I work at this office where my MARRIED supervisor is rather friendly and I've gotten the suspicion she might like me.
She's complimented me several times mainly on my personality, with a few about being funny or my appearance. Stating negative things that could get her in trouble or just plain conversation where she expresses her opinion but is clearly fishing for my opinion or seeking validation for her opinion. At which point she seems to agree with me without issue. Has gotten comfortable enough that she behaves informal such as telling me that if I need her to "holla" at her while adding some sort of inflection to it.
I mean she's married and has kids!? She couldn't be hitting on me, could she? If she is how do I get her to backoff without getting fired?
Ryder Fisher
Is she attractive?
Kevin Bennett
some women flirt subconsciously. If you act on it she might report you, or could just ruin your career
Alexander Anderson
Tell her you hold LINK. You'll repel her immediately
Lincoln Bell
She's manipulating you
Nolan Walker
You don't. You double down on the flirting and work your way up the ladder. And bonus if you sleep with her.
Adam Peterson
Bait her into saying suggestively sexual things on recording, then sue.
Matthew Kelly
How so?
Jackson Martinez
Jordan Bailey
Kek let me guess, you work in IT. And she is your manager but she can't program or has a technical understanding of the material you are working with.
This means that she is totally dependant on you and the rest of her team for her career. The ONLY thing she can do is be nice to everyone en use some flirting to get shit done.
Matthew Foster
by pretending she's attracted to you (she's not) so you'll do anything for her
keep in mind it's innate behavior, she doesn't even know she's doing it
Luis Smith
Who cares.
Unless you put your penis in her vagina your ok.
Just go to a brothel or pick up at the bar.
On a personal note. I've stopped chasing women or caring. I pick-up randoms of they're cute and available. I no longer attach myself to anyone or invest myself in relationships which eventually all fail.
There are so many women out there. Forget about your work colleague / boss as a sexual conquest. Have fun with it though, maybe play "her" get yourself a promotion.
Juan Parker
Record everything without her knowing.
Then after you have some good evidence; either:
1. blackmail her; or 2. flirt back for sex; and then blackmail her.
if you get fired doing either one, you can then sue her / the company - use your evidence.
Benjamin Clark
Eli Moore
Im suspicious of OPs intent
Hunter Wood
You're thinking way too much into it. She sounds like she is just being friendly. As long as it stays at work you're fine.
Jordan Hall
Not sure I caught her talking to a female cowork about someone in a complementative way which I suspect was about me but not sure as I had just walked into the room.
Anthony Morales
you're completely deluded and not using reason anymore. people can complement other people without being attracted to them. you need to sort yourself out or prepare for the consequences which will involve having to find a new job.
Christopher Wood
This guy gets it. It's the American way.
Bentley Scott
Listen to OP
Liam Butler
She sees you as a rescue job; she does not want the d i c c
Jayden Martin
keep your dick in your pants OP. it's business not anons secret sex fantasy.