How do i ensure that this shit doesn’t happen to me Veeky Forums?
How do i ensure that this shit doesn’t happen to me Veeky Forums?
don't take paternity test
dont take the paternity test?
make sure u DNA check just incase
Sounds about right. If you have doubts whether the kid is yours then it's most likely a 50/50 shot.
check those fucking digits and the time
Misleading statistics... Of course a high proportion of men who take paternity tests will not be the father, why do you think they are taking it in the first place?
don't marry and don't have children.
I get that... but what about casual sex with hookers? What if they get preggo and try to claim you’re the father?
Go ask the low t soys at /pol. Only questions about how to make money are allowed here, soy goyim
Wife has fertility problems. The entire conception of our son went through the hospital (IUI). There are like 20 double checks before my sperm got injected so it feels safe.
Can always fuck without condom, which is a nice bonus.
join islam, brother
>Can always fuck without condom, which is a nice bonus.
Jamal also appreciates this.
How would they possibly know who is the father when they fuck 10 different men a day?
by double checks you basically mean that they make sure she's not already pregnant?
Don't breed. Instead adopt pets on Ether's Ark and let them do the breeding for you. Win/Win.
Islam seems to have societal issues figured out, yet their societies are so incredibly shit. Women flock to Islam.
How does it happen?
Good point but not conclusive. The human penis evolved to be shaped like a shovel, to remove the sperm of competitors. That must mean something.
There could be another factor that would suggest this is underreported - e.g. shame, denial (which is common among these cucks)
also check this out for a giggle/cry
>having sex
>with women
use sex bots and dolls instead
Lmao you know how many hot morrocan girls ive been fucking?
They are thirsty as fuck. Islam and marriage is a meme
eat a gallon of apple seeds, normie piece of shit
Not really. The selection bias aspect that you point out is evident. Let's assume a basic line of intelligence in the reader.
The very fact this was published as 'news' shows journalists do not make that assumption.
You could lock her in the basement until she's pregnant but it would be best not to start a family with a promiscuous roasty to begin with. I'm surprised the number isn't higher. You have to be very suspicious to jump through all those hoops. If it were up to me a free test result would be made available at every birth.
the people are shit tier
how much of an incel do you have to be to think vasectomies are 100% sure.
In a way I can appreciate the conservative nature of islam but I could never accept your ridiculous dogmas. Fuck your god and your prophet too.
protip: only fuck women who WANT to have your baby. they will tell you, with hints and phrases like "you have such beautiful eyes" or "youre so X and Y". when a woman is attracted to a man, it is because she wants her baby to have that particular trait. if a girl sucks your dick readily, she wants your baby. if she treats it as a favour to you (ie. if you do the dishes i will do X), she will cuck you. only fuck women who are horny for your cum. if youre not attractive then bad luck, you have a 50% chance of being cucked in the genetic boardgame of life according to this article.
a woman's sexuality is based entirely around child rearing, whether they know it or not. did you know: when a woman gets horny for a long time her womb starts to ache. according to my sources, it feels like it is being ripped out constantly. did you know: when a woman gets older her womb starts to ache (thats why women over 30 are so uptight, its because their womb aches all day and theyre stuck in a job dealing with assholes when really they want to be having a baby but the ZOG told them not to). Did you know: to a woman, the act of childbirth is the pinnacle of sexuality - this may sound fucked up but it is true. the child splits her open and tears itself from her body in a traumatic sequence of events, and part of her becomes that child. once a woman has a child, she will always crave that feeling of being torn open again, and if she has an abortion she loses a part of herself that she can never get back.
ever wondered why a conservative mum seems so much more level headed than a crazy liberal chick screeching about abortions? its because that conservative mum doesnt have to worry, she has already fulfilled her purpose. she is at peace. liberal women have lost a part of themselves that they cannot retrieve and theyre MAD about it, but they dont know who to blame.
what a fucking retard
this statistic is dumb. it's like saying "all drunk drivers who are breath tested are drink driving"
>women flock to islam
sorry to tell you, but youve been memed. the reality is that islamic chicks flock to degeneracy, thats why they have to keep them covered and under such strict regulations in the first place. women are fundamentally sluts as part of their genetics.
when a foreign army comes to the castle walls, the men fight until theyre all dead. then the invaders get into the castle and the women all spread their legs for them. women submit and men conquer. islamic women are simply submitting to their conquerors. thats why women will always side with whoever has the power in a given situation. they lack the basic faculties to think rationally and to truly believe in any idea organically. women are vessels that we fill with our personalities and ideas. t. guy who turned a vegan into a neonazi
your first paragraph was good but then you spiraled into some psuedo-science fuckery.
Agreed but it was a very amusing read.
By not having children you gigantic faggot.
the elimination of cucks from the gene pool is what drives the race forward. the cuck has developed a tool against this... when the rest of the tribe goes out to hunt together, the cuck feigns sickness or injury. he cosies up to the women in their moment of loneliness and "comforts" them in the absence of the other males.
>what a great idea, i love weaving baskets! lets do it together (the female interprets this as goodwill because she is naive)
>i'll look after your kids! of course! id love to
>you deserve so much better
>does this wet cloth smell like chloroform?
this is seen among male feminists in the modern world, that a member of the tribe will display how "safe" he is when a woman feels threatened, only to try to sleep with her at the first opportunity. its why so many male feminists are also literal date-rapists, because their mating tactic is to sneak in unnoticed. as sure as there are chads impregnating women out of wedlock, there are also these slimy cucks who wait until the woman is vulnerable, and they achieve great success by playing on the emotional states of women.
its all based on personal experience so its not scientific
Salford, kek I'm not suprised. one of the shitest places in Manchester.
Also a lot of tests are not even requested by the potential dad, but by the older kids who found the richest guy their mom dated and clinger on despite him denying it.
Fucking retards here in this thread.
>hot morrocan girls
is there such a thing?
What's being a vegan have to do with being a neo nazi? The average person values the life of animals more than people
It's called a selection bias, fuckwit. Ppl will only do paternity tests if and when there's a reasonable doubt of infidelity.
>psuedo-science fuckery
Apart from the womb-aching it was an elaborate way of saying that women have a "biological clock". Where do you see pseudo-science?
That's bullshit.
it's basically a covert ad for DNA clinics. I bet the numbers are fudged, even if you take into account men are more likely to take a DNA test if they suspect their bitches to cheat.
Another way to phrase it is
>50% of men who suspected their wife bore another man's child were correct
which is staggering
What also is left out is how much of this goes unreported.
tl;dr: Your dick evolved to deal with this exact problem.
One thing is for sure: you should NEVER sign a birth certificate before paternity is tested, no matter how much you trust her. The woman is who should sign it.
There is a shit load of selection bias in this of course.
>Did you know: to a woman, the act of childbirth is the pinnacle of sexuality - this may sound fucked up but it is true. the child splits her open and tears itself from her body in a traumatic sequence of events, and part of her becomes that child. once a woman has a child, she will always crave that feeling of being torn open again, and if she has an abortion she loses a part of herself that she can never get back.
>>Did you know: to a woman, the act of childbirth is the pinnacle of sexuality - this may sound fucked up but it is true.
It's the main reason for the sexual act.
>the child splits her open and tears itself from her body in a traumatic sequence of events, and part of her becomes that child.
This is metaphorical. Many parents speak of having part of their heart torn out when a child is born. I even remember David Letterman saying something to this effect.
In a literal sense the child grew inside her body out of her tissue and blood.
>once a woman has a child, she will always crave that feeling of being torn open again
Can't say much about this. I would guess most women who aren't under the influence of propaganda or financial concerns would consider it optimal to have more than one child.
>if she has an abortion she loses a part of herself that she can never get back.
Again, don't know anything about this, but it seems likely that some emotional trauma must go with abortion.
It's written in a hyperbolic and entertaining way. Don't be so autistic.
Maybe the trick is to fuck married women only?
That way you are the cuckee not the cuckold.
Dubs so you must be right.
no bully
im from salford
It will be sooner than that before long. Genetic screening of all fetuses is coming soon. Iceland has already used it to effectively eliminate down syndrome. Soon after it will be embryonic genetic engineering.
No hymen no diamond
>t. guy who turned a vegan into a neonazi
That’s not sex it’s a very elaborate form of masturbation.
One other factor here is that women always shit-test men. Women in m*slim countries demand freedom from hijab and women in western countries call hijab a symbol of freedom.
Feminism is a giant shit-test and men are taking women at their word when they say they want the world to be this pozzed mess. Don’t fall for it any more! Women want babies and security, they only go the career route because there are social structures in place that reward women who act like men. It won’t outlast The Happening™.
Congratulations on passing the shit-test.