PIC RELATED. some user posted this in another jnt thread this is not my screenshot
Other urls found in this thread:
>Talaal Tabba
buy . jibrel coin its goig to 1 millio9n
jibrel had 3 of the 4 most influential people in crypto speaking at their conference before the damn ico was completed!No vitalik to complete the set :( video proof below.The size of the conference, can you smell the money anons?Can you see why the pajeets in the jibrel telegram are so scared their 200 dollar life savings wont buy enough?
don tapscott, the don of finance and crypto
binance ceo, cz, also on the front cover of this months forbes
Da Hongfei ceo of neo
We're gonna be rich boys, strap in for the biggest space mission of your life. Next stop: andromeda.
Reporting for duty.
Comfy holding 400k JNT
prove it faggot
I see you are accumulating :^)
I hope the announcement will continue to be delayed, I need my other shitcoins to mature so I can dump them for JNT, aiming for 300k
surprised it's not being shilled here more.
Doesn’t really need shilling, gets more FUD threads atm.
We actually had a pretty informative FUD thread yesterday but even that user couldn’t really find a grasp.
I am all-in and happy, if it keeps bleeding I may even be able to buy some more with the rent I’m collecting next week. I am afraid that they will announce mondayish, seeing how its been in the pipes for a bit now.
It's been shilled every single day for the past two/three weeks. Multiple threads a day.
oh shiet its the legendary 400k jnt holder
There is no sheik. There never was.
Omg the quads of truth
Gonna have sell all my JNT, sorry boyos
Joining the Jibrel marines. 5K JNT to start me off
not sure what to make of this. ive been to dubai. the wealth in the UAE is staggering desu, the sidewalks are made of polished marble and the shopping malls have these gigantic fish tanks with hammerhead sharks and shit. its rare to see a car that isnt a lambo or a land rover. closest thing to heaven on earth ive ever seen. not a holder but im considering doing some research on this. the arabs are extremely insular, i know that they would definitely support an arabic coin with untold amounts of wealth just on principle alone. need to DMOR on this
buy jibriel coin . its going 1 MILLION
>still no official announcement
>all information from the mouth of the founder who totally had no incentive to exaggerate
Oh Veeky Forums...
HOLY SHIT! This will be bigger then the announcement with the Sheik in mid February! Bigger than the seed announcement by the end of February and EVEN BIGGER then the official meme contest in early MARCH! HOLD JNTLMEN WE GOING TO NEPTUNE! NO WEAK HANDS TEE HEE HEE
Look closely :)
wooop woop
Why would jnt ever moon?
If i understand correctly, institutional investors would hold jibrel tether known as cryDR
They would EXCHANGE them for jnt that they would hold for a few minutes before exchanging them again for other cryptos
Jnt should only have a residual value
JNT is locked up as proof of solvency
so the minimum for the market cap will be the total value of all the tokenized assets
that is immense potential
Oh god. The fake FUD attempts are getting to another retard level.
This has been shilled every single day.
It’s just an excuse for sand niggers to get your money.
You do that by buying oil.
Why would you buy this coin?
Any investment site says it’s a scam particularly because it’s got a severe lack of usage and can be manipulated severely.
>look closely
>"partners in fertility"
camel sperm bank?
talals genetics donation?
>"seed group"
>"partners in fertility"
my fucking sides
oh user, i...
Ok thanks
>can be manipulated severly
This, if you buy low now you probably won't lose though
So I can invest in Arab money with this?
I really believed in jibrel but in going to have to bail now. Sorry lads,it's over
derka derka bitcoin derka derka