So I have been collecting Veeky Forums thots like the virgin I am. But I'm having a hard time to find a good way to organize my thots. Should I put them in hair by colour. Or should I organize them by clothing? Or maybe by brappers and milkies.
As you can see guys very big crisis I need some help.
Ryder White
Or maybe I could segregate them by race?
John Howard
I have mine by likely smell. That is whatever I imagine they smell like. It works well because that way it's more easy to place them in a distinct category.
Aiden Johnson
That's actually pretty original. Here have free thot.
Aiden Murphy
i can't picture this one not smelling nasty
Thomas Sanchez
>Veeky Forums - Business & Finance
Parker Nguyen
>implying you wouldn't pay 1 bitcoin to lick her asshole
Jackson Richardson
I see you're new here.
Carson Stewart
meant for
Hudson Perry
It is in my financial interest that I solve this crisis.
Owen Johnson
friendly reminder that gays and women are triggered by thots and they like to make unrelated threads or BRAP to make it seem like thots detract from the community
fuck reddit I am drunk and I would definitely take the chance to smack you reddit queers in the face given the chance
t. heterosexual male with a half naked girl on the bed next to me
Brayden Carter
I'm honestly trying to organize my thots
Brody Williams
>So I have been collecting Veeky Forums thots like the virgin I am Same.
Lincoln Diaz
That one will make a fine addition to my collection. Might I interest you in some other premium material.
Aiden Scott
Gavin Gomez
who the fuck is this you stupid fucking nigger. you're ruining my 18 day streak. kys, but first tell me who it is.
Michael Cooper
Im glad you exist op. Youre a total pathetic fag. More than I thought I could ever be. I collect good memes instead of gay niggerism like you
t. 24 old virgin
Thomas Murphy
Theres no real benefit to not fapping beyond 7 days of no fap
Cooper Thompson
I don't know her name, she just some camwhore from which I found a gallery.
Brayden Robinson
To each his own.
Logan Russell
t. some literal queer
Logan Butler
Thots are very hard to organize. But don't worry- I'm here to help. You wanna sort them according to their level of sluttiness. That way, you can post the most offensive thot you can find in an instant and vice versa for the purest chick
Hunter Reed
You are a God, thank you user.
Jackson Rivera
Mason Taylor
Thread solved! If you sent me you TRTL adress I'll sent you some free TRTL for helping me out.
James White
I'm a boobs guy. I need more teen cuties with gigantic mammers