state of paid shills.
but you guys keep bumping the thread lmfao
Because as soon as it drops a little in the catalog they post a new one.
welcome to Veeky Forums
i don't know why they bother all this spamming and no-one is buying any. whats the fucking point. atleast go to it on reddit.
reddit will get it banned
Those buttons on the website are fucking weird man
Well, there's a new one again.
>thinking a scam would put in work
According to their twitter, they "let go" their marketing director two hours ago.
they literally write some garbage up and decided to add a picture
adding on to they let somebody go at 2 in the morning? (PST is their local time) top fucking kek
this is either a European or Indian Scam
The pictures are very probably random people unaware their picture is used for this, but they have two videos looking like they might be from fivver or something. Might be possible to see who paid them for this in the off chance that they didn't hide their identities.